

bob apple
在这一集的“随机契合”NASM大师教练Ken Miller和Wendy Batts,解释了Ken最喜欢的1970年的童年漫画人, - “校舍摇滚!”- 仍然涉及今天仍然使用的运动和运动原则。

你好,大家,欢迎来到随机适合的另一集。我是Wendy Batts,我和我的Co主机和朋友在一起,我想我应该说朋友和Co主持人,Ken先生。Ken Miller,你好吗?
Ken Miller:

Ken Miller:
嗯,是的,如果你真的在听或看当我们谈论这个播客校舍的岩石,岩石的校舍是伴随我成长的东西作为一个70年代的孩子我们曾经做的事情之一就是我们周六早起更当然,你不早起周期间,当你还是个孩子的时候,周末你会早起——至少现在我的孩子们就是这样。但是我们一起床就看电视,周六早上只有12个频道,我们有ABC、CBS和NBC三个频道可以选择周六早上看哪个频道的卡通片。我们早上选择了ABC, ABC上有摇滚学校。如果你听,你知道我在说什么,你会你会你会明白,你会希望笑一点当你思考,你想想校舍岩石,你学习的东西,基本上它是一个动画短片,讲语法,对于那些听感叹词或连接词的人,科学和经济,历史和数学乘法表,你们知道,你们知道,当我是一个法案的时候我只是一个坐在国会山的法案。所以我学到了很多,当提到Schoolhouse Rock的时候,其中一件事就是神经系统,当他们谈论解剖学的时候或者说是人体解剖学谈论骨骼的时候。他们谈到神经系统,当涉及到科学的时候。所以当我说到这个播客的随机适应时,我想还有什么比在周六早上看着超级朋友们给我做花生酱和果冻三明治当早餐更随机的呢,因为你知道我的父母喜欢睡在什么里面。所以这就是我们会做的,我们会做早餐花生酱和果冻三明治穿着睡衣坐在电视机前,看着超级朋友。 And during the commercial break, we would watch Schoolhouse Rock and, and one of the things that brought me back was, especially when it comes to what I do today working with people and exercise and fitness is the nervous system. And I think think back to Wow, I was exposed to this stuff when I was 567 years old or however long I watch cartoons.

这样说了很多关于你和我,因为我年轻的时候我会站起来像你说的有一定的时间,我就起床,看蓝精灵的呼吸管,我不知道如果我老喽,我然后我们将这些了吧椅有一个大圆底,我会在它们之间坐在我的堂兄弟姐妹,我的妹妹。我们会像卡车司机,因为这是我想成为的时候我已经老了是成为一名卡车司机。在一个点,娶肯尼罗杰斯。所以这是多么可怕多么没有经验的我,当它来到了这一点。然而,结果表明,我会想,当它来到任何人的极限尺寸是苗条古德波迪。而对于那些你们的那个不知道他是谁,他是会穿这种紧,紧,紧的衣服,实际上已经在神经和肌肉和所有的人。就这样,我实际上是如何知道我的解剖年纪轻轻,但没有醒来校舍岩石在星期六早上,我是蓝精灵的女孩。好吧,我看着我的蓝精灵的份额太大。但是你要知道,你的观点是什么其实我研究它,你知道的,第一集在1月推出,它实际上是1月6日1973年他们有64个集。 And the to your point, it was a bunch of small films that taught educational material around all different topics, as you mentioned, and so I found it fascinating. And then I started looking up links and I'm like, No, I have a five You're old. And I think he would love it because it's very musical, it's animated. And it really does talk about some of the stuff that I would love to be able to teach my son, especially with what I do. And so if you're new to anatomy, you get stressed out about it. And maybe Schoolhouse Rock is for you.

Ken Miller:
你知道,当你何时,当我再次时,已经几十年来,因为我看着这些孩子,我和我的兄弟坐在电视机前。但是,当我开始观看神经系统的一集时,我今天想到它,就像这样,这些家伙是天才。当它来到目标时,你知道,你正在谈论一群孩子的神经系统。但是,你知道,现在他们看它,想想它,我看着,我看着它看着它是几次现在就像是男人一样,这些家伙有很好的方式,就像你在他们所说的那样对音乐来说,他们有歌曲。这是平均准确的,对吗?谈论紧张是你谈到的第一件事是,你知道中枢神经系统,对吗?我们不是故意告诉你我们称之为CNS,而是由大脑和脊椎组成的中枢神经系统,并看踢。是的,我了解到,在大学里,我学到了高中的那种生物学,但是当它不可能来,好吧,这与运动有关以及我今天如何教它?这就像,好吧,当我和我的客户交谈并看好的时候,我们如何创造运动? And more specifically, if we're talking about personal training, how do we create optimized movement? How do we how do we move well, and when it comes to moving the muscles, well, what what controls the muscles, it's the nervous system. So when we when we think about Okay, all movements gonna start up here, up in your noggin up in the brain works down the spine, and then out into the periphery into your arms and your legs when it comes to movement. But you know, when when I think about my clients and how I want them to teach or understand it was understand movement and moving well, especially moving well with resistance, whether they're picking up a dumbbell, moving a viper, or standing on the cortex or whatever the the implement may be. It's, it's all about having good coordination and what what controls coordination. It's the central nervous system. And, and when you teach exercise, you have to look at not just the muscles and how they look. And because that's what everybody wants to look at, right? But it's how, what, where do we start when it comes to controlling movement?

好吧,我们总是谈论,你知道,你知道,好的信息,它会带来好的信息。当我看《神经系统》那集的时候,我觉得很有意思,因为他们在讨论使用电报。你知道,对于你们这些年轻人,我喜欢实际的电报的定义是什么,因为,对我来说,这将是,你知道,一些邮件,或有人救我电报或电报唱歌,他们打扮成他们喜欢的东西,他们可以做些什么。然后里面就像一个字母或一个注意或者,你知道,一个证书的电报当有人给你一些东西,你读它,嗯,你知道,定义,这基本上是现在你知道,你可以把它交给你,或通过导线。基本上,这是沟通的方式,这是我们用来沟通的方式。但是当我看到电报的时候我想到的不是我刚才说的老式的学校电报而是跨平台的基于云的即时通讯软件。我想,严格来说,这不是我说的电报。但是,就你的观点而言,你知道,如果你想一下,你得到了这些外部信息,我们必须能够解释它,以便让事情发生。我以为会非常好,因为我们教我们的客户你知道的,你把你的手放在炉子上,需要第二次和你意识到它有多热膝反射回来,好吧,这是你的神经大脑告诉你这是热,你需要移动你的手了,否则你会让自己陷入困境。我想当我们讨论中枢神经系统的时候。 We often like you said, we focus so much on movement patterns and muscles, but if your nervous system in your brain can't comprehend what we're trying to get it to do, we're really not going to have the outcomes that we're hoping for.

Ken Miller:
对?你知道,再次与神经系统一起,我们确实知道你知道,就像你放弃的那个例子,你知道,触摸炉子,它甚至比我握住我的手更快一个热的炉子,如果我必须考虑拉开我的手,所以它已经完成了。损坏是正确的。所以我们在谈论的是,你知道,你知道,反射和看着我们真正与训练一起做什么,当你和我和我喜欢它时,我喜欢它,当你说它就像你想训练一样bob官方app在生活的速度。这是关于反射的,因为,你知道,如果我,如果我回到什么时候,你在我曾经认识的时候,我曾经知道,我曾经参加过坐着,你知道,这是这个堕落的计划对于老年人来说,你知道,银色运动鞋,也可能被称为。但是,我们曾经做过的一件事是,你知道,我们会依靠我们将拥有的椅子,我们在附近有一把椅子,他们站在哪里,站在它旁边,或者在它面前抓住。 But we, but when you depend on, let's say, a crutch, like a chair being in front of you, you really deny having to put demand on the nervous system, right? Because how much reflex Do you need, if I if there's something that I'm constantly holding on to when it comes to taking a step or trying to balance on one leg, we're not really challenging the nervous system from that standpoint, and therefore, we're not challenging our reflexes and our ability to take in information. Again, we're talking about the peripheral nervous system, take in from taking information and being able to reflectively respond and react to what's happening in the environment. So when when I think about, you know, fall prevention programs, a lot of it right now is just being able to, okay, how well can I send sim for where sense information of where my body is at right now. And can I quickly detect, and figure out when I'm in trouble so that I know how to react and like you say, when the like imbues basically move at the speed of life. So when it comes to all that, where we are talking about the nervous system, and, and a lot of times, as personal trainers or strength coaches, we don't work that aspect of training to where we are placing demand on the nervous system.

是的。所以那些刚加入我们的人,我们正在谈论摇探神经系统,因为肯是一个小男孩,它真的出现了校舍。我认为我的意思是,因为神经系统是如此重要。我们谈到了中枢神经系统,然后可以将其融入外周神经系统。因此,只要有点回来,当你正在考虑周围神经系统时,你就会考虑你的五种感官。所以它基本上你知道,当你在考虑这一点时,你想能够考虑你的身体如何对不同情况做出反应。而且我认为这是最重要的事情之一,为什么我们做模当的训练,虽然我们有你站在一条腿上或站在这些疯狂,你知道,设备件和做事是因为它不稳定,你的身体没有bob官方app知道如何做出反应,我们试图教授它快速反应。因为我们知道它不是稳定的东西。因此,我们将从我们的锻炼中得到更多。 And we're also going to get more out of our everyday life in an unpredictable environments, because you just never know when you're going to step off a curb that you didn't know was there. And so you get what you train for. So if you train and unstable environments, your your body's going to be able to react. So when we're talking about peripheral nerves, we're trying to think about outside of the brain and your spinal cord. Everything else is basically basically that it's your, it's your delivery unit where you're delivering the messages, if you will. So you're seeing what's happening in your body is able being able to react to it.

Ken Miller:
对?我记得何时,你知道,当我仍然担任力量教练时,我知道的那些是我的任务之一,垒球教练说,嘿,我们需要努力反射或他们的反应,他们的反应回应。当然,当它是垒球时,你知道,就像那样,有球,去吧,把它扔到它需要去的地方。但我会做一个钻头,我将指出右或左,右,每个人都排队,他们在我面前。我会向右或向左指向。但是我会做的就是我会说如果我如果我大喊蔬菜,或者如果我喊出水果,那么好,你会进入那个相应的方向,对吗?你要听我说的话,忘记在我指向的地方,忘记你的眼睛告诉你的。想想你的耳朵正在告诉你并随之而来。所以当我说,胡萝卜,如果我说苹果,他们会左转。 But what I might do is I point the opposite direction. Right? So that's, that was one way that I wouldn't mess with the nervous system and the ability to Yeah, I don't know, you ever do anything like that?

当我做的。我通常我是说,我做过。然后我就会说我要从左边把球扔向右边,然后他们要接住球。他们必须你知道,他们永远不知道我要喊什么。所以我做了,我做了,我的意思是相反的,看看他们的身体如何反应,他们的大脑如何处理。因为你的五感,你知道它在你的动作中起着非常重要的作用。如果你不相信我,试着单腿站立,做一些简单的动作,比如二头肌弯曲。但是当你闭上眼睛,你不知道你的视力,拿走那一分钱,它可以完全改变你的需求你知道,你现在必须做的为了执行这个练习。或者如果你曾经这样做过,我不知道是否有人这样做过,但是你闭上眼睛,笔直地走。然后你往回走,然后向左转,走然后吃,你知道,你认为你走特定的行,然后突然间,你最终在房间的另一边准备打击自己,像准备撞上一堵墙,当你以为你还是中期房间的中心。 And it's it's amazing how much especially sight plays a part of, of how we we are so used to moving and I mean, it's important. And so it's just anything that you can take away and challenge yourself, you're going to get a lot out of it. And but it does put a big demand on that nervous system for sure.

Ken Miller:
正确的。是啊,哪怕是一件事?我的意思是,不需要,我认为我们所举的例子都是非常低的成本,对吧?基本上,它是免费的,对吧?就像,我会说些什么,我会指出来,我会用我的答案发出别的信号之类的。但这不会花你任何钱哪怕是你把眼睛抬起来。我过去常做的一件事就是告诉告诉球员们,闭上右眼,做这个练习,闭上左眼,做这个练习。所以你就像那个天平,我会说,你知道的,给我一个眼罩或其他东西,因为我在其中一个或另一个上很弱。我看起来你知道,我有点事。这可不好。 What's wrong with your face. Bell's Palsy going on? Yeah, something but man, it's not. It's not good. But you know it to another example is when you get up on stage, this is one of the ones that was on Schoolhouse Rock that I thought was fantastic is when you get up on stage, and you get nervous, like people's necks get read, or they start blushing and you know, they're scared, they get that nervous feeling and you start sweating. That's, that's something that your body is doing. Because you're trying to get over your fears and doing something that you have to do. And so really challenging yourself in that aspect, I think is important. But you know, we've got it when we're talking about the peripheral nervous system, like I said, your senses and kind of the outside touch, you also have to also think about your autonomic nervous system. And so again, it's very, very important. But the this system controls all of your internal organs such so your heart, your blood vessels, your lungs, your stomach, your intestines, your glands. So anything that you can think about that you're not telling yourself, okay, heartbeat, heartbeat, breathe in, you know, your body automatically does it hence its name. And you have to work everything out to play nicely together. And so I've said this multiple times and multiple podcasts, your brain is like a computer and you want to always input really good information. And you want to train it in different environments, and you want to treat it like it is your one and only like central system and your computer in order to do whatever you need it to do to execute your work or you know, you want your printer attached. You want this attached, everything comes from your computer. So just program good information in and your body is going to be able to stay healthy Move, move better, feel better perform better. It just don't forget the nervous system.


Ken Miller:
是的,有一件事,你知道,审计你不是控制的东西,你就像你说,你不是在考虑的事情之一,对,你不必思考关于呼吸,呼吸,你必须考虑你的心跳。但是,我们可以在物理上进行很多人来控制这些事情的积极活动。所以,如果我,如果我想控制我的大脑,如果我非常兴奋,那么我很兴奋,对吗?所以,如果我对录制这个播客感到紧张,你知道哪个我知道,我知道,我很舒服,Wendy在我们的观众在那里,我们的听众,但如果我紧张的话就像你说,上舞台,我可以通过现在有意识地思考我的呼吸来控制我可能会经历的焦虑程度,我不会想到我的消化,或者你知道,那天早上消化我的早餐,但我可以控制我在通过呼吸和通过呼吸技术的心率和呼吸呼吸时如何兴奋,而不仅仅是深呼吸,甚至慢呼吸。所以即使我们必须思考呼吸,那就是你可以控制的东西。所以当我在与客户合作时,他们试图和我试图给他们信息,所以如果这个客户是一个运动员,我希望他们能够在兴奋的条件下学习,他们的心脏率起来,他们很兴奋,他们有很多东西在生理上发生了很多事情,而且我希望他们做的一件事就是如果教练必须给你信息并利用32nd timeout. Now's the time for you to control your breath. Listen to the words that I'm saying. Because we're going to start in 30 seconds, and this is how I want you to execute the next set of exercises. So we, you know, if you understand what's happening with your client or your athlete in this example, then you know, now we, we can figure out how to manage that their current state or their current physiological state, you know, what's going on with their heart rate, how excited because if they're breathing hard, and they're heavy, and the only thing they're thinking about is getting that last little ounce of air, they're not listening to what I'm saying, right? So the coach is saying, hey, I need you to get the ball and go down the court and, you know, run this play, pass it to number five, or whatever, if you're just worried about breathing, and you're all excited, that information is not coming through. So if you understand what their situation is, from a nervous system standpoint, you can you can manage that. And then, you know, use that as a as an opportunity as to manage the training environment so that when they do practice, or when they do play, they're in a better position, because they they're self taught on how to control where they are physiologically.


Ken Miller:
对?当,当我第一次工作与新客户,你知道,在任何时候钟声,当但是当你和一个新客户的工作,有时他们只是想,哎,多少重量我可以举?或多久,我能去吗?或多久,我应该去的心?一件装备?或者?或者有多少代表?应该怎么办?我应该做的15?或者我应该做的八个代表? Well, the thing is, you know, when it comes to getting used to exercise and getting used to movement, your nervous system is being challenged plenty enough. So when we talk about strength gains, and performance gains, it's not especially in the beginning of a program. It's not about the muscles, the muscles are doing what they're doing. But a lot of the change and a lot of the calories you're going to spend is because you're making changes from from a neurological standpoint. So as as you go from, let's say, bench pressing 50 pounds, but then within the first month, you're now benching 100 pounds, you've doubled your strength. Well guess what, it's not that the muscles doubled up in their size, right? It's the nervous system that got more efficient at what they're supposed to do. So you're managing the the, as we, as we call it, the central nervous system, your brain, your spinal, your spinal cord, we're more efficient at delivering information to the extremities. So, you know, my takeaway here, when it comes to the nervous system, just know that your nervous system is playing a huge role. As far as you learning new movements, or even getting command at more advanced movements in that way, if you're messing with the nervous system and messing with, when I say messing with I'm saying challenging and using, you know, more neurologically demanding exercises as a variable, you're you're actually challenging yourself in intensities that that don't have to do with putting on more weight or, or moving faster. It's just another way of changing intensity without changing intensity.


Ken Miller:


Ken Miller:



