

bob apple

Ken Miller:

Ken Miller:
Ken Miller:
是的,我知道,我们之前谈过这个。但记住,你只有在稳定的时候才会强大,你只有在强大和稳定的时候才会强大。所以有一些关于确保当你的训练,你明显进展,有一天,你不醒来,说你知道吗,我要去做力量训练,我只是想去把一堆东西,你知道,靠墙用像地中海球和东西,或者我将举起沉重的。然而,有一些东西说,举起重物移动得更快。就像你说的,我想我试着向我的客户描述的一种方式是你需要训练生活的速度。但你也想在控制之下训练。所以你能做并不意味着你应该做。然而,在那个时候,我们希望能够让人们反应更快,行动更快。你知道,特别是如果你和职业运动员合作,拥有权力是非常重要的,因为这是他们的职业需要,我们想让他们保持健康。但是你知道,后退几步,然后往上爬,你知道,这真的很重要,而且它最终会让他们跑得更快,移动得更快,变得更有力量。 And everything that they're doing when they have a good foundation of stabilization, strength, and then the power. Right. And one of the one of the things that I that kind of sticks out in my mind, is when I first started off in fitness, and I was working out at I was working in San Diego at a at a health club. And I remember a one of those sit and be fit silver sneaker, you know, balance or fall prevention programs. And I think about that, and that's almost 30 years ago now, to where you know, what did they do, they had chairs in front of them, they were supported, or they were sitting down and they were lifting but now when you think about the application of power, especially with our with our older clients, they need to move fast, right? And I'm bringing this up because when when does power, when should power training start right? for the for the purpose of fall prevention, it needs to start when we're young, right. And when we're younger, it comes in the form of play, playing Chase and tag and dodgeball and all of those other things, we have to move quickly. But you know, being a sedentary society as we are here, you know, you're sitting behind the computer, we lose all of that, and then we lose our ability to recruit the nervous system quickly. And then unfortunately has a an end effect to where, you know, as we get older, we lose the ability to move fast and when you lose the ability to react and move quickly. And as you said when they move at the speed of life, right? That's where things can can get a little hairy for us as we as we get older because it's one thing to know that you're falling and that's where balance comes into play. But do you have the power and the speed to be able to lift that leg and place it where you need it to be placed for you to not fall? So I approached this

Ken Miller:
Ken Miller:
另外,我的意思是,如果你和职业运动员一起工作,你要做的事情,特别是如果他们是篮球运动员,或者他们要进行组合,当他们看他们的垂直跳跃时,这是很重要的。所以如果你是一个教练,你正在使用的专业运动员,或者你与别人合作的,你知道的,大学,甚至如果你是球员自己,试图更好的垂直,学习如何土地因为事情是这样的,如果你能土地和吸收力,然后产生力量,你需要的数量,你会跳得更高,这将是一个更大的合同,或可能的奖学金。对此有很多话要说。让我问你一个问题,我真的很好奇,你知道,你知道,我了解你的背景,你有很强的背景,和高水平的运动员合作过。我来问你,如果你和一个在联盟待了五年多的人一起工作,而他们却能在睡梦中随心所欲地扣篮?你是怎么找到男人的?你要怎么和你说话的人在一起?了吗?你知道,我没有,我没有跳的问题? Right? How do you kind of I don't want to say take them down a notch. But how do you say, Hey, listen,

我正在看你的蹲坐,你的膝盖就在整个地方,对吧?你怎么得到一个可以跳出健身房的人?让他们了解,嘿,在你面前,我们努力让你跳得高于那个?对吧?我们需要让您实际执行这种方式。那么谈话怎么样?因为我知道我对客户的说法,但我真的很好奇你如何让曾经在这里努力的人,但你必须说,让我们开始在这里开始。你知道是什么,不幸的是,因为你知道,我是一个女性,当我得到其中一些时,我不是很高的,就像七个页脚一样,可以这样做。还有中心,这就是他们所做的就是他们不忍受,很容易就可以把握他们的手在篮子里。而且你知道,它是何时见到我,我们必须有一个理解,就像我想更好的职业生涯一样,我试图通过让你保持健康来增加职业生涯的长寿。 And so you know, for example, I always ask them like, okay, when you squat, and you're going to do a squat jump. So like, basically, I'm just going to have you almost like you're going to show me how you would touch the rim. And what what is it that you're trying to do. And they'll say, Oh, I go into a squat. And then I jumped straight up. And I do this. And so they show me an example. And so if I notice that their feet go out, their knees come in, and they're telling me that it should be this way. However, they're showing me something different than I'm like, Okay, that sounds great. Ideally, as we've talked about, you want to keep your feet straight, we want our knees to stay in line with our toes. So we're not putting excess pressure on the inside of your knee, which could lead to ACL issues, issues. And so that's what you're telling me, right? And they usually say yes. And so I'm like, perfect. And then I put them in front of a mirror. And I have them do the exact same thing. So I have them watch for themselves what they're doing. So therefore, I let them know, hey, do you see when you go down, your knees come in? And they'll say yes, I'm like you see it, your feet kind of come out? Well, if I squat it, and I'll demo like a really bad squat with my feet out my knees coming in? Do you see how this could lead to long term injuries if we don't fix this? And so they're like, Oh, yeah, I never knew that I did that. Because remember, our body is going to do the, the path of least resistance. So therefore, we want to make sure that you know what they think they're doing. And what they're actually doing are usually two different things. And so I think just making them aware and letting them know that you're there to support them and fix them, which is why they hired you in the first place. I think that's going to be super, super critical. Because we want to increase their power production, we want to decrease the chances of injury, we want to make sure that they're moving well to perform at a high level. So I don't know if you do anything different. But that's what I do.

Ken Miller:
正确的。所以,你知道,通过快速评估,让他们了解自己的身体,他们今天如何运作,他们明天需要如何运作,以便在2030年后更好地运作。速度训练是从未被提及bob官方app的事情之一。除非是关于体育的。但我们知道,每天人们需要的东西和运动员一样多,甚至更多。我是说,刚刚加入我们的人,我们是随机的。如果你愿意的话,我们讨论的是获得权力。我是温迪·巴茨,今天和我一起的是肯·米勒,我想你们能不能提出一个非常好的,非常重要的部分。就像我们说的,权力应该是老少皆宜的。所以我知道,你知道,这不是真正的人口老龄人口或高级培训更多的人口,如果你愿意,或积极老化的成年人,无论你想叫它,你知道,如果你有一个速度梯,你知道,你有别人的模式,这是一件好事, not only just for their body to move in different planes of motion, but also cognitively having to memorize patterns. You know, if you're working with people that, you know, have had some issues, you know, where now they're starting in the aging process to not pick up their feet. So scoot, teaching them to literally pick up their feet and move, all of these things are super important. And they actually are activities of daily living that is going to transfer, you know, transfer into what they're doing or what they're going to need for life. And so you know, again, I can talk all about, you know, basketball and careers and vertical jumps and what we've done, but at the end of the day does not matter the age of the individual, to our what we're trying to think stress on both of our points is you want to have really good alignment. You don't want the knees to cave in, you don't want the feet to go out and you want to maintain proper alignment and you're in your spine in relation to your shin when you go down into any kind of squat or any kind of like athletic position in order to best recruit the muscles to get you to explosively, move faster, whatever that pastor is for you. But I think in the very beginning, understanding that if you're going to teach someone how to properly land, you need to find exercises that will allow you to teach someone to land. So for example, a squat jump, if you go down into a squat position, you have them, you know, try to fully come out of hip flexion, which means their their spine will be straight up in the air when they jump, and then they land and absorb that landing. And even if their feet go out or you notice their knees caving in, then fix it, have them hold at the bottom and then repeat. And if their feet go out, knees, command, fix it, and then repeat and repeat. So you're retraining the brain how to start to move correctly by doing it over and over and over correctly. So your body can learn to reprogram the brain, you know, so think about like a computer system, you're reprogramming your system in order to start to execute things the right way, and then speed it up and then move faster.
Ken Miller:
正确的。当我们谈论权力时,特别是就像你在说和谈论活跃的老龄化人口一样,我再次拥有这个团队,我以前把它们带到了。你知道,在格雷格,吉姆和凸轮之间,这些家伙平均75岁,对吗?但他们仍然是他们,他们滑水,他们滑雪,他们,他们高尔夫,他们走路,他们仍然做所有的事情。当我第一次开始与他们合作时,我不知道现在八年前越来越多。现在我们是虚拟的,意味着普莱耳测量学。电力从来都不是其中的一部分。对,它永远不会是其中的一部分。所以,这是从稳定和首先控制自己的毕业。我记得你第一件事让梯子提出,我第一次带来梯子。 And they're conditioned to, you know, from what they've just seen, you know, how athletes chained to go through there as fast as you can. And that's what you want when it comes to these skills in these drills. But when I had them kind of do a little zigzag, they kind of put their two feet in to the ladder, and then when their foot comes out, to balance on hold, and that was one of the hardest things for them to do is just cut to kind of get that momentum, couple steps of momentum into one direction and then stick the landing right as gymnasts do. And that was the hard part. And part of it's not just keeping up right and not falling. That's the safety is always first and foremost. But it's watching how the hips are reacting and do their hips drop, do they lean forward, like in you know, we keep talking about the knees when it comes to landing mechanics. And that was just one way to kind of add a little lateral movement and translating from one direction to the next and stopping. And then the other direction and stopping and holding, and just controlling that deceleration. Because now I mean, hopefully again, you mentioned with your professional athletes having being durable during the season, even having a longer career now we're just talking about life, can you play longer, right? Can you play golf, until it's not time to play golf anymore, right, and can you still have a game that you can still brag about when it comes to speed and performance into the into the later So just to give a little different context to what that means to to learn how to slow down stop, because now you fire the glutes better. Your your basically your software, which is your nervous system, as you brought up is is matching the hardware, which is the body that you have to run the program. Right. So you have both software from the nervous cognitive standpoint as you as you mentioned, and now you have a stronger, stronger system of muscles connected, you know, the soft tissues are there, the integrity is there at the joints so that the body can do what the mind tells it to do when it wants to do it.

我认为这也很重要,我知道,我们谈了很多关于青年的话题,但是伙计们,我的意思是,当他们还小的时候,我们讨论过这个问题,比如不要让父母强迫他们做一些事情。但是我的意思是,我和我的儿子这样做,你知道,比如,我想让他有好的,你知道,好的速度,在他的臀部有好的旋转动作等等。我希望他还是个孩子我希望他能安全移动。但你开始学习力量,就像你在很小的时候就自然而然地说的。所以当你变老的时候,如果你年轻的时候从来没有这样做过,想要增加你的力量就很难了。我知道和一些职业高尔夫球手合作他们想让你的球杆头部速度变慢,当然他们想,谁不想呢。然而,从身体的角度来说,你可以做一些事情来保持你的核心,就像你说的,让你的关节对齐。然后尽你所能地击打它,让你知道你在教会你的身体如何产生能量。但是,如果你家里有孩子,你知道对他们来说秋千是安全的,让他们尽可能用力地挥杆,让他们尽可能快地移动,因为他们在很小的时候学习的那些活动将会继续伴随他们。只要你继续培养这些运动模式在你的衰老期和你的锻炼中。 So start easy teach power move, right. And, you know, and that's more for like rotational things or movement patterns and swinging you know, like a, you know, a tennis racquet, a golf club, whatever that is, but we're talking a lot about the foot, you know, the foot complex and the fancy drills and everything. That's, you know, that's something that again, you start moving in an like an environment that's not ideal. The amount of injuries that could happen throughout your entire body is I mean, it's unreal. And so when we you know, we're not talking about this and taking it lightly land correctly support your joints, because long term if you don't, you're gonna have too much wear and tear on things that you could have easily prevented just taking two steps back and learning how to land properly and looking at your at your movement patterns.
Ken Miller:
对吧?而且你知道,当你给我时,我喜欢它,让我打开我的孩子,因为我可以谈论我的孩子,只是因为你知道,我在我们喜欢之前把它带起来,我的女儿谁现在正在玩水球?是的,她必须扔球,我看到她扔了一个球。我很喜欢,哦,来吧,你必须比这更快地走一点。所以父母可以在我的头上说,对吗?所以现在我在想,好的,好吧,我们做了什么来加强,你知道,我们知道,有良好的核心力量,良好的肩膀稳定。因为,再次,我希望她玩水球,只要她感兴趣。她非常感兴趣。所以首先,我希望她玩得开心,享受它,学习这项运动。 And then then we can work on Okay, well, okay, throw that ball as hard as you can, as fast as you can. Because that way, we're teaching the nervous system to be powerful. And then for my son who's playing baseball, or he has a strong interest in baseball, you know, strong and interest you can have at eight years old. But you know, here he is, he's trying to finesse the ball into my glove, and like, just throw hard man, just, you know, take that big jump, big push stride long, and then throw that as hard as you can at me, you know, just because I am trying to get him to move. And baseball is just a reason to move fast at this point, right as waterpolo is for my daughter to move fast for her and anything to get them to move differently than they would on a, on a on a regular basis. And it is those are exploring opportunities to move quickly, that looks like fun, that we can have fun together, as you know, as parents and children should. And then you know, and then you can look at the the mechanics of it, you know, as things progressed, because, you know, as they're younger, they don't have the muscle imbalances, they don't have the compensation, that they might need to fine tune a couple things, you know, it's like, hey, instead of throwing, you know, towards me, on my right, or towards my left, you know, maybe that will adjust a couple of things, but I'm not going to tell them that just move fast, move powerfully. And let's, let's have fun while we do and I think you know, whether your kid or a professional player who gets paid to move quickly, I think you mean having fun at this during this whole process, because it can be tedious. It can be cumbersome, you know, to tell somebody, hey, I love how you're doing it. But I don't love how you're doing it. Right. And to move quickly it is it is a matter of safety. So trying to ride that line of Okay, well, what's safe? And what's fun, and how can we make this entertaining to where you actually have a buy in to do it on your own. And that's, that's, and that's another point of working out is like how much we work together that's going to be controlled, but how much you do on your own is going to be the next thing that keeps you safe and powerful.
在本垒板前准备挥棒打他的t球。我说,你就使劲敲吧。然后他会看着我,说,妈妈,你知道的。就像我和这些家长坐在一起一样。他说妈妈我看了这个我要尽我所能把它敲碎。我喜欢Adeboye。人们看着我好像在说这个疯女人怎么了,因为这很有趣。他就是这么做的。刚刚加入我们的朋友们,我是温迪·巴茨,这里是肯·米勒的随机采访。 And we are talking about, I've got the power. So we're talking really just about power training, power production. And when you're actually starting to work with your kids work with yourself or implement power into your programming, how important it is because it really does carry over to everyday life. And you know, we've talked about, you know, being able to, like, do something like a squat jump, hold that for three to five seconds, repeat it until you get good mechanics. But then once you do that, and you know that you own those mechanics, the next kind of systematic progression or the next progression is just try to start doing those in a repetitive motion. Can you maintain proper alignment? Can you do 12 jumps or eight jumps, whatever it may be? Can you do those jumps side to side, keeping your feet you know, spaced, you know the right way and having your knees track over the body the way that it's intended to? And then progress to something more powerful, how fast can you explode up, you know, or side to side or start moving at a productive as fast as you can motion and everything that you're doing just to see if you've seen an increase. However, keep in mind, it takes the body four to six weeks to adapt to whatever type of training so you want to do this in a fashion where you know, it's not something that you're just doing every time you come into the gym, you're going to try one, go to another go to another, you know, stick with the landing in different ways. Rotate, move side to side, hold each landing for that duration, then try to speed it up and then try to go as powerful as possible. And if you do that, you're probably going to be well more, you know, way more successful. And your body is going to think we're at long term because as we know, jumping as hard running as hard jumping as hard doing anything that has any kind of impact on the spine. You've got to embrace those landings, you know, the best that you can and you know, I think that's

Ken Miller:
你知道,Wendy没有什么能让我们的听众在任何比较比较的情况下都要调整,而不是如果你解释了你在迈阿密里有什么,我的意思是,我的步骤很干燥。但是给我一个你的榜样,我会把它扔回你,温迪。是的,好吧,你如何向客户解释这一点?好吧,它实际上是关于投掷,你知道,我试着用它作为一个例子。所以我会告诉别人,因为我的大多数客户都是视觉的,我不进入Techie谈话,就像我不那样做任何事情,可能就是为什么他们坚持为什么。所以我让他们知道,就像,嘿,我们的着陆技术的重要性将成为这一点,如果我手里有一个生鸡蛋,我会把它扔给你,我希望你抓住你它。而且你知道,你有两个选择,你可以摇篮,或者你可以抓住它,然后看看会发生什么。而且我喜欢,所以如果你不得不在A和B之间选择,你当然会选择每个人都选择摇篮,他们选择一个,因为你试图吸收那个。所以你不穿鸡蛋,对吗? Nobody wants to have stinky, nasty egg all over them. And so that visually lets them see that impact that can have without proper landing and absorption of it, you know, plus, think about if you land correctly, you're going to be able to explode upward, especially if we're doing something like a squat jump. So we're reducing the amount of time spent on the ground. And that that's known as the amortization phase. And so if you can decrease the amount of time on the ground by being able to explode upward, you know, as repetitively and as powerfully as possible, that is a win all around, but you've got to work your way up to it. And so I use the egg as the example because they understand the importance of the reactive part of the foot embracing the landing, readjusting and then exploding and repeating and, you know, and holding So, so that's, that's, that's my I know,


Ken Miller:
但是,你知道,当你谈到,你知道,现在你已经很好地控制你的身体,我们可以开始增加速度和方向。我想指出的一点是你无法预测,对吧,阻力的方向,那将会伤害你,对吧?可能是从右边,也可能是从左边,也可能有点偏离中心,也可能是从上到下,这可能是,当有人受伤的时候,压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,对吧?因为你听过多少次有人受伤。这是。这是侥幸,对吧?或者他们他们停止转动,钥匙掉在地上,然后他们把钥匙捡起来。然后他们听到了砰的一声,你知道,我听说过一些客户,一些客户说了类似的话。所以在如何移动各种多样化的方向和速度,距离和突出你跳上甚至起飞,将会很重要,因为它使你的肌肉或神经系统一个机会遇到不同的事情,如果如果你有意想不到的东西,这不是你的神经系统第一次看到这种情况。对吧? And then it's in it says, Oh, we've seen this before. Yeah, okay, we'll just slow down this direction control here. And then he's going to do this and that and all is right in the world. So having a variety of speeds and tempos, directions, heights, distances and all that stuff just gives the body the the nervous system, a different a different look at how to control itself and to absorb force as much as we're talking about producing force. And I think that's where ultimately, safety comes in is how do you accept things like that egg on an egg toss, right, as well as throwing things away from you and in in producing force and the velocity? Yes.

Ken Miller:
是的,这可能是对我这取决于它是什么超轻。所以你知道,但你必须有,你知道,好,一个良好的基础。所以,你要稳定,要建立起吊重物。只要这样就大功告成了提升重的东西,做的事情,是爆炸性的,模仿那些相同的模式。而且你要真正提高长期动力,当你对锻炼思维。但是,你必须非常具有战略意义,并确保有一个进展,你只是没有做这种类型的锻炼,一天的缘故做到这一点,因为你觉得它,你要确保你的身体可以控制你打算做什么。然后,它可以接受,这样你就不会增加你受伤的几率。这就是,当你锻炼的思考。但后来也正是我们一直在谈论的是,你要知道,电力生产,像意加速,减速在不同的平面上以更快的速度移动。 And so you know, different types of drills, like you said, and I think it's important, train different ways, train different directions, expose yourself as much as you can, while you're focusing on that. So therefore it will carry over when you know, all of a sudden you're at a you're at, you're in the middle of the street, and all of a sudden the light has turned yellow, you need to be able to get across and step up very quickly on to the curb, so you don't get hit by a car.
Ken Miller:



