
Dynamic Warmups for Athletes: Exercises for Sports Performance

金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)
金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)


在本文中,进一步了解为什么您应该考虑在上场,野外或健身房之前进行动态热身,并抓住例行程序来亲自尝试。这些是基本概念sports performance professionals知道。

What is a Dynamic Warm-up?


如果这项运动包括旋转(例如,例如排球),那么旋转的俯卧撑将有助于为该运动做好准备。即使动态热身可能类似于bodyweight workout,目的是准备更激烈的活动,不要疲劳肌肉或引起呼吸困难。


For a general dynamic warm-up, you can perform one set of each of thedynamic stretcheslisted below for 10-15 reps each. Or, to personalize your warm-up, select at least 3 of the stretches below that correspond with the activity that you're preparing for, and perform one set of 10-15 reps of those stretches.




•Swing one leg front to back, like a pendulum, in a controlled manner.
•Stand tall and keep your core tight to keep the spine straight during the movement.


•Stand facing a stable surface (like a fixed machine or countertop) and hold on for stability.
•Stand tall and keep your core tight to keep the spine straight.


•Lower the leg and take a step with the leg you just stretched. Hug the other knee toward your chest, and repeat, alternating legs as you step forward.

Inchworm with push up with rotation

•Walk your hands out to a push-up position with the hands underneath the shoulders. Squeeze the abs and glutes.

Prisoner squat

•Stand tall with the feet hip-width apart, abs engaged, and your hands behind your head. Keep your head in a neutral position- don't pull your head forward.

Check out how to do a prisoner squat on the NASM exercise library page


This move can be performed with bodyweight, or while holding a light medicine ball. Perform a lunge and rotate the trunk toward the lunging leg. Only the trunk should rotate, don't let the knees or feet shift as the upper body rotates.


Walking lunge:向前走进弓步,向前腿旋转。继续前进,交流。
Reverse lunge:Step backward into a lunge and rotate toward the front leg. Return to a tall standing position and squeeze the glutes at the top. Alternate sides each repetition.
curtsy弓箭:Step back so that your rear leg crosses your midline, like a curtsy, and rotate toward the front leg.


•Place a resistance band just above the knees and stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointed straight ahead.
•Keep the core tight and shoulders back to avoid rocking side to side as you step.
•To increase the challenge, place the band lower on the leg.

Why do a Dynamic Warm-up?

Dynamic warm-ups are the ideal flexibility routine to prepare the body for the intense strength and power demands of athletic competition or high-intensity workouts. A dynamic warm-up is more than just moving around to elevate the heart rate before exercise.


良好的热身会增加血液的流动,提高心率,并为身体做好准备,以使运动更加激烈。动态拉伸满足这些要求,并通过提高伸展的肌肉的可扩展性,改善关节运动范围,并提高所有肌肉群正常运作的能力 - 所有关键组件在您的最高水平上表现时,都可以提高关节的运动范围,并提高所有肌肉的能力,从而使身体符合这些要求并为身体做好准备。。


Most people have some type of muscle imbalance due to repetitive motions performed throughout the day (sitting, working at a computer, or repetitive movements performed during sports). Injuries can happen because of faulty movement patterns caused by muscle imbalances. For example, tight hip flexors and underactive glutes can lead to compensation in the squat that causes excessive pressure on the lower back.

Dynamic stretching uses reciprocal inhibition to help activate the agonist while simultaneously allowing the functional antagonist to stretch. This promotes healthy muscle function around a joint, therefore reducing the risk of injury.




Sutton, B. G. (2021). NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Jones & Bartlett Learning.


金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)

金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)

金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey), MPH, is a Houston-based fitness educator, personal trainer and health coach who developed her commitment to lifelong fitness while playing Division I volleyball. She’s passionate about helping others cultivate a healthy lifestyle and enjoys educating other fitness professionals who share this vision. She’s a Master Instructor and Master Trainer for NASM.