

bob apple

你好,每个人,欢迎来到随机适合的另一集。我是Wendy Batts,我将成为您的特殊CO主持人Ken Miller先生的主人之一。那么肯,你今天好吗?
Ken Miller:

Ken Miller:

我要同意这一点,因为我甚至在所有的主要俱乐部都知道,即​​使我加入,你知道,当我搬家时,我加入了一个靠近我家的健身房。他们对我说的第一件事是因为我并不总是告诉人们我是一名培训师,你知道,我告诉人们我是一个教育者,而且我并不总是戴我的NSM装备,因为我知道如果人们看到它,那么他们会看一下我的每一个举动。但是,他们就像我们可以为您提供像您的第一个免费的个人培训,并且您知道房子上的会话。bob官方app但基本上他们所做的就是这样,让我告诉你如何使用它,你知道,就像坐着的机器坐着的腿上坐在坐着的行,我想到自己,为什么所有关于机器的一切都是为什么。然而,当你想到它时,当你对健身房新的时候,我认为这对人们来说是一个巨大的好处。所以他们至少明白如何正确设置件事。所以,你知道,和我在一起,因为我有一个基础,我理解所有不同的碎片,我认为是一个伟大的地方。但是,除非我做一些具体的力量,否则我真的需要两步。我经常在遇见我的情况下使用机器,我很少地使用它们。 I don't know if you do but right, no, not really.
Ken Miller:


Ken Miller:
确切地。因此,要进入,我认为我们需要那种先澄清一下什么选项一般有一个,在健身房或健身俱乐部。因此,我们已经谈过selectorized设备,那就是,这是设备这几乎是专门为一个。一个目标,就像你提到的,当坐着的坐姿推胸坐在这个坐在那个坐在二头肌卷曲,坐姿三头肌伸展。所以这些,这些机器其实也有一个明确的目标和目的。而他们唯一真正的意思做的一件事。而且,你自己看着办吧设备的selectorized一块是什么方式,一种是,他们通常会先有站在人物的人的照片,它会突出那些肌肉那台机器是为了工作,上。所以,如果它是一个坐着一排,它可能有一个背面上的身影,它会显示为红色高亮显示,上背部肌肉,这将是该特定装备的目标。再下一个,你知道,当我们谈论自由权,这些都是你的哑铃和杠铃的,东西是为了解除,捞起,然后再放下吧。所以这是,这是我们会考虑的自由权。 And that's where you know, your home gyms and things like that will usually be outfitted with that type of equipment, a lot of your hotels, and you know, when you're traveling and they happen to have a fitness center fitness facility available, that's just one modality that they'll usually have, because you can do a lot with it. And then of course, there's bodyweight. So bodyweight exercises, which, you know, over the last five or so years is gained a lot of notoriety through different programs and different systems, one of our friends have NSM with with, with neysa, Nathan hellberg, with zoo, you know, is a training system based on bodyweight exercises. And, of course, the ever popular tubing or bands, where you're just again, something that stretches and adds resistance based on, you know, however big the band is made, may have different tensions to it. But that's something that as we'll talk about is really convenient, for the most part when it comes to being one of the modalities that you can choose.

是的。如果你只是加入我们,我们正在谈论玩等待游戏,这说,就像你刚刚听到的那样,我们主要是四个,我们看到的四个大,当我们“时常常谈论和讨论。谈论锻炼和做,引用,抵抗训练。bob官方app所以我想,你知道,根据你所说的,你知道,当我们谈论用你的体重做事时,你知道,你知道,你知道,用自由重量和用管道做事的事情是一些优点,有一些缺点,所以,你知道,我试图坐在更多的积极上。所以让我们谈谈一些关于所有这些作品的消极事物。所以我会从第一个开始。再一次,我谈了机器。所以当我们谈论选择的设备时,当你坐下来,你正在做某事,甚至是你站立,就像你说你有你的解剖家伙,那么你知道肌肉被突出,它会告诉你你正在做的事情。但你真的只是隔离和定位一个区域。 And even though we can't specifically target an area to lose body fat or anything like that, we can target specific muscles to fire based on the movement patterns. However, it's not really an integrated movement to what we do each and every day. And so to me, I find that to be a little bit of a net negative. plus, again, when we have the pandemic, and people couldn't go to the gym, if you don't have a full gym at your house, you know, it's very, very expensive to have those pieces of equipment, they take a ton of space, they're really expensive. And there's so many other things that you can do to still work on those specific areas without having that cost involved.

Ken Miller:

然后它带来了我们,然后思考自由重量。现在我是一个自由重量的忠实粉丝。到你的观点,现在他们实际上拥有那些自由重量的块,你可以在哪里知道,你可以只有两个实际的哑铃,对,但是你可以调整重量。所以你可以举起10磅,15磅,20磅,无论只是转动旋钮,然后它会像外部负载一样添加。所以当你捡起来时,你知道,你能够在无论如何做大量不同的东西,你知道,阻力你可以在没有补偿的情况下处理。所以对我来说,当你正在看着你说的那样,足迹,与你所说的比较没有任何比较,就像你说,这些机器一样。但是,当你做自由重量或哑铃时,你真的需要有良好的协调和运动模式。所以你必须能够,你知道,当你告诉你的左手做某事时,你希望右手能够做到这一点。有时我们真的是一位培训师,我们开始看看主导方面是什么,我发现它非常有益。我知道我们现在正在谈论这个问题的负面部分。 But I find it very beneficial because when I'm training one side of the body, the other side has to do the same thing, because there's no machine Now remember, if I'm sitting doing a chest press, if I'm stronger on my left arm, I may push more with my left arm, but my right arms there for the ride. With the free weights, you don't have that. So I think on a negative side, if you're you're not really sure about the exercise, then you can hurt yourself because it is your extra resistance. And you could end up you know, causing some pain and injury if you're not careful and being smart in your movement patterns with these with these dumbbells.

Ken Miller:
是的。从教练的角度来看,如果你要指导客户如何使用自由杠铃,不管是正确使用哑铃还是杠铃,你必须很熟练的理解回归和进展和我谈论回归和发展是如何使事情更容易与您正在使用的变量或进展或者只是你如何让事情更有挑战性,你所拥有的。如果我的一切如果我没有一个,那些你提到的可调哑铃的时候,我在家有一组是惊人的,只是因为你移动一个销或轮到你,现在你有15磅重的哑铃和10磅的哑铃。但如果如果我只有一个10磅重的哑铃。我要怎么把这个10磅重的哑铃变轻?对吧?如果它太具有挑战性,或者我该如何如何增加挑战,让它看起来更重?所以你必须有一些知识和信息的基础,你如何使事情更容易或更困难,只有一组重量。这是另一件事。 So that's where education and understanding leverage and body mechanics on using a dumbbell or barbell, because if you don't have a full line from five, to 55, and five pound increments, you're gonna have to, you know, shade things a little bit one way or the other. So I think one of the negatives about the freeway is that you got what you got.
而这是啊,我想你知道,当你想起来了,但你的观点,我想,因为我也有,只是因为,我屋里的小空间的可调节的,并使得有很大的意义您点的足迹,它可能会,也可能占用了很多很多的空间。如果你没有架子,你已经得到了所有这些随机的,你知道,哑铃全部铺设了你的地板。这样,这也是我认为,一个负。但是消极的,我有,如果我们进入到管是我喜欢管,因为你可以很容易地订购它,它是可用的,你可以选择你的厚度,这又意味着阻力,这是更积极的。然而,消极的一面,这是人们不经常想的就是如果我做胸部按压,而我有我管固定在我身后,对,所以我站在这里,我”刚准备向前推动它。当我推着,当我开始的意思,除非有我向前走和阻力添加到我的出发点不是一个很大的阻力。但是,当它时,它实际上是最弱的,我是最强的。当我推它,它变得更加细长的平均值,有更多的张力,要之中。因此,正如我推了,我变得更弱,因为我实际上推动了努力工作,我的胸肌,那实际上是更加捉襟见肘。 So you've got to think it's even harder. So as I continue to push out, I have to become stronger at my weakest point. And if I'm not careful when I just bring it back, it can actually bring me back at a faster pace, which is an ideal, because we always definitely want to control the movement coming back more so than even pushing it sometimes because we really want to control that East centric motion, which is going back to your starting position. And so that's one thing that I find, you know, as a as a big negative, plus, you have to also have a really good anchor point. Because you have to be able to anchor that tube down to something or wrap it around something and you need to make sure that it's heavy enough that it doesn't move, and either come towards you, which could hurt you. Or you know, also to that it's not so wide that it makes that tubing already really, really strong. Because of the you know, the the width that you have to put it around something. So you know, having a good anchor point. And they do have those two things that you can actually put on something. I like that a lot. But that's just one, those are probably my two big negatives. And I don't know if there's anything else you see,

Ken Miller:
是啊,这也是一个人要为自己的安全负责的地方。如你所知,当你当你当你自己的设施,甚至如果你是去一个公园,和做在公园或一组训练外,我所做的,你知道,油管是我带来的事情之一,但为了确保我的客户的安全,我必须确保特别是如果它只是平原暴露橡胶油管,bob官方app如果它变干了,就会失去弹性,更容易开裂。如果它裂了,它可能会裂,如果它裂了,它就会裂。有段时间我看到只是一些乐队,他们只是垃圾,因为他们一直坐在他们没有使用,他们已经暴露于太阳或他们已经湿了,然后暴露于太阳,这使得它你知道,只是麻烦的弹性。所以你必须非常非常注意你所拥有的管子的质量。因为它所需要的是你知道的,你在一个带里有很大的阻力,然后你知道的,你有两个把手在这个橡胶块里到处飞。我也见过这种情况如果你不注意的话会很危险的。所以我认为你真的需要这适用于我们谈论的任何设备,对吧?你只需要确保它处于良好的安全状态就可以使用了。 tubing winds up being one of those things where you really have to watch out for that but there are those tubing That have the, the wrapping around it. So like stoops comes to mind, when it when it comes to protecting the elasticity of the of the of the band, when you have this kind of this folding up, I guess wrapping around it. So that's another that's another feature that I look for when it comes to to the band. So you just really have to watch out because when that band breaks,

是的,我和我的客户都经历过很多次了,通常是在我使用迷你乐队的时候,比如做横向积木。就像它进来了,进来了然后就断了。当然,你知道,如果我让客户做,他们会说,哦,看,我很强壮。我把乐队弄坏了。我说,是的,但你也打了我。所以我不知道,我觉得。但是很好的观点,非常非常好的观点。如果你们刚刚加入我们,我们就在讨论,你知道,玩等待游戏。现在我们讨论的是一些负面的东西。我们已经讲过器械了,我们讲过一些负重器械,我们讲过管子。 And I guess really, if you think about bodyweight, the only negative I could really come up with was if you don't like lifting what you have, then maybe you should lose some weight. Or if you want to live more, and you don't have anything besides yourself, maybe you should gain some weight. But yeah, you know, all kidding aside, it really, I really want people to focus on what they have, first get good quality of movement, because then we can use, you know, these other pieces of equipment that we've just discussed, because there really is some great outcomes.

Ken Miller:

对吧?确切地。是啊,好,进入你的观点,因为我们去过很多地方,我不一堆多余的东西旅行,因为我已经有一吨重的东西,我平时也与我带来任何车间或任何这是我们正在做的。所以我觉得,我想,现在我们可以继续前进的利弊。只是因为你第一次谈论体重,我觉得能够做你知道,俯卧撑,弓步,下蹲,你知道,有些不同的肩模式和运动模式,你知道,我的背,然后连,你知道,只是抓住一条毛巾,并且,你知道,只是它包裹的东西,做等距轮询我的背。如果我这样做,我放慢我的速度,就像真的放缓都记录下来,这是非常困难的。而这一点,我认为,有时我们忘记了,你的速度可以决定的东西是多么不容易。所以,如果你尝试做你自己,我会挑战大家进入一个俯卧撑的位置,做俯卧撑的15次重复,持续四秒,徘徊在地板上两秒钟,然后 pushing all the way out for one. And you did that 15 times, keeping your abs and your glutes squeezed and making sure that you've got good good movement pattern and quality of movement. It is extremely hard to do. And I didn't have to travel with anything other than what I you know what I have, which is my clothes or whatever I'm learning. Yeah.

Ken Miller:
我想你知道,只是轻敲成到同样的想法,你,你在谈论改变你的节奏,对,做一些事情。我认为,当涉及到体重锻炼,即使你把你所知道的,你只是增加了一个小的扭曲,以及我的意思是你,让我们说进入的东西不同的方向。所以有一个非常流行的运动,如果我要上下身的工作,有一件事做的是下蹲,但如果我要像做弓步,蜿蜒向上是很受欢迎,很多时候人会做哑铃在自己手中。但是,如果我把一个弓步,典型的午餐,如果我问你做午饭时,一个人,通常他们会以正走午餐,正确的,他们会挺身而出,然后他们会回过头来他们的起始位置,然后他们会向前迈进了一步另一条腿,站在回其直立位置。但是,如果你把同样的午餐,而不是挺身而出,你向后踩,让你做一个反向或反向弓步。或者即使你花同样的冲刺,甚至走到一边,让你做一个侧弓步,然后再回到中心,甚至反过来弓步在臀部加一点旋转。现在很多的这些都可以是你知道的,很漂亮,你知道的,因为它是新的小说了很多的挑战,增加的那一点额外位的人。因此,即使它是一个午餐,你知道,这只是刚刚拍摄到不同方向的午餐,它的感觉是困难或更具挑战性的风速高达是一个真实的东西。 So this is where I can have a client, you know, they'll do what they'll normally do feel comfortable doing, because they're good at it, you take that same general emotion, you have them go into a different direction out, now it's got a totally different dimension. And it's got a whole new set of challenges, which makes it harder for them to do so you can, you can elevate easily a bodyweight exercise that you might traditionally know but you add a little bit of a twist to it, it's it's got a challenge that your body is new to. So now it's more challenging for that body to do that same exercise.


Ken Miller:
毫无疑问,没有它。是的,当提到举重时,你的想象力肯定会受到限制。但是你知道,我们只是要确保当我们举起我们的空间时,正如你所说的,特别注意我们的姿势和位置。当你提到速度,速度致命,如果你跑得太快,你知道,快过了关节的稳定能力,再一次,你离开了那个特定的设备,现在你有那些更深层的稳定肌肉在关节的深处需要做更多的工作。如果你走得太远太快了,或者甚至是用更重的砝码,砝码的一个缺点是随着年龄的增长,你会回到很久以前的状态。所以如果我这样做,我就会拿起30到40磅的重物,做一些肩部按压。但现在,这些人可以处理。所以你要做你现在能做的事,因为事情已经变了。所以你知道,吃一点屈辱,你知道的,适当的,正确的大小,运动的阻力,你要有创造力,你想要你知道,你想挑战的身体,但你必须聪明到什么程度的阻力,你会把你的身体。我也认为,在负重练习中,我想我们说过很多专业术语,当我们想到管子时,有很多共性,当我们说到,在安德的比赛中相互依赖。 So what I'm doing on one side and doing the other, we can still do with tubing because now we've got, you know, external load, we're still trying to think about that. However, with that being said, if we know that we have a good anchor point, and you're going to do something single arm or single leg, then oftentimes you're going to have to either hold let's say you're got the ones with the handles the tubing with the handle, and you're doing a chest press, you would actually have to hold both handles in your hand so it's going to actually double that load. So to your point, you're going to have to be careful with You're positioning your form. However, another very big Pro is if you want external load, they're super inexpensive in comparison to the other stuff we're talking about. Plus, you can easily throw it in your bag and travel with them.

是的。是啊,我扔了那是我的一次尝试。所以当我打包我的衬衫、裤子和其他东西时,我会在里面放一个带子,因为它不需要任何重量,旅行时也不占任何空间。你知道,我可以把它挂在床脚上,如果有的话,或者酒店房间里的桌子上。你知道,你可以做1015个卷毛,或者排毛,蹲坐等等,但是非常非常方便。但我笑了,我并不是要切断你的联系。但我是在酒店做的,我拿着我的管子,把它绑在桌子上。记住,当你在酒店房间里的时候,它可能不是最好的家具。所以我开始做,我开始做一些胸压。然后我转身开始划船。 And all of a sudden, I noticed that the dust starts coming towards me, and then I stepped back and it keeps moving. And then there's a lamp that's connected it was almost going to be it's gonna be really, really bad. However, that's why it's important to always make sure that everything that you're doing the anchor point and everything that you have, it's safe, because that could have been that could have been disastrous. Yeah, I've had, I've moved some furniture myself. I think we all know, what would I need to move it? I can't when I don't want to move it. It's easy to move. So yeah, that's exactly, yes. And then, of course, some pros, for me when we're talking about selectorized equipment or machines is if you're new to the gym, is the pictures will help you, it teaches you the proper movement patterns, when you're trying to focus on specific body parts, it really does take the guesswork out. And if you're trying to gain size, it is a great you know, those are great pieces of equipment. I just say, as a side note, if you're going to use machines, try to switch it up and use some of these other resistance, you know, pieces of equipment we're talking about. So therefore, your body is moving the way that we move in life. But then you're also working on specific isolated strength.

Ken Miller:
是的,我记得我的第一个个人训练客户,劳里,她进来了,而且你知道,她有人的目标,你bob官方app知道,她是,她有这个肩膀。但是你知道,这是,90年代中期。我们拥有这一切的精彩,这款精彩的选择设备。那我该怎么办?我的意思是,这就是我训练的方式,这就是我所知道的。所以我把她放在坐着的胸前。而我的脚本随着劳里的方式很好,劳里,这是一个坐着的胸部新闻机,吧,它的旨在挑战胸部和肩膀的前部。这就是我们如何调整这些座位。这是我们调整重量的地方。当你在这里设置时,这就是你如何抓住手柄,然后你推动,对,我希望你以这种加速,这个加速。 And that was how I taught my first client was on a selectorized piece of equipment. And I bring that up right now because it was easy, right? I don't have to tie I didn't have to talk about mechanics head position over the shoulder, shoulders over the hips, I just taught her here's, here's how you position yourself, here's what it's for. And here's the motion and have at it, right so for me to bring that up, it's just it as we brought up earlier, it's it's an easy way to challenge the body because the bench or the seat or whatever it is, it's it's stabilizing you There's nothing to control, if I'm sitting down, there's I don't have to control my hips, I do want to make sure I have a good you know, position with my low back, I want to make sure that I'm sitting as tall as I can. But outside of that the machine is taking care of a lot of things that your body doesn't have to when it comes to posture and position. So that's one of the that's one of the easier things, you know, whether it's good or bad is up to up to the listener but it's one of the one of the benefits of having selectorized equipment because somebody can exercise. You don't have to inundate them with anatomy and, and exercise physiology on why, you know, it's important to stand up or sit down but, you know, it was it was how I started off my career was using selectors. But then as my education grew, so did my level of instruction. But you know, that that was you know, for better for worse. That was how I got started with with teaching people exercise.

我甚至都不记得我第一次使用的是什么了,我试着回去看看那是什么,但我我们肯定有机器,就像我说的,我主要工作我的职业生涯是从物理治疗开始的。所以我们确实有器械,但是我们有大量的运动器材,比如缆绳和砝码,这样我们就可以练习正确的运动模式,因为大多数人都是在做完手术后才出来的。所以我在那里帮助他们运动。但我认为我今天的主要收获希望你们喜欢,但你们的选择要明智。如果你总是用机器做一些不同的事情,因为最终每四到六周,你的身体就会适应你对它的任何要求。它只是想知道你是否习惯使用机器。这就是你所做的一切。想想你一生中有多少次只有一个特定的动作,你没有加入所有不同类型的动作,很少,意思是,如果我要按压,我可能会向外按压到一边。但如果我要锁住一个设备,我只按这个方向。所以为了生活而训练,在你的锻炼中增加一些变化,只要明白,如果你要使用这些不同的设备,你要考虑利弊。永远为成功做好准备。 So choose the right band and your tubing, the thicker the band, the harder the resistance, so be smart. And like you said, check your ego at the door and really focus on slowing down your tempo work on your movements. And then just have fun, be creative, like you said, be creative.

Ken Miller:

Ken Miller:



