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NASM大师讲师Rick Richey为这期特别版的“NASM- cpt播客”来到全球各地。
Rick,与特约嘉宾Daine McDonald一起,澳大利亚亚历山大城清洁健康健身研究所的创始人,讨论了在“大地下面”进行的广泛研究,关于性能,以及力量和条件。








是的,我要告诉你如果看看你的背景,我不会在那里至少不会在纽约。这肯定是一个不同的领域。肯定。肯定。我,我很高兴你今天能来。有不同观点的人在一起很好,我将告诉你们一些我所知道的关于澳大利亚健身的事情。我所知道的一件重要的事情是,有来自澳大利亚的关于表现,力量和调节的很棒的研究。所以这绝对是一些来自澳大利亚的东西的坚实的东西。我知道你和一些重量级人物合作过,你一开始是做私人教练,你就是其中之一。这是我很喜欢成为那些不断提升的人中的一员。 And when you say what do you do, and they say, I'm a personal trainer, and you're like, I feel like you're too qualified to say that. But with that said, I want you to tell us a little bit about who you are your story. And we're going to talk about some trainer success tips from you and your company clean health fitness.


是的,我的意思是,看看,绝对是在澳大利亚的事情的研究方面,我们非常幸福。对吧?我的意思是,我想,你知道,回到80年代,你有像伊恩国王一样的人,他们与夏尔斯·普利替纳斯密切合作,在SMC,你知道,与许多运动员和那样的运动员合作。所以我想,你知道,在澳大利亚有很多机会,在澳大利亚有很多机会,以学习众所周知的人。我想我,你知道,我的旅程,你知道,我知道,我在2002年开始回来。现在,在20年前,只要在20年前,你知道,回到那时它是行业非常不同,你知道,正如你所知道的,对吧?喜欢,你知道,你知道,你知道,也许赚了3040美元,这不是一个现在的行业今天,你知道,就像,有很多小组锻炼,Boxercise户外靴子营地,你知道,进入健身行业回到那个时代,你知道,没有看过一个你可以的地方,你知道,建立一个长期的职业道路。所以,你知道,对我来说,我想进入我的差异,一旦我开始真正依赖自己,你就是教育自己,你知道,我记得然后实际上看着NASM课程和那样的东西,因为你们已经过时了。我职业生涯的前几年,我在大学和大学度过了时间,你知道,做所有的学位和那样的东西。 And, you know, I got into the industry, you know, quite, you know, quite aggressively, you know, like, within kind of six weeks of working in my first, you know, commercial gym full time, you know, I was doing 4050 pt sessions a week, you know, within kind of six months of kind of working in gyms, I was training other trainers, because I had other trainers coming to me, asking, you know, how I got myself into shape, or how I got my clients into shape, you know, back then I kind of would walk around it, you know, 220 pounds and sub 10% body fat, right? So, I look like I could step up on a bodybuilding stage. And I think, you know, that was one of my things early on, was that, you know, you needed to be an embodiment of your brand, you needed to be an embodiment of what you were putting out there as a health professional, which was to practice what you preach. And, you know, even though I kind of, you know, never kind of did bodybuilding shows or things like that, I would kind of use the way that I looked back then as an opening to attract clients that actually when they started speaking to me, they'd realized that I was there was some a little bit of brains inside of the abroad that we're seeing a little bit of substance behind all that muscle. Yeah. Now when you into when you went to university, did you did you study exercise science that early on? Yeah, so I started out with with, I did a department fitness Diploma in strength conditioning, and then I did a bachelor degree in exercise and sports science, and then I did an advanced department nutritional medicine, you know, so by the time it came around, 2006 2007 I was, you know, one of the few duly qualified PTs and nutritionists in the industry at I think, at the age, what was I back then I'm trying to remember now at about the age of 2526. And, you know, that really allowed me to kind of build the philosophies of which I kind of built clean health around, which was, you know, most pts back then and even today, to a certain extent, you know, a client will come in through the door, and, you know, want to just train with the train straight away. And for me back, then, you know, I wasn't doing my due diligence, if I was getting them straight into a PT session, right. So this is where the kind of philosophy of lifestyle, nutrition and training came from. And what that means was, you know, before I would even get into training clients, I'd spend a good hour assessing their lifestyle, and that went from everything from assessing their anthropometric data, to assessing their stress, their sleep, you know, their circadian rhythms, or different type of things that, you know, they were doing the other 23 hours of the day when they weren't in the gym. And, you know, back then, you know, today that might seem as like, this is what we do, but like back in 2005 2006 2007, that was quite, you know, innovative, right, like, people weren't really approaching it with that approach. And so, you know, I do that, and from that, we'd look at their nutrition we look at, you know, are they in a calorie deficit, or they're in a surplus? What is their micronutrient status? Are they you know, are they in, well, are they eating bad? From there, we would, you know, create a lifestyle and nutrition plan. And then after that, we'd actually get into the training. And so, that approach really kind of led me to be able to take someone that was, you know, maybe overweight or out of shape, you know, and, and transform the physiques in, you know, generally over about a 12 week period, you know, over a 12 week period, the average rate of fat loss, and I say fat loss, because, you know, as we know, like weight loss is, is one thing, and I think if someone is clinically obese, initially, weight loss is something to look at, because, you know, they've got an excessive amount of weight to lose. But, you know, we will generally see back then, quite to lose between 0.5 to up to one kilo a week. So that's, you know, a while, not 1.2, to about 2.4 pounds per week over that initial 12 week program.
你知道,这就是我建立自己品牌和业务的方式,就是通过转型的业务。因为,你知道,作为一个行业,就像,你只有在你的客户结果好。所以我在早期就专注于利用我所学到的知识,去尝试和引导转变。这是关于学习的一件事,尽管我一开始花了四五年的时间全职学习,我记得大约在2007年,我学习了三年,取得了很好的成绩。然后查尔斯poliquin,已故的查尔斯•poliquin传奇力量教练,他出来到澳大利亚做一个工作室,我开始阅读他的东西我在高中在90年代末,通过茶,肌肉,茶的国家,而且,你知道,不同的男人的肌肉杂志之类的东西。你出来了,我记得我去他的工作室想,你知道,我很性感,对吧?就像,我知道,我知道,我的东西。那时候,我和一些来自新南威尔士州的奥林匹克运动员一起工作。我说,对,我知道我的专长。在听了他的两个小时后,我意识到我有多不知道。 Oh, yeah, yeah. And that was a real eye opener for me. Because, you know, to that time, I'd been kind of, you know, in the confines of my own city, Sydney, right. So Sydney, Australia, and kind of comparing myself against my domestic colleagues. And then here's this guy, that's, you know, internationally renowned, he comes out and I felt like an idiot. And, and, and I remember saying to him, like, you know, like, at the end of the first day, I'm like, I just want to say, like, I learned more today, than I probably have in my, you know, the last year of my university degree. And, you know, I'm like, you know, could I book you for a few hours just to to pick your brain, so to kind of learn from you and, you know, back then he was charging, like, I think it was about seven 800 us an hour for private, private consulting. And, you know, yes, I was, you know, doing 5060 pt sessions a week at about, you know, $7 a session, so I was earning good money, but it's still a large investment and I paid it because I wanted to learn what I wanted from this world leader, you better have your questions lined up if if you're doing it for 700 bucks. And I guess what I'm trying to say to the students in the listeners because obviously the most a lot of people listening to this right. Now personal trainers is success leaves clues, you know, my journey as a PT and building up an international education business that as you know, educated 10s of 1000s of trainers around the world, it didn't come from me being cheap when it came to my own development. Right. And so, after that workshop with him, I remember, he was talking about one of his students in the UK, who just opened up this high end performance, gym, you know, so it was like it had all of the, you know, eleiko equipment, the allowances, equipment, you know, all of this specialist equipment. And we're doing boutique transformation based programming. Business called ultimate performance. based out of the UK, it's founded by one of Charles's other students, Nick Mitchell. And I'm like, that's what I want to do. You know, by that time, like, there would be no clean health if there was no Charles poliquin. And, you know, he was the guy that really kind of showed me that there was more to the industry than what I'd experienced within my own city. And that there was actually big opportunities to, you know, if you look at the lifespan of pts, you know, here in Australia, the average, like, career rate is about 18 months. So across a lot of the education Institute's people that go and get the qualifications, the last 18 months in the industry. So you know, to be around 1520 years later, I think is a real testament to education. And just one thing I really wanted to drill home to anyone listening is like, you know, you want to have a sustainable career, following your passion, and, you know, for health and fitness helping others, it's keep learning, you know, keep learning that that is, you know, trainers ask me, like, what is the number one success tip for growing a successful business is like, learn how to get results. And let your results do the talking. Because, you know, you could do all these business courses in the world. But if you're unable to actually change the outcome of a client that has come into feeling down, they're feeling, you know, they're feeling they're feeling bad, they're out of shape. If you're unable to get them in into shape, and to help them feel better, like you're not going to retain them as a client long term, you're not going to get referrals from them. And it's going to limit the ability to grow your business over a period of time.


再一次,这太棒了,伙计,你绝对是给我们的教练扔了一个成功炸弹。当你谈论作为一个终身学习者,我认为这是重要的,我们需要为我们的健康专业人士,这是开车回家这不仅仅是让你的认证,现在你很好现在你知道你需要知道什么是一个教练,我经常告诉人们,只要你让你的认证,现在你已经有了你应该知道的基本知识在你成为合格的私人教练之前,你应该知道的最少的知识。所以你知道,在你余下的职业生涯中你应该知道的最少的东西。等你拿到认证的时候。然后它就会不断向前发展。你还谈了其他的事情,我认为有必要指出的是你有自己的方向,对吧?我们已经多次讨论过师徒关系,我将在Optima会议上做一节关于师徒关系的课程。成为一名导师。问题是,如果你自己从来没有导师,你很难成为导师。 And so we see that with your experience with poliquin. And the work that he's done. And one of the things that they talked about was a great strength and conditioning coach, but he always talked about lifestyle. He always early on before anybody was talking about like, if you were a strength and conditioning coach, you did strength and conditioning and what they did outside, if you're working with athletes, it's just like, try to get the kids to go to sleep early enough, and like not drink so much and in their college careers. And it is shifted far beyond just like a band aid approach to what to do with your lifestyle outside of workout sessions.


看,今天如果你看着它,它是一种让你知道,这个词HPL高性能的生活方式,你有,你知道,血糖的应用,如水平,你有苹果的手表,你有今天这种技术,你知道,当我还是一个活跃的PT,你知道,那时候我希望我能获得正确的,因为你知道,您可以监视血液血糖,车身血糖水平在那里睡觉,您可以监视他们的睡眠,你可以看看他们的快速眼动睡眠,深睡眠,所有这些类型的代数余子式你可以看看他们的HRV你知道,这些都是我自己今天,你知道,在我自己,你知道,当我每天训练,bob官方app但是今天的教练,你知道,技术已经给了他们,你知道,如此广泛的工具,甚至在五年前都不是我们可以使用的。其实有一件事我想添加进一步的教育是我总是说当我指导人们在头五年里,你在业界PT,你知道,你应该花,在我看来,9,对80年到90年,但可能你90%的教育投资都是为了成为一个更好的教练,不一定是一个更好的商人,诸如此类的事情,学习如何写饮食,写训练计划,学习如何做教练。bob官方app所以学习如何利用情商的力量来影响、激励和激励你的客户,这将促使他们服从,你知道,因为服从是结果的首要因素,你可以有世界上最好的项目。但如果客户不遵守,那就没有任何意义。反过来,你可以有一个,一个好的程序,但是如果他们做了它的每一件事,他们就会得到结果。前5年,我总是说,80% 90%,6到10年,应该是更多的5050。所以,你知道,到那时,你真的想,你知道,喜欢,给我五年,我只是在商业健身房PT,我花了667年才意识到我想去开一个健身房,你知道的,然后我打开三个,你知道的,我花了有导师在一些方向。 So, you know, whilst you're going into that second stage of your career, you're still trying to keep it, you still need to keep your finger on the pulse in terms of learning about, you know, the latest literature, and what's working, what's not working, what's been debunked or not, etc. But you also want to be learning to level up yourself, when it comes to your business, how to present yourself your brand, if you hire people, what that looks like, in terms of creating structures, and all this different type of stuff, other than I'd say, if you make it to year 10. and above, you know, for me, it's it's now become 8020 80% in terms of like, you know, business marketing and sales, 20% just keeping my finger on the the literature, you know, looking at what's working, what's not working. And I'm pretty fortunate, you know, I've got a lot of, we've got a lot of strategic partners around the world. You know, Dr. Les No, and Dr. Joe Campbell, and a few others on our academic board, you know, literally working in the lab day in day out with some of the latest sports science stuff out there in the world today. So when I, when I need to know something, I just say, Hey, what's the latest research on this, and I get it. So it saves my time. I love that. It's nice for me to because I do that with people at NSF, there's so many things I don't know, and just tapping somebody on the shoulder who can direct me to somebody else that knows what Yeah, and so it's nice, just to know, people that are smarter than you. Exactly. And I think like, you know, that's that's the thing, if you can kind of use that as a framework. And I'm not saying it's foolproof, but you know, like, it's kind of a process that I've given to a lot of trainers over the years is, you know, spend your time getting good at your craft, and then over time the business will come. And with that you'll be able to you know, you know, have a have fulfillment within your career actually doing something that you love, because I think everyone generally gets into the fitness industry, because it's it's a major part of their value alignment as a human being, you know, health and well being and whether it's with themselves and others.








是的,就像,你知道,我想,就像我在线下提到的,当,你知道,我们有一个前聊天前,就像我是一个合格的实习医生,我没有,我没有商业学位。我没有市场营销的学位,我没有销售的学位。我是在旅途中才知道的。所以我认为对我来说,最大的转变是当你是一个独资经营者,你已经建立了自己的业务,你的新业务通常处于质量的顶峰。所以我的意思是你自己在促进服务因为这是你的品牌,你的果冻会比其他人做得更好。我发现当我带人来的时候,我很幸运,因为我的第一个教练是我的客户。他们是其他的私人教练,我想说他们是为力量举重比赛、健美比赛、体育比赛等项目训练,或者他们只是来找我学习的。他们已经有了。和我的共同导师关系。我已经下载了很多我的主要哲学和原则。 So they were kind of like mini means with their own twist. So I think the biggest thing for me the biggest learning curve was standardization of quality, ie quality control over your product as a PT, and I use the term product, because at the end day, if you've got a gym, or you're a PT, you are still it's, yes, you are selling a service, but it's also a product of you. Right? So for me, it was it was learning that and then the other thing was really just learning that, you know, going from having to manage your own finances and your own timetable to managing the payroll, you know, at one point, you know, I had, you know, circa 50, staff working for me through multiple gyms, you know, I'm having to look at payroll, I'm having to look at Performance Management, I'm having to look at hiring ops directors and, and heads of departments in creating job descriptions and kind of learning all these things. In the first few years, I tried to do it all myself, because that's just my nature. And it ended up causing me some problems because I was unable to let go, and really delegate to people, as I scaled that were better than me. And a lot of that was youth an ego and and that kind of rolled into one. But that was a big learning curve for me. And it I nearly, you know, in 2015, I nearly lost everything, you know, I ended up going, Yeah, like, we ended up having to, you know, one of the businesses because by 2014, it was interesting, like, we'd opened our first gym, you know, by we opened on 150 pt sessions a week. And then four months later, we were doing 550 Oh, wow. Wow. Right. And that was in an average price point of about 120 US per session. So you do the math on that, right. And, you know, so I didn't have the systems in place to measure and scale that. And, you know, in the first two years of that, that business, we were doing about 20 plus 1000 pt sessions per annum out of out of that one gym. And so going from, you know, having myself and a few trainers working through commercial gym, to doing that volume of personal training sessions out of one business and then opening others, whilst at the same time, you know, going to starting our education business, because we've had all these requests, from trainers around the world on how we were getting these results. It was a really steep learning curve.


就像我们一样,因为在2012年到2013年,我们有,无论是Ben pakulski Mark淋浴,Dr. Rakowski, mula Sacha Charles Poliquin。你知道,菲尔·鲁尼,像很多莱恩·诺顿,很多来自世界各地的大行业名人一样。我们将前往澳大利亚,在我们的中心举办研讨会,作为澳大利亚的中心。所以我们得到了很多国际公关和媒体的关注。那时,你知道,我们已经在报纸上曝光了。我们在《每日电讯报》、《GQ杂志》等杂志上发表文章。所以我们得到了很多公关和媒体的关注。很明显,随着时间的推移,我们有20%的理疗课程是由其他私人教练来做的,他们想亲身经历这个过程来学习我们是怎么做的。我们遇到了很多这样的人,他们会来找我,或者是我们的研发主管Stephen inf,或者Ron drew,还有一些资深的人说,嘿,我们想要实习,我们想要做导师。所以我拿出了我在2010年创建的内部员工发展手册。 And I'd created that for
基本上任何清理工作任何我们雇佣的教练。因为那时候我们显然不是在教育学院,我必须重新编程或者是一些他们在行业里学到的知识,把他们带到我们的知识水平。你知道,当你思考这个问题的时候,就像我和当时一些重要的教育工作者一样,他们每个人都在我们的教育上花费了数十万美元。这是一个很大的差距。然后是刚获得私人教练资格的人,在这个行业工作了一年。所以我创造的这本手册就是为了弥补这个差距。我意识到它将工作与我们的运动鞋很好,喜欢,为什么,为什么不开始教这以外的人,教他们的秘密,我们在做什么在我们的现实世界中任意IE的健身房。所以在2012年,然后开始到2014年,我们实际上有一个健身房链从州际在墨尔本合同我自己,我的一位教育主管要去那里一周,花一整周的时间和全体员工一起进行教育。我想这是我们得到的第一份州际工作,这是一份大合同,当时的合同价值3万美元。我记得我去那里教了七天的课,但那不是工作,感觉不像是工作。 Right? Because it's, you know, as you probably notice, I can talk. So, you know, it was, it was, it was just a great experience. And I'm like, you know what, like, I want to I want to take this international, and I end up speaking Charles poliquin at a time, you know, and so the student speaking to the Sensei, and two months later, the student was teaching with a sensei in Montreal. You know, so we'd partnered up, he was doing his three day training, then we were doing our two days on nutrition. And that was our first international gig. And I remember on the plane back from Montreal, you know, I was on this high, right. And, you know, we had 40 4050 students in our workshop over there in Laval. And I remember coming back saying, you know, in 2015, like, I really want to take this out there and actually, on the plane, I am a big, big believer in in, what you put out and manifest will come back to you, at some point, you know, it might come back is slightly different than what you put out.
所以我2015年写了我们的日程安排,你也知道,我们是要做车间在香港、美国和墨尔本,布里斯班,奥克兰,英国,到2015年底,我们在世界各地教会了42个研讨会和教育大约4000私人教练,我花了,我想大概有6到9个月的时间和我们的两名主要工作人员一起进行教育和演讲。但这差不多就是它开始的样子。所以你知道,我2015年大部分时间都在海外度过,而我离开了运营团队,开始管理健身房。那时我们开了第二家。我们正在准备开第三家,附带一个研究所,那将是我们公司的总部,占地1000平方米。大概有1万平方英尺。我想是在皈依期间,是的,这就是教育开始的地方。到2015年底,我的教育事业发展得非常好。我们建立的新网站运行得非常好。但有两家老的健身房生意不太好。 And we're in quite a lot of debt. So I had to come in and kind of really restructure how we were doing things. And that was when I actually made the conscious decision, then that to take my company to the next level, I had to make a choice. And that choice was, am I going to continue to be the founder and head coach? Or am I going to be the founder and CEO. And I realized at that point, like, Sure, I can hire in someone externally as a CEO to manage the business. But the reality is like, I know my business better than anyone. Sure. There's a lot of business skills that I don't know right now, but I'm just going to teach myself. And so that's what I did. And, you know, a year later, we turned it around, I'd sold I ended up selling off one of those gyms for a seven figure amount to an offshore business, we consolidate the three sites into one. And, you know, we basically that that chatswood site remained open until COVID. Last year, it still had in it by by February of 2020. We were about a year into going online with our with our programs, we're still still doing some live event workshops. And we still had a PT business within that site doing about 250 300 sessions a week. But when COVID hit, you know, a kind of
COVID爆发的时候我在亚洲,对吧?2019年1月,我在香港。2020年,我们在一艘游轮上,从香港到越南,这是我的家人。然后从越南到泰国,我记得每次都下车。你知道,那时我们不知道COVID是对的。我记得在每个港口下车,他们会有感应器来扫描你。我就想,这可不太好。就像这就像,你知道,我现在生活在某种电影里。我记得回到澳大利亚,在澳大利亚,你知道,我们认为我们是免疫的,对吧。因为我们之间的距离,我记得我对我的领导团队汤姆说,这不会像,这将会来到这里,我们会被锁在外面。 And this is in February of 2020. And they were looking at me, they're like, dang, it's not going to build them. Look, I trust my gut. And that's another business thing, like, trust your intuition, human beings, we were given gut feelings for a reason, when you learn to feel into it, it can be quite a powerful weapon. And so I made a decision actually to basically shut down my gym, which was still a seven figure earning business, and to shut down our site, and then three weeks later, we got locked down, and we never opened up ever again, since. So, we've been 100%, we've been 100% remote working since then, hence why I'm speaking to you more from my home office right now. And it was one of the To be honest, it was one of the best business decisions I've ever made. And embrace it embrace change, you know, I embrace change, I embrace the fact that we were about a year into our online journey. And that we really just had to go like all in and, you know, look going all in, you know, the last 12 months, we've we've educated about 15,000 trainers online, around the world, so and with about 160, with about 60% of them being outside of Australia. So you know, it's been a very, my journey with clean health has been a very interesting one, I kind of liken it into four phases, we've got the PT phase, the gym phase, the education workshop phase, and now the the the edtech online phase, which is where we are where we'll stay.





太棒了。女士们先生们,我们正在和丹·麦克唐纳谈话。他和我们一起谈论教练的成功。他说的是做出选择。有些选择需要改变。其中一些改变是建立在坚实的基础上的。但这并不意味着你在朝着最舒适的方向前进,你在朝着一个基于你可以处理的基础的方向前进,你可以做出改变。戴安,我有几个问题要问你。一是当你在编写自己的程序时,你会邀请别人进来?假设poliquin进来了。 And Dr. Norton comes in, you have these people? And and I guess now NSM, right. So you have a program that you're working with them, you have people coming in from outside with maybe different or additional content, a different perspective on things. How do you use that with your business and make that make that jive?


嗯,是的,这是一个超级好点。你知道,比如,我在你吸引谁也有类似的心态对你的人一个大的信徒,在你身边,对不对?所以,如果我看任何我们的战略合作伙伴,无论是的,你知道,NASM或NASM,我们作为我倾向于给他们打电话或者我认为在英国以及,你知道,车道法案Subash的光环,你知道,还有的是不同的人,我们已经有过多年。有很多的哲学取向首先,关于使命,正确的。那么,究竟什么是你知道的使命,什么是干净,健康的什么是NASM?什么是内衬上什么是所有这些不同的人试图做的,真的,如果你退一步,看看它是我们都在努力提高教育的整体专业水平,为世界各地的健身行业水平。正确的。因此,我们试图采取一个教练,你知道,可能有一个有限的知识和技能,增加知识和技能,所以他们有权实际上使变革和有一个可持续的事业,做自己喜欢的事情。所以这是第一个先决条件,因为,你知道的一样,如果你没有这样的哲学取向,你知道的,,它只是不存在。 And the second one is obviously, having that mutual respect. You know, I'll give you an example with les Norton. You know, I've known Layne for just about 2012, nearly a decade now. And, you know, for anyone that's followed him on social, you know, he's got a million plus followers across his Instagram and Facebook, cats and whatnot, you know, he's, he's been one of the biggest proponents of the, you know, if it fits in your macros, movement, and all that type of stuff over the last decade. And so initially, when we met, you know, him, and I had very different philosophical approaches to nutrition, you know, he was all about basically set your calories and eat what you want, you know, not, not necessarily so much like that. But like, that was, that was a bit, you know, the the overarching kind of philosophy maybe 10 years ago. Whereas for, for, for me, and what we were doing at clean health, it was very strict, it was, you know, we would kind of, you know, set the calories, set the macros, set the meal timing, like, we were very detailed, and that was probably because, as well, the type of clients that we were working with, were coming to us for a very serious result. And so when we, when we first met, like, our ideologies clashed, and I remember saying to him, you know, what, like, Look, you're obviously great at what you do, we obviously get good results, too. Why don't you come out to our gym, when you're out in Australia next time, and have a workout and kind of see what we're doing. And so he did, he came out to the gym, to his credit, and I remember, he walked in, and, you know, you know, back in those days, like, as I said, you know, we would have a lot of serious athletes, as well as general population clients in our gym. And, yeah, there's people squatting, 440 pounds, deadlifting, 650 kilos, 650 pounds, 700 pounds, and, you know, people walking around like that, they could step up on stage and stuff like that. And remember, he walked in during kind of one of these peak periods, and he walked around. And I sent him a letter saying, so does it look like people who don't know what they're doing? And he's like, he's like, no, clearly, you guys know what you're doing. And I'm like, I'm like, exactly. So like, we just have a different opinion on things different, a slightly different variation of how we're trying to achieve the same goal. And I think that's kind of the way I look at some of the strategic partners is we're all philosophically aligned, we all, you know, we're all working towards the same outcome to help people and to get better results. But we're all just doing it slightly different. And that's okay, you know, like, you have to be comfortable within your own skin. And for me, I've always been very good at attracting people, you know, the the best and the brightest out there around around me. And I'm kind of like the intermediary can say, Hey, you know, what, like, Guys, you know, settle down here and do that. And I think I get the respect from the PT side of the industry. Because, you know, I did over 20,000 pt sessions, myself, as a personal trainer. You know, I've been inactive as a PT, since 2017. But I've walked in the shoes of a lot of these individual partners. And then obviously, with, you know, in ASM, we've been able to build our business up to a point where we're able to collaborate with you guys and provide, you know, mutual value. And I think that's another big one, too, is, with any partnerships that you have, it needs to be a mutual exchange. It can't be one sided, even if one of the partners is, you know, obviously bigger, we still need to be able to, you know, bring positivity to the relationship and complementing each other in different ways. And I think, you know, obviously, with what we're doing without partners overall, and what we've started to do within ASM, I can really see that happening. And like I said, we're super excited about that, you know, as you're talking about that in the differences, it reminds me of a conference I'd gone two years ago, and this was early to mid 2000s. And friends and there was Mike Clark on and it was a panel, Mike Clark. Okay. Tom Purvis one Carlos Santana. I mean, I can't remember the other guys but it was all people that you're like, those guys don't agree with each other. Right? Like they, they they're all on the same thing. And you know, the moderators probably, like aren't going to pit somebody against each other. And remember the question got asked about it. The differences we had asked about the differences and it was one
卡洛斯·桑塔纳,他说我认为我们可能在95%的事情上是一致的,但是人们喜欢关注我们有分歧的那5%。我认为这是一个很好的看待问题的方式。好像我们都在做同样的事。它为我们的客户创造成功的健身相关的表现相关的结果,什么对他们是最好的,这是有前景的。有些人每个人的观点都是由他们的生活塑造的,对吧,来自他们的经历,他们的教育,他们的客户和他们合作的运动员。所以,一切都是由你的经历和教育塑造的。这并没有什么不同。但是存在差异,这些差异是可以接受的。我认为这是很有价值的,人们可以看到更多的一致和我们可以为人们提供的结果,而不是争论,因为这在行业中经常发生在我的新闻。在不同意的情况下,事情太多了。 And, you know, there's, I also feel like this day and age, people are just looking to argue, and they can sit behind a keyboard and do it without any consequence. And that's why the the cages get rattled so much. And that's, I mean, that's, you know, one piece of advice, you know, that I give trainers, you know, today is like, you know, if I go back, if I could, you know, tell myself one thing, you know, 1015 years ago, it's not to care what other people think. Yeah. You know, like, and I think human beings get so like, Oh, they said that, or she said that he said that or whatever. It's like just just focus on, the more you focus on, on you and doing you becoming the best version of you that you can be. And it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. And I think what you said before was spot on, like the, when you peel it back with all of these different experts, everyone's trying to do the same thing. We're all just doing it in a slightly different way. You know, so I think, you know, that's one thing that I've learned with having all of these different partnerships, and a lot of people have always said, like, Dane, how do you juggle all these big egos? It's like, Well, you know, I guess I've got a little bit of an ego myself, right. But but but at the end, by the end of day, it's just learning to understand people and that it's okay to have a different point of view. And just because somebody has a different point of view, it doesn't mean that you need to get reactive to that, you know, as you said, people are shaped by the experiences they've had, you know, the days, weeks, months and years before meeting you.







所以这就是我们所做的事情的核心。很明显,我们也把其他一些NASM产品带进了澳大利亚市场。比如伸展和柔韧性?教练课程。我的意思是,我们认为这很重要。这不是我们会做的事。你之前说过,协同工作你可能会做,其他伙伴可能不会做的事情。所以,你知道,有些东西,NASM呢我们不是专家,很明显,你知道,在我和我们的IP和教育团队经历的课程内容,就像你知道的,我们不要把手里的东西不是最好的最好的。你知道,在过去的20年里,我们谈到了一些,我们合作过的行业巨头,你知道,所以我们把虚拟教练也引入了,我们认为这是一个真正的大公司。现在在澳大利亚市场,不幸的是,澳大利亚一半的地区都被封锁了,我们受到了世界上最严格的限制,当涉及到这种流行病方面的事情时。 So a lot of pts are having to shift their business online or go into more of a hybrid model. So we're utilizing that and even actually, as well, the MMA certification that you guys are here. You know, there's a big, you know, match to Nathan Piland. From NASM. Yeah, is like, a night. Yeah, so there's a big kind of interest on that in the Australian kind of market as well, because MMA is quite a big thing here. So, look, we're obviously, slowly but surely, integrating some of the NSM offerings into our catalogue of stuff that we do here in Australia, and really kind of filling some of those gaps that we that we don't cover and have the expertise in. Because, again, you know, we talk about expertise. You know, our expertise is very much in kind of, you know, fat loss transformations, you know, building muscle, athletic performance, nutrition, stuff like that. But some of those other specialty things are not things that we've worked with. So, you know, that's where we feel the real partnership can complement each other, quite strongly here in the Australian market. I have to say, it sounds like NSM has found a quality partner down in Australia.











是的,听着,最简单的事情是,我们的网站是clean。你可以在Instagram上关注我们,在clean health fitness Institute。然后我在Instagram上的个人主页就在Dane McDonald。它们可能是《嘿,看,如果你听过这个节目,喜欢你听到的,听到的,随时给我发个信息,我总是花时间回复我的DM,并给培训师一些反馈和见解,因为,你知道,我自己也想要问题。所以我们是来帮忙的。


肯定的。非常感谢你和我们在一起。我很感激。女士们,先生们,非常感谢你们坚持到年底给我如果你有问题,你可以联系我在Instagram点里克·克伦博士或者你可以给我发邮件里克•richey@nasm.org这是NASM CPT播客。bob足球彩票



