
主教练圆桌会议:颈椎 - 第二部分

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在这个由两部分组成的系列文章的后半部分中,Wendy Batts和Marty Miller回顾了最常见的补偿,并提供了纠正性锻炼技术和编程,以扩展您在处理颈椎补偿时的知识。
Marty Miller:
你好,每个人都欢迎来到本周的“大师教练圆桌会议”。我在这里我是区域大师教练Marty Miller与我的地区大师教练和亲爱的朋友想念Wendy Batts。Wendy,今天一切如何?

Marty Miller:
真棒真棒。所以今天,温迪,我们将继续继续那个颈椎。我们上周审查了一部分。所以,如果你是本周的新手,你就像,那么,一部分发生了什么?好吧,好消息是你可以回去看看。转到任何短信,Facebook页面或YouTube频道,我们经历了一些很棒的内容。这让我们在这里完美地进入第二部分,我们将进入赔偿金。但是,当您正在查看宫颈脊柱时,真的有些程序设计了包括这些部分的重要性。我们真的经历了最后一次颈椎是多么重要,以及它如何影响身体的其他部位。为什么不幸的是,有时这种遗忘了。 So Wendy, if you want to maybe give us some more tips and pointers on where we're heading today. And we'll get right into it.
Marty Miller:
Marty Miller:

Marty Miller:

Marty Miller:
向前进。所以,你知道,一个伟大的,伟大的幻灯片,我肯定的是,如果你想回顾它,但你知道,我们都认为这是如此重要,因为不幸的是,这是我们所看到的,我们越来越多地走进健身房,我们仍然看到人们这样做,而他们在跑步机上这样做,同时他们在一些有氧运动设备上,甚至在代表之间检查如果他们收到了短信或电子邮件。不幸的是,因为我们大多数人都是报价,仍然在家中工作,我们能够通过我们的技术和我们的工作,无论我们在做什么。随着时间的推移,你可以开始看到我们不得不通过俯视我们的贫困颈椎的压力量,并且看着我们的手机或看电脑或者只是在那个位置看更长的时间。并记住,当你连续一遍又一遍地进行时,会发生赔偿,然后你的身体认为这是一种新的常态。因此,因为它会采取最小阻力的路径,如果肌肉总是过度活跃,而且它在缩短的位置,而且长时间,那么我们的大脑会像,那么,你知道什么,我们知道什么,我们只是为了保持这种方式。然后你会弥补你想要做的任何动作,即使你可能不使用正确的肌肉来做到这一点。 So and then, you know, we talked about this, when you sleep, very few people sleep with their neck in neutral, I like I said, I like to be a left side sleeper, for the most part. So again, I had to purposely try to train my body to sleep a little bit on both sides, I had to evaluate my pillows, but then we also go in the gym, and somehow people then feed into this position with the exercises they choose. So this is why it's so important to try to get people out of that position.
是的,我们对五个动力链检查站谈了这么多。如果你看这个个人,甚至是它说10到12磅的人,就像这个人一样,或者这个数字,这是你在左边看到的第一个,这不是一个东西就像左上角和右下方之间存在很大差异。然而,随着时间的推移,左上角成为右下角,因为它发生一遍又一遍。所以即使有一个轻微的补偿,这就是为什么我们总是说你想注意它,因为如果没有,它可能会变得更糟。这些补偿将存在。如果你可以再次让自己摆脱一些职位,我的意思是头痛的数量,只是紧张,你知道,你会强调你的脖子和一切。和伙计们,我遇到了散步证明它是真正照顾你的颈椎的重要性,你很容易当你在这个位置时,开始失去它失去颈部的曲率,然后你真的要去在您的光盘和椎骨中有很多问题。你知道所有周围的肌肉,肯定不乐于处理。 Nope, no one. And again, we tried it in last week. But look what's happened already at the scapula right. So this isn't just the cervical spine, but that's why Part One was part one. That's right, and then what the scapula starting to get winged, then your shoulders not functioning right, and then it's gonna lock down even more of your neck and then when your shoulders aren't functioning right, your lower backs probably gonna have to do more, which is gonna affect your knee because your hips tell your knee what to do, but also does your ankle. So I mean, it's, it's a lot of us don't want to exercise and you gain 30 pounds, right? Oh, yes. Okay, that's that's, that's not a positive way of looking at this. So another reason why this is important.
Marty Miller:
好了,到另一边去,通过或不通过就完了。举个例子,你会在上面的图片中看到这个人,他们在做肩膀弯曲,他们躺在桌子上,他们可以躺在地板上,他们可以躺在垫子上,无论你能找到什么,他们的肘部没有弯曲,他们把它和肩膀保持一致,他们能成功地把整个手臂触到地板、桌子或地面,不管他们躺在什么地方,没有任何补偿,如果他们能做到,他们就会通过。然而,我们也可以说,现在我们看头顶下蹲,如果他们的手臂向前倾,那么很不幸,手臂向前倾,但他们通过了灵活性测试,我认为强调这一点非常重要,那么就会是不活跃的肌肉允许这种补偿而不是过度活跃的肌肉限制了关节。我认为这就是这些流动性评估的美妙之处。我用肩膀弯曲作为例子。但是对于内旋和外旋也是一样的,通过外展,胸部伸展,旋转,所有这些评估都可以告诉你上肢发生了什么,它可以帮助你更具体地分解它。然后你可以比较过渡性评估和行动能力评估的结果来设计一个非常个性化的项目来帮助人们增加行动能力,甚至可以帮助他们摆脱一些慢性疼痛。因为,如你所见,在这张图中,随着时间的推移,这种姿势会产生很多不适。 And I think the important thing of since you brought just mobility assessments in general, is for years, we've been told, what if somebody can't do an overhead squat assessment, and we've worked around that most people can. But if you really do a series of mobility assessments, you're going to know pretty much what their overhead squat would look like. So the middle mobility assessments are another great way to have that tool in your arsenal, that in case you run into somebody that really doesn't want to do an overhead squat, or can't, you can start going body part by body part with the mobility assessments, and you're going to pretty much know what their overhead squat would look like. And oftentimes, if I'm doing, you know, these mobility assessments, and let's say, I'm doing them in a place where I can't have them lay down, or even if my client can't lay down for some reason, you can actually have this person stand up against a wall, their back completely flat with their heels, their glutes, their shoulders, their head, maintaining contact with the wall, and then having them go through these specific exercises, with the exception of the thoracic extension and rotation, of course, and you can say, pass or fail, because what we're really focusing on is what's happening at the hip complex? And are we getting that range of motion? To do it in our arms, but we're sacrificing what's happening at the hips? And is there some kind of movement? Or if they bring their hands, for example, overhead? Do they kind of go out into more of the scapular plane in motion, because they don't have the extensibility in their lap, if they do any of those things, or bend the elbow or the arm just they just can't do it. All of those are, quote, fail, which means they can't, which will allow you again, to determine what's happening at that specific joint and what you can do to best fix it.
Marty Miller:
是的,绝对没有,解释得很清楚。这就是为什么,你知道,我们真的想确保人们对这些感到舒服,因为有这样一个伟大的工具,它真的帮助你和你的客户沟通,告诉你为什么你选择这些练习或编程。这是另一种很好的方法,你知道,巩固你对正在发生的事情的想法,你可以解决它。这是为什么。再一次,花几秒钟,这不是需要一段时间的事情,像测角器仍然喜欢的那样。我仍然喜欢它,因为我用它。如果你没有这样的练习,这需要很长时间,不是很长,但确实需要时间。你要站到那个位置,让客户拿着,找到正确的尺寸,写下来。而不是做这个,做这个,做这个。是的,没有。 Yes, no. Okay, let's move on. So, and I think you know, it's important. I know, we kind of went out of order, but I wanted to talk about and I know you did, as well, Marty, we wanted to talk about the mobility first. So now when we can talk about the ones that were more comfortable with, which are the transit, you know, the transitional assessments that you're seeing here, there's other ways that once you get that you can be done. Or if you want to add those other ones in, it's just a little deeper dive. But of course, these are going to be your initial assessments that you do.

Marty Miller:
是的,你知道,开销蹲坐,如果有人不能这样做,做推,拉,看看你可以在右下方看到这个人吗?她正在提升较大的时间,大时间。所以你知道,也许你在开销蹲下期间错过了。所以我想,做推池,我真的没有让他们进行评估,我可能只需要他们教导他们如何做适当的运动力学。我想看看他们是如何移动的。第一次练习之一,我可能会把它们放在那里,只要他们能够,你知道,站立和正确的位置可能是一个交错的姿势,胸部压在电缆上。再次,这是一个推动的评估,我只是看到他们的身体如何反应?所以我给他们一项运动,做了他们喜欢的东西。但是,我仍然在评估,即使我不是在说我正在做评估,以及池的同样的事情,我认为游泳池或行告诉我这么多信息,因为我可以看到他们能得到进入抑郁症? Are they spinning up the shoulder? Do they increase internal rotation? What's happening at the neck? And how far back? Are they going? Do they elevate is one side going back further? So just little things like that? Remember, every exercise and every movement that occurs at like, during that time with you or at the gym? You should always be assessing? Because if we're not assessing, we are

Marty Miller:
是的,嗯,有趣。你知道,上周,我们都谈到了我们的问题。有这么多,但你上周要回去洗漱。但我记得可能是一年开始的,我们在亚利桑那州出来,我有一些,就像我左菱形地区有点痉挛。我知道这是不喜欢的,只是让我泡沫滚动并尝试工作。但是因为你知道,当别人有评估时,你总是更容易,你快速看着我,你看着我的脖子旋转,我们看着几件事,就是来自我的宫颈,我左侧紧紧地,这在我的肩膀上导致了问题,以及我的运动,而我的菱形感受到它的磨损。所以一旦我调整了修复了我的纠正练习计划,没有问题,对。所以我不必忍受这些慢性等艰苦疼痛和痛苦。我们在这里治疗伤病。但是你知道,只是像是的那样唠叨,我留下了这个或我的权利。 So again, there's so many people have such a lack of range of motion and good control in their cervical spine. And then we are going into exercise that feed into it like the plank where their head falls off in a sense, or the crunches where they're yanking on their cervical spine, then the way they sleep and the way they're sitting at their computer. And then we wonder why when we do the assessments like oh, my God, you have like a third of the range of motion, you should. So these are very easy to do. You can see this person here just sitting in the chair. And we have all the specifics on how to in our content. But to get somebody to go, you know, into cervical extension, cervical flexion, very easy. You don't have to be overly skilled with the range of motion and the percentages because it's it's very simple, right? Can they tuck their chin to their chest? Can they look straight above the up towards the ceiling. And then when you look at the lateral flexion, everybody knows 45 degrees. So thank goodness, that's the normal range of motion. Right? And then with the rotation, it's can they get their chin without all these body parts moving over the opposite shoulder? There's some nuances to it because people will rotate and cheat and sometimes you'll miss a little bit. But these to me, Wendy are pretty glaring with the past fails. Yes. And one one that I think is pretty funny is the lateral flexion. I do this all the time with my clients. And I usually use my hand as a point to because it allows me to kind of dictate that if I put my hand here, I kind of know someone's head and I can say Does it hurt your touched my hand? That's, that's more of a cue to say, Can you do that? If they can't, most of the time, they're like, look how far I can go when there's like eyes are completely looking at the ceiling. They're doing everything they can to try to hit that specific point. And you're going to cue them you're going to do whatever you want to do that's going to best give you the results that you're looking for. And just know that I would say 90% of my clients will fail a majority of these just because they are so locked up in in their cervical spine or their shoulder or something that's causing the decrease in lack, or a decrease in range of motion. So very useful, very helpful. Yes. And that's what I like doing them in a seated position because I always see like the I'm a little teapot thing where people like, they're trying to get their ear down their whole body's going. So putting them in a chair just really takes out the hips and has less ability for them to compensate. But I would tend to say, Wendy, even with my athletic population, I'd say over 70% fail the majority of these higher.
哦,当然。当你告诉他们你知道,就像,再次,你不是说,哦,失败了,但是你知道,有时候,是的,你不会有理想的运动范围。是的。所以当马蒂和我随意地讨论这个问题时,我们想教你如何快速完成。但记住,你的人际关系建立技巧贯穿始终?不要说这是一次巨大的失败。我对你们说。我是说马蒂和肯有时会开玩笑说,嘿,在车上,你觉得怎么样?我说,没有。你们知道吗,但我们已经在一起20多年了,所以我很乐意说,你知道,不。 And then you do the same for me. I mean, my walk and Marty's like, what is your foot doing? And like what's attached, and he's like, going the wrong direction, fix that. And so you need to have people and like, Look at yourself, because there are things that to Marty's point, he didn't realize that he might have you know, that he was kind of locked up in certain areas. And I was going through some basic mobility assessments and basic range of motion that he wasn't able to do, we were able to really pinpoint what he could do to help correct some of his issues. And it took like two days to feel a difference. I mean, that's the crazy, I mean, the first session, you know, you're on the right track, but two, three days, and then again, doing the whole model. I was like, boom, I'm back. Like, that's the beauty of it, if you catch it early, yes. Because if not, you have to get an MRI and they'll tell you what, you're going to have a distant blows, and you need to get surgery, and then you're going to say, No, I'm not going to get surgery, I'm going to try to do some corrective exercise first, and then you're going to show them that you didn't need surgery. And all as well see, look, back to go back to
Marty Miller:

Wendy Battis:
是的,这就是整体而言,最重要的是我认为确定你需要专注的东西,而是完整的。而且我的意思是,如果你需要只是在移动性上工作,那么你很好。如果您需要在激活上工作,那就太好了。但如果你需要两者,如果你只做四个步骤中的一个,你就不会得到结果。这就是美丽在于流动性,你将能够确定你的时间最好的时间。我的流动问题更多地是一种激活。现在再一次,如果我缺乏移动性,我保证你有一个弱点。但是一旦我增加了这种运动范围,就会恢复良好的姿势,我将在无论如何都要激活这些肌肉。所以这就是为什么正确的原因是为什么星期三晚上我们这样做是因为我们喜欢这个模式,因为它真的改变了我们的职业生涯。因为它给了我们蓝图和泰茨,你会有所不同,你会与众不同,人们就像,我知道,别人不这样做。 That's okay, be different. And I like to be different, because I'm going to also get results, that's going to lead to positive testimonials. And there's going to be coming back. So I'm going to build my business because I'm different. And I'm only different because I care and I'm looking at what is with their body in comparison to what I read in a magazine, which is the exercise of the day. So just remember that there are specific things that are causing certain compensations, find out what those compensations are, review this again, take a screenshot of this slide and you're going to be able to help someone feel and move so much better, especially if they're having constant headaches.

Marty Miller:


Marty Miller:
Marty Miller:
是的。所以你现在看到额头是什么让我们谈谈抑制。当我们看着颈椎时,我们并没有说抓住泡沫滚筒,然后滚动你的脖子或垒球,吧?在我们的所有内容中,我们都经历了所有这些,所做的和不做,或者你可以说是适应症禁忌症。所以随着颈椎,你显然会小心。所以我自己和温迪,我们有一个触摸许可证我们的不同。我是一位运动训练师。因此,我可以做出练习的范围,我被允许做Wendy是按摩治疗师,手动治疗师,她的练习范围是不同的健身,没有触摸软组织并操纵它的实践范围。但我们仍然希望您学习如何抑制,有泡沫辊,垒球,网球,振动技术的技术,与超伏等类似的振动技术。但不要只是抓住它并玩它,确保你真的已经研究过它并理解你能做什么而不能做到的。 So going past that with the inhibit. Sometimes I've always had to send people to massage therapist because their neck is so tight, that I don't feel comfortable teaching them how to do it themselves. And I say, Hey, here's what you need for your best outcome, whether you choose to get a massage or not. That's, I'm just here to tell you how to get your best outcomes. So with that being said, I'm sure when I turn it back over to Wendy, she may have some tips and things like that as well. And all that is in our text, so you'll have access to that you can review that again. But when we look at the lengthening, I truly believe these muscles are ignored. I rarely see people doing neck range of motion. In any fitness center, you might see it in more physical therapy. On occasion, I do see it in the gym, and I'm like, Dear God, they're trying to break their neck off. Where these are gentle, these are not forceful stretches because of the region of the body we're looking into, we're gonna glide in and glide out of these. But the levator scapula is a very important muscle. It's one of these muscles is runs deep in the side of the neck. It elevates your scapula, and it's one of those muscles that gets very overactive and can cause they have a forehead position, upper trap, this is one of the muscles that people like to train, I train muscles that are under active or have good symmetry, I'm not going to strengthen a muscle that's already overactive. So if I see somebody where their natural tendency is to elevate their shoulders, that's telling me the upper trap is plenty strong. Yes, people like to do shrugs and upright rows, but those are not exercises you're gonna see myself and when you do when somebody already in that forward head or that shoulder elevated position sternocleidomastoid we just shorten it to scms. That big muscle I think you call it the big honker muscle in the front of your neck is the one you can grab. I call it the E t muscle because I'm a child of the 80s it's the one that pulls our head forward. But that's the muscle that is always drawing our head forward. So it's going to be overactive. The pec minor is another muscle lies deep under the PEC major that has that ability to pull and draw my head forward. And then there's a lack of thoracic spine extension and rotation. So these that are areas of the body in the muscle that we need to down regulate a little bit.

所以我们用软组织工作,然后静态拉伸然后翻转脚本,我们看看那些肌肉造成坏运动的肌肉。然后我们看看是什么允许它,所以允许它是一种受损的东西,需要稍微醒来一点。所以这些是深颈部屈肌。所以这是屈肌轰动屈肌大篷车。所以它是随时随地所做的那样,我是否只是站在一个好的姿势,为什么我的二头肌或我的三头肌或真正做下巴靠在地板周围的墙上,然后颈椎射门脊柱带抗杆颈椎缩回,所以很多人都会放一个非常轻的乐队。他们只做下巴,他们没有像你看到足球运动员那样的加权练习。这是不同时间的不同谈话。但这些是你能做的一些事情。再次,它非常柔软,非常温柔。 I even have people do positional isometrics. But if you do a plank well, and you keep your head and neck in the right position, guess what you're doing all those activation exercises right there. So there's a lot of cool ways to do it. And then to wrap this part up the integration, Cobras, bird dogs pushing and pulling and pressing the ball squat, of course, we have curled overhead press, but the one we always would also put in there if you know us squat row. But anything where I keep my head and neck in the right position, I'm getting that activation of the proper muscles. But we do want to start first with the inhibited lengthened, so those other muscles have a better chance of being recruited.

Marty Miller:
Marty Miller:

Marty Miller:
当然,当你在锻炼过度活跃的肌肉时,我们真的想把重点放在关节另一侧处于加长位置的肌肉上。所以激活这些肌肉非常重要,我们用的是非常慢的节奏,所以更多的是四比一的节奏。或者如果你在看新课本,我们会说4到0。因为我们现在在你的重复范围内有四分或四计数,但是你要做一些像球组合的事情,你要努力完成你知道你整个肌腱套更好的活动范围。这是一个难以置信的练习。如果有人不能保持俯卧姿势。所以在球的时候脸朝下,然后让他们站着,臀部弯曲一点。所以他们仍然在对抗重力通过运动,直到他们的核心工作,他们开始能够保持五个动力链检查点,然后最终让他们下来到球上,这样做。肩膀外旋转器如果你在正确的沉积中,考虑外旋转器的位置。做抗带时钟模式,我们在之前的网络研讨会上讨论过,我们都认为这是一个难以置信的练习。 But it's basically where you take a mini band that you would do like lateral toolbox, and you would have your hands, pretty much shoulder with the part to start and then you just do a clock pattern. So left hand would go to 12 o'clock, and then nine o'clock, and then six o'clock. And you could do the same thing, you know, going 12 to three, or whatever, whatever number you want to go to, but you're trying to just very light resistance, trying to get your, you know, freedom. So the degrees of freedom back into the shoulder, which will also allow your clavicle to move the way that it's meant to move and rotate, it'll allow, like you talked about the levator scapula, remember, that attaches to the first two ribs. So your diaphragm is going to, you know, also play a big role and be affected with this particular compensation. So, you know, think about doing the external rotation at 90 degrees. So with the cable, just bring it out at 90 or you can even come up this way at 90 depending on compensation.

最后但同样重要的是积分,把它们放在一起马蒂一号蹲了一排,我没有把它放在另一个程序里,因为我们知道这里有。我知道。但是加上俯卧撑和加号,我们上周和第一部分讨论了加号的重要性。但要记住,我们是想让锯颚肌重新激活。这是主要肌肉之一,当你有翅膀的时候就会变得不活跃。所以当肩胛骨脱离胸腔时,任何时候你都要做一点推的动作,给它更多的爱,确保你这样做的时候你不会进入脊椎弯曲。最后一种是最后一种但不是最不重要的一根腿缆。所以,单腿电缆D一种模式。当我们讨论d1 d2,我甚至不知道,它更对角线,一个对角线2,但它几乎就像你在做一个x,所以你在一个方向上运动就像D在另一个方向上运动d2。所以当你做这个动作的时候你会认为你只是在做X的一边并且真正地通过肩胛骨平面的活动范围来做,然后向下。 So, Marty, I don't know if people often say, well, what's this D one thing? That's how I explained it. I don't know if you have a better way?
Marty Miller:


Marty Miller:

大点。这样我们就有了保释的可动用范围。所以记住,当你往上走的时候,试着把你的大拇指也竖起来。所以当你向上时大拇指向上因为你想要打开,而不是去如果你向下大拇指,你会让自己进入内旋转,这会导致撞击。感觉不太好。另外,它会限制你的活动范围。如果你的肩膀是向前圆的,你就把自己投入到你想要训练的补偿中。是啊,所以非常重要的是要一直想大拇指朝上,这样会更安全,除非你认识某人,意思是医生会告诉你不是这样的。但在我的职业生涯中,从来没有出现过这种情况。我想我还想说的是我总是告诉人们想要拔出剑因为你想要离开你的身体。 Some people come real close. And it's generally because the weight is too heavy if they're using weight so it's out some if you have a sword, you can't pull it straight out. You have to draw it out away from you. And that's the patterning that we're looking at.

Marty Miller:

这就给我们带来了关键的启示。令人震惊。但评估。第一,我很惊讶,我不知道,评估是关键。如果你不是在评估,你是在猜测我们每次都会这么说因为它很重要。伙计们,你可以训练一个人一整天,如果他们进来,他们只是他们有不适,他们有补偿。你真的不关注那些,你只是做基本的二头肌,三头肌,腿,胸部,你知道的,做紧缩五分钟,然后他们出了这个门,你真的不帮助别人,你不会,他们不会达到他们的目标,他们将可能留下来,你知道,某种痛苦。再一次,我不是在说我们可以减轻疼痛,我们不是医生,然而,如果我们注意到一个补偿,我们可以训练和提示出来,他们可能如果尤其是压缩的椎骨,你可以自己排队,正确的,可能会让自己的痛苦。我们所做的就是拉伸和激活,然后把所有的东西用集成组件组合在一起。所以我想这就是我怎么强调都不为过的原因之一。 If you're really if you're new to this, spend more time on the assessments, start to identify it practice on the friends practice on family, practice on everyone, because you can just have them keep doing it until you see it. And they're a lot more forgiving than when you have a client say, Can you do that? Again? They're gonna be like, No, I just did 30 squats, what do you mean, do it again, you're going to focus, of course, what's causing and allowing those compensations. And then take that sheet where all the notes are designed programs, you can use the program's examples that Marty and I just gave you, there are still some other examples in the new CES content. When we were looking at the mobility stuff, there are specific exercises that you're probably going to find very, very useful. And then, you know, just understand that the CES can be implemented as the extended warm up in any of the phases that you're doing. Just make it specific for that client. And then if you want to add a few more things in the integration component, to prepare them more successfully for that phase of training, that would be the time to do so.

Marty Miller:
点batts@nasf.org。或者你可以在Instagram上找我Wendy dot batts13。
Marty Miller:
然后我的信息在这里。nsm dot O R G的马蒂·米勒和Instagram的马蒂·米勒医生7岁,2岁。温迪,我很乐意。我知道下周我们也会推出一些很棒的内容。所以今天参加的每个人,非常感谢你们。回头看看第一部分,下周四下午3点



