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在本节课中,NASM大师教练Rich Richey和特邀嘉宾Lumen创始人兼首席执行官Daniel Tal一起探讨跟踪新陈代谢健康,以及这对健身专业人士意味着什么。





大家好,欢迎来到“NASM CPT播客”。bob足球彩票我叫里克·里奇。,如你所知,我们已经花费了大量的时间在CPT七基本上经历一个播客版本的学习指南,一块一块的一段一段的,做一个播客帮助那些学习CPT 7,和那些想要审查的内容认证的个人培训产品,销售经理。bob官方app所以说,今天,我们将会有一个小转折,事实上,自从我们的节目有嘉宾以来,已经有一段时间了。我想,伙计,如果你要带着客人进来,在很久没有客人的情况下,你最好做好一个。今天,我将邀请到illumine的Daniel tall,他将给我们讲述新陈代谢,追踪新陈代谢健康以及这对健身专业人士意味着什么。说到这里,丹尼尔,你好吗,先生?






当然,我很高兴。我叫丹尼尔,今年40岁,是自由的父亲。我是创始人,我是内部企业家。在我职业生涯的过去16或17年里,我建立了公司和团队。我很幸运能创办我的第三家公司,有些公司成功了,有些失败了。所以我在这个领域有广泛的经验。但在过去的七年里,我一直在做一件非常激动人心的事情,那就是一项发明。基本上,它从科学的世界中获取一些东西,并将其送到消费者的手中,这就是lumen。那实际上是一个小装置,你可以拿在手里,对着它呼吸。它会实时告诉你你正在燃烧的燃料是什么? And what does it say about your metabolism? Is it are you healthy? Are you not healthy? And it starts to elevate the conversation about the importance of food as fuel for us to reach our goals, be it weight loss with muscle mass or, or improving your health. And this is me and what I do.


完全正确。我们的验证研究也是在同样的设备上进行的。我们说的这个设备主要是代谢车或代谢室用来分析你消除的二氧化碳和你消耗的汽车以及其中的流动。使用这三个参数。基本上,它们可以告诉你一些关于新陈代谢的事情,比如对Max的看法,你的无氧阈值是多少?比如你燃烧了多少卡路里你的身体在24小时内燃烧了多少卡路里?那是你的RMR。我们所做的是采用一种指标,也就是我们的线索它会实时告诉你,发生了什么,你在燃烧那些卡路里吗?它们来自脂肪吗?还是来自碳水化合物? And by by getting that knowledge, basically, and by getting that understanding and understanding what you've done to get your body to fat burn? And how do you feel after a workout that you started that workout on carbon? You can start identifying what food is good for you. And actually what keeps you at an optimal level? Not all the time, but most of the time.

太好了。好吧。好吧。我得好好研究一下。接下来,女士们先生们,这位是丹尼尔·高,lumen的首席执行官兼创始人他已经获得了一些很棒的信息。让我们再深入一点。那么现在你说这是你利用的底物的量是什么意思?什么时候,比如说你在上自行车课?好了,假设有人,我们从Lumen那里发现有人消耗了更多的碳水化合物,还有人消耗了更多的脂肪来完成这门课。告诉我那是什么意思。 And how does that individualized to each person?

这是个很好的问题。这是准备给也许一个更广阔的背景,我们的身体可以使用碳水化合物和脂肪作为燃料,对,我们有脂肪食物和我们的食物,很明显,我们从我们的脂肪储存脂肪,和碳水化合物,我们从最后一餐可以有碳水化合物,或者我们可以从糖原储存的碳水化合物。当碳水化合物缺乏时,一个健康的身体会非常依赖脂肪。当有碳水化合物的时候也会非常依赖碳水化合物。因为当我们吃碳水化合物的时候,我们填满了糖原储备,胰岛素就会分泌出来,对吧?我们用这些碳水化合物作为燃料。什么是好,什么是坏,这是一个伟大的问题。这取决于你的目标,如果你锻炼的目标是减肥你想一直保持最佳的脂肪燃烧水平,你想延长锻炼时间,对吧?因为锻炼是有作用的,你之前吃的食物也是有作用的。有些人如果事先不摄入碳水化合物就无法坚持锻炼,对吧? And they need to fuel up maybe even during the workout depending on the length of that workout. And so the answer of what is good and what is bad is really, first, what is your goal? And what is the goal of that workout, if I want to run an extra mile or I want to lift the heaviest, I want to be properly fuel before that workout. Because I want to get that extra, let's say, boost that carbs can actually give me carbs are more efficient in providing you energy immediately. For your your muscles, right? They the glycogen stores are actually they exist in in our muscles? And so that's the answer to the question really, depending on your goal, you can understand where you should be at and you can optimize what you've eaten before, or even what you're eating doing. So you can get to that goal.


所以答案是肯定的,但这里有一个按钮。腔并不真正推荐一个非常具体的饮食,我们试图努力,改变思维的范式,因为我现在要完全消灭碳水化合物,因为我要去keto。bob官方体育下载这对我来说是最好的。但我们想做的就是说keto是一个很好的策略。你可以使用它,但你不应该用它作为一种生活方式,作为你作为你所期望的行为的一种生活方式,从今天开始到余生。那为什么呢?因为碳水化合物很重要。我们有碳水化合物和蔬菜。我们有淀粉碳水化合物,可以帮助我们建造肌肉。而且,keto饮食是极端的。 And diets in general are extreme. We're being sold off a very simple five things you shouldn't do five things you must do. And diets are viral in their nature. They need to be extreme in order to to be stay relevant and be and be viral and be shareable. I need to tell my friend here, who What am I doing and I need to see results in what I'm doing very, very fast. And what lumen does is actually trying to sell balance when we put you on low carb meals for several days and we see that there is impact. We will actually encourage you to have some higher carb days, and we want to see your bodies still making that shift or carbon. Right. So maybe I will actually give a glimpse of how a day on lumen looks like. And that will also give better bit of a broader context. So most of our customers, I think two thirds of our customers use lumen to lose weight. They could be and then that could be they are working out. So they're not necessarily sedentary. They're active people, but they have a mission. And that through their nutrition, they want to get to find their optimal weight, and they want to find their optimal habits. And what they do is take this small device and it's connected to an app, and every morning like brushing your teeth, you then you wake up, and you take a measurement, and morning time, it's fasting is a very interesting point in time for us, because our body should be at fat burn in that, in that, at that time. Why because we haven't been eating, hopefully for the past 678 hours, because we were sleeping. So nine time is the time for our body to make that shift to fat burn. So a first checkup in the morning can actually tell you, in a way how good your metabolism is what prevents you to to get to fat burn in the morning. If you've eaten a lot yesterday, if you've overfilled, your glycogen stores, and if you overeat, and carbs or calories in general, if you're stressed, if you're sleep deprived, your body can wake up on carb burn, because that's a stress response for the body. If you're drinking alcohol at night, so you're not really allowing your body to make that transition to fat burn. Because fat and alcohol are being processed in the liver, the same organ that is responsible for for treating the alcohol, which is poison for our body and doing fat burn. So there are many things that can prevent you from from getting too fat burn in the morning. And there is an aspiration that lumen wants to see you there. And during the day as you go by and what lumen does is building you a personal nutrition plan for that day, that takes into account your highly high level goal that takes into account if you're working out today or not. That takes into account your if you're a female, so your day and your monthly cycle that takes into account your activity, if you've been sleeping well in the past few days are not resting heart rate. So we take into account everything we can basically to tell Taylor, what you should be having today to help you reach your goals.


如此,正如我所说,我们的三分之二的客户正在使用它以实现某些类型的减肥。所以一方面,他们会得到他们的结果。但是,在两周的时间后,更重要的是,逐渐逐渐变得更快,流明将会向他们展示他们的代谢分数是什么。因此,它是一方面是预先糖尿病或糖尿病的人之间的一种规模,而且让我们说一个奥运会运动员,这是根据需要使用这些燃料非常有效的奥林匹克运动员。他们可以。所以有一个分数,在一个和21之间存在一个范围。并且实际上泄露了什么样的腔。它是什么,那么是帮助您推动该得分。所以我们想做的就是提高你的新陈代谢。因此,当你减肥时,你实际上可以确保将其保留,因为您对荷尔蒙和您的酶和酶的内部变化以及碳水化合物和脂肪之间的能力进行了内部变化。而这有助于维持这种变化。 So there is no more yo yo dieting in that sense. And this is this is like this is a health metric for us. This is no longer just a weight loss journey. For us. Weight loss is the hook for a lot of people. But the actual mission is is getting people to become healthier.


卢蒙从一方面来说,七岁的产品在制造和经历很多病人和经历了许多客户发现真正理解的人带进这个,因为它是一个新的经验将他们吃什么我们告诉他们吃,因为从来没有人用黄金标准度量驱动营养决策。bob官方体育下载所以有很多关于顾客的研究。在某种程度上,我们还没有真正开始在2型糖尿病患者身上做实验,我们并没有从这些观众开始。因为我们相信,在某种程度上,当你的2型糖尿病根植于你的生活方式时,就会发生这种情况。所以在某种程度上我们所设想的是我们可以帮助人们定制和做出更好的决定并通过知识赋予他们权力。通过营养方面的第一次数据,我们可以帮助治疗,从预防的方式。bob官方体育下载所以现在医院里正在对糖尿病前期人群做实验,结果也很有希望。只有lumen和coach公司,设备和人们经历的过程,我们看到了显著的结果在所有参数中与糖尿病前期和血糖水平相关,移动在winsy。到目前为止,这对我们来说是个机会。 But still, it's in the research, we want to be very diligent on knowing that we can we can actually make an impact and make a change there. But it gotcha.


通常,这很有趣,通常他们齐头并进的方式对我们来说,我们的观众是我们从那些已经开始在乎谁已经减肥旅程过去,关心他们的营养,他的学费,一些超出饥饿感。bob官方体育下载在某种程度上,这是我们的早期采用者,他们是加入这个社区的人,这个社区非常活跃。这就是我们的核心受众。是的,健身和营养真的是密不可分的,当你养成一个好习惯时,通bob官方体育下载常你就打开了投资健康的大门。所以健身是你需要投资的第二件事。睡得好是另一个因素当我们看到这一切都是联系在一起的。所以当我们讨论并在产品中添加内容时,营养是我们工作的核心因为它将我们和健康市场区分开来作为营养的反馈环。bob官方体育下载但是,你可以限制这个讨论,只是想让它超越你的想象,你可以看到锻炼对你的身体的影响。你可以在锻炼前和锻炼后测量。你能真正理解锻炼让我燃烧了脂肪吗? Or did I actually use my muscle to to an extreme level that my body post workout is still using that sugar from the muscle? So you can we learn things about yourself and and correlate that with how you feel. So you can make educated decisions on your next workout. Oh, man, this

天啊,这太棒了。再一次,这是丹尼尔腔的高跟我们讲讲这个代谢测量装置,一个小型手持设备你把你的手你的呼吸,它可以测量出来的二氧化碳,它给你一个更好的主意衬底你使用你生活。所以不管你是在醒来后休息还是在锻炼后。你在锻炼过程中利用了什么基质?我认为这是绝对迷人的。我有个问题要问你。这是经常出现的对腔来说也不是陌生的。所以我想让你和它说一会儿。你们可能已经讨论过了。但有一个术语与之相伴叫做代谢灵活性。 What is that?

所以当我们开始制作《卢蒙》的时候,老实说,我们一开始并不知道新陈代谢的灵活性是什么意思。这是一门科学,有很多关于这方面的文献。它本质上是身体利用碳水化合物和脂肪的能力在某种程度上,它们应该被利用。我说已经是早上了,现在是禁食时间。脂肪燃烧是你想让你的身体在餐后得到的能量,假设我吃了高碳水化合物的食物,我应该等30分钟,我应该看到我的身体向碳水化合物转变。一个巴厘人,一个新陈代谢较不灵活的身体,不会进行这种转变。因为我要吃糖,胰岛素会分泌,但细胞不会吸收糖。所以这是一个证据,比如说,新陈代谢应该被固定。对吧?解决这个问题的方法是,再次尝试,避免,让身体更多地使用脂肪,然后以某种方式重新引入碳水化合物。 And that transition between carbs and fats is a metric of health in in a sense, and metabolic flexibility is something that you can only measure in, in clinics. And and you can only understand that usually when it's too late. So when people trail into diabetes, no one almost no one wakes up and become type two diabetic. Like the next day, it happens through a series of bad decisions you made in your life, in nutrition, and in in lack of fitness and in stress and lack of sleep. And those all for confounding that will make an impact and kind of lumines role is to put you on a journey. It's no longer a device for us. It's a journey for improved metabolism and better health.


肯定的。所以我们做的是,我们允许你很快在这个应用的下一个版本中,我们允许你做食物记录,我们收集关于你的所有数据。所以你可以告诉我们这是否是一次成功的锻炼,你之前吃了什么,你之前睡了什么,我们知道这些,因为我们通过你的手机收集数据,等等。我们可以开始为你提供个性化的见解,让你知道你正在做的事情是什么,实际上是支持你实现目标的。对你来说,最有效的方法就是在晚上8点停止进食。也可能是其他人多睡了一个小时。也可能是其他人尝试延长两天的禁食时间。对其他人来说,实际上是在菜单上添加碳水化合物。每个人的习惯都是不同的,他们如何来到我们这里,如何来到这个平台。这就是它有趣的地方。 So it's it's really not about just a single measurement that tells you necessarily the whole story. It gives you an insight. But as you go by and you continuously use the device, and you use the system, we deepen our learning about you and we give you insights that can help you improve.




一切都是关于,我认为,你可以拥有目标的讨论以及各种各样的生活如何支持你的目标。因为如果你只考虑你的角色,因为我将对这个人的肌肉或这个人的有氧运动,有氧运动,例如健美操训练,那么你可能会错过制造一个复杂的机会bob官方app对那个人的生命的影响。并留住长期客户。因为作为一个人开始注意到,因为锻炼,因为他在锻炼后的良好时,他实际上有机会再次开始重新思考他的营养,并且他有机会增加另一个小时的睡眠。bob官方体育下载和全面地,你知道,你知道更强大,更有弹性的人,触动他们的生活中更多的积分。并且那个触摸点,即使它只是一两分钟,也可能真的与一个人滑倒,你知道,放手。因为他,他觉得他昨晚吃了很多,吃了很多。而且,现在他不想出现锻炼。或者现在他是他是他的判断自己,他不想再从事健身了,因为他感觉他是一个健康失败。 So that's I think it's it goes way, way, way beyond the device. As you said, when we build the device, we knew that there is no longer justification in the world to build a device that measures something. That's it. It's more about the content, the insights, and actually it's more about the journey, and the accountability that this metric can provide. And the role of the metric in people's life in is really more than just knowing and analyzing, it's actually motivating. And it's actually keeping you accountable as well. So it's it's, it's it's all part of programming ourselves to better behavior.


是的。所以我想说我想要一个浪漫的答案。但事实上,我有一个浪漫的答案。我在这里,好吧。因为我的妻子因为我的妻子,所以我的lumen不是真的想法不是我的发明。是我的妻子,麦考尔和她的双胞胎妹妹罗伯。这是由两位营养学家提出的他们都是生理学博士,研究心律失常,他们都是铁人三项的参赛者bob官方体育下载,都非常擅长极限比赛,比如马拉松等等。他们的秘方就是营养。bob官方体育下载我娶了一个,但从我自己的创业经历来看,我有点超重。我想知道我是如何在我的公司和我的日常生活中使用数据的,但对我来说,营养基本上就像占星术。bob官方体育下载 I don't know what's working what's not. And for me, it was a personal journey. And for them for the Harlem lab, it was kind of a career change. They wanted to make an impact, they went to study nutrition, and they realized that it's, it's kind of psychology for food. And, and there is no which is, shouldn't be under underestimated, but there is no data. nutritionists don't really have data on what's happening, and what their how their recommendation is actually making an impact. They can see that on the weight scale. But it doesn't tell the whole story. And it doesn't necessarily tell a story of health. And so this was the genesis of our, our own journey. So we are five founders, two of them are my spouse and her twin sister, and the other two are my co founders from previous companies. So this is a family business. And it's like, we're all we're all in, we can't allow this to fail.

这是一个多么神奇的故事。谢谢分享!我很高兴我问了这个问题。非常感谢你的分享。我向你和你的家人致以最美好的祝愿。我对这个产品很着迷。老实说,我迫不及待地想要一台这样的电脑,并开始追踪我的新陈代谢健康状况和我的新陈代谢结果,这样我就能了解更多。我大概在两年前从纽约市的注册营养师那里听说,我和我的一个朋友一起工作,我来回做了很多推荐。她是我推荐网络的一部分。她问我是否听说过。 And I said no, and she started filling me in on it. And then here we are a few years later being connected and talking to the to one of the co founders of this and the husband of one of the twin sisters that you know put put their brain power together to create what seems to be a really incredible product. So with that being said, What can you tell us if we we or any of our audience, if we are interested in the product? What What do we need to know where to find it? If you can discuss pricing as it stands as of today, whatever you can share with us, please do it.

确定。所以你基本上可以在网上找到我们,我们目前只是在网上销售。它是www。lumen lume。基本上通过这个网站,你可以开始了解销售的旅行套餐的内容,或者只是购买一个设备。现在的价格是350美元。该公司正在考虑向一种不同的商业模式转型,但这需要一些时间,到目前为止,你只能在网上购买。




