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大家好,我是梅兰妮·道格拉斯。我现在展示的环节叫做“不要吃那个!”词语如何影响我们的饮食方式。”这是一个非常有趣的课程关于现实世界的营养,我们在健身房,在家里,在杂货店里遇到的,以及语言是如何塑造bob官方体育下载我们的行为的。让我们开始吧。首先,先介绍一下我,我叫梅勒妮·道格拉斯。我是一名注册营养师,我在健身行业已经超过25年了。在大学期间,我是一名健身教练,是美国国家运动医学研究院的私人教练。我几乎什么都做过。我写过几本书。 I'm a consultant on TV here in Salt Lake City, Utah, and do a lot of fun things. I've always claimed to be a real world dietitian, I specialized in what's in the grocery store, what do people see in the club, what's happening in my home in my friend's home. And so that's really my specialty, I'm all about food. I'm also a liberal dietician. So you're gonna like what I have to say, because it's really about making all types of foods acceptable, acceptable, and not making a big deal about food, I think we make too big of a deal about it. But what the slide says is that I'm the VP of business development. So I do a lot of consulting work. Over the years, as I've worked in fitness, I've helped a lot of startups get going. And that's made me really great for business development. So I work for two companies that are basically very closely related. One is called Lolo, they do fitness apps and fitness technology. And the other company is yes, fitness music. And they do music for group fitness, small group training, and for all kinds of things in the fitness industry. So I have a lot of connections there. Reach out to me after if you want to know more, but let's get into this session, about nutrition and about, you know how it works shaped what we eat. Here's our agenda. So we're going to try and cover word analysis. And I'm gonna several times as we go through this, I'm gonna have you stop and think about your words, because your words affect what you say to yourself and to your clients to your class members. So it would be really great if you had a piece of scratch paper notebook pencil, because I'm going to ask you to write some things down. I know nobody has pencils and papers anymore I do because I'm homeschooling my kids, or your phone. But or even if I pause, I just want you to play the game with me and stop and reflect and think about the things I'm asking you to think about. So have something to write. Before we before we do the agenda, though, I want you to do something for me. I want you to write down or think about your top five nutrition tips. Now, if you work in the fitness industry, we always say hands off, I don't do nutrition advice. But in the real world, we tend to do that we tend to say, Well, this is what works for me, or you should be doing that. So stop, take a minute, if you had to narrow five things that you would tell someone that's struggling with their health, what would you say? What's the first thing you would say? Write it down, even if you only get one thing. And I'm just going to sit here and we're not going to talk because I'm distracting you. So take 30 seconds, write down your five tips for yourself or for your clients.

好吧,就算你还觉得自己在写作,那就继续写吧,因为这只是日程安排。所以要好好想想。你通常怎么说?怎么说?这节课我们要讲的是,单词分析。我们会讲到为什么我们如此热爱食物为什么我们对食物如此着迷,我们会讲到对行为进行分类。因为意识到如何修改它很重要,你需要理解行为是什么。我们讨论的是修改。我们要讲的是让它持久的方法。好了,希望你有你的五个建议。 Now just put those off to the side. Okay? So, um, let's get into our first slide in in a fitness class. So word analysis, we're fitness people, right? So I'm talking about consider if you teach group fitness, or if you've been to a group fitness class, what are the words you hear? What are the phrases you hear in class, right? You'll hear things like listen to your body, right? Maybe it'll be a little positive encouragement, like, let's jump a little higher, or really forgiving, right? If you miss a step, just keep moving, no stress. I mean, I'm nice. Maybe you're not as nice as I am in class. But maybe we'll say things like educating them, right? You're building a stronger body, so doesn't feel great. Or you might just be like, Hey, guys, we're having fun and remind them to loosen up. So right, those are some things we might hear in a fitness class. What about in a personal training session? So as a personal trainer, your client comes to you, let's say it's the first time, what are you going to say to your client? What are the words you would use? A lot of us would say, let's customize a program for you. We would say things like one more rep, you can do it right? We'd say it, let's say they came in, and they were tired. They were burnt out, you could just feel it. As a trainer, you might say, Okay, let's try something new. Maybe they really hate burpees. They don't want to do burpees you say as a trainer, okay, let's swap that exercise out. You might not say that. I know some of you trainers. Or you might say, okay, you might say let's have Oh, sorry, wrong slide. I can't see something on the bottom here. What's your goal? Right. So you might just ask them what their goal is. So those are the words we use in fitness in personal training. In our roles as fitness professionals, that's how we talk to people, right? How do we talk to people? When anything about diet comes up? Food, nutrition diet, the grocery store, the stuff comes up, right? And what do we say? We say, don't eat sugar, you shouldn't be eating sugar. You say? I mean, I say you say whatever we do, it happens in our industry, we might say, yeah, you should really cut out all processed foods. Or you might say, you really need to stop eating late at night. That's that's your problem. You're eating late at night.

或者我们可能会说一些绝对不起作用的事情,比如当你饿的时候喝水。我说过,有一次我在一个非常大的会议上发言,那是一个有3000人的舞厅。我是新来的。我刚从学校毕业。然后我说,如果你想吃巧克力,就喝水吧,然后所有的观众都笑了起来。我就想,我知道这个并不怎么好用。但你知道,也许我们会说一些没用的话。这正是问题的关键。另一件事,我们不会在我们的行业中特别提到,甚至在我们的文化中,不只是作为培训师或指导者。但我们说,我们基本上是在传递信息,对吧,就是说,你的饮食方式,我的意思是,对不起,你的身材是你饮食的反映。 We don't say that. But we judge that way, right? We look at someone's size, we look at someone how someone performs on the treadmill, we might look at their face, if they look tired, or they're not eating good, they're not healthy. So there's always this this judgment, right with when it comes to food, that if someone doesn't look or feel good that it's their diet. So I bring that up. Because now let's flip that, right? What if you walked into your group fitness class, or to train your client? And you started with statements like that? If you started with, Hey, you guys, today, we're going to cut out all walking all low intensity workouts. You don't get to do low intensity, you only have to do high intensity, we're going to do burpees the whole time. You shouldn't be wanting to do low intensity. I mean, what if you introduce your class like that, and it was all about Don't do this. Don't do this. Stop doing that. Cut out that. We don't do that in fitness, right? We're motivating people to do something that's hard. It's hard to get healthy. It's hard to eat while it's hard to exercise. That's what we do. We help people find the positive. We say we focus on what they can do in fitness, what they can listen to their body and learn from their body. But when it comes to nutrition, you see where I'm going with this. We tend to To have a completely different dialogue. So that's what I want you to be aware of. Now, remember how when we started this, I asked you to write down your top five tips. So look at those. And tell me if they happen to look like the slide you're looking at now. And if they don't, that's great. You should share with me I like to hear all your ideas. But just kind of look at your top five tips and think about if they are from a negative approach, or using negative words, restrictive words, good and bad words, start thinking about how you can rephrase your tips, your top things in a positive way. Right. So if I took these statements on the slide right now, and I wanted to flip them to be positive, here's how I might do it. Remember, I said I was a liberal dietitian. Instead of don't eat sugar, I would say, have a teaspoon of sugar. Like what? This is a real tip that I give to people and it works when someone is craving sugar. I'm like eat sugar. Go get a spoonful of processed white sugar. See how far you get with that? Because I guarantee you when we get past one teaspoon, it's plenty sweet. But guess what, what can you eat, you can have a tree, did you want an Oreo, you can have an Oreo. The statement is you can have an Oreo or you can have a reasonable portion. The statement is we don't want anyone to have a whole package. But we want them to know that if their body is craving it, and they slow down and they enjoy it, that they can have a reasonable amount. Okay, we're going to get into this. And I'm going to reinforce a lot of statements and behavior modification several times because it takes several times because in our society, we're we're kind of messed up when it comes to food and the way we talk to ourselves. I'm cutting out all processed foods, how would I say that in a positive way? I would say buy a new fruit or vegetable at the grocery store tonight. That's what you get to do. It's what you can do. It's a positive thing you can do you control it. It's something fun, it sounds a lot better than Cod, all processed foods. Or even simply saying focus on fruits and vegetables is a way nicer say that way nicer way to say cut out processed foods. Stop eating late at night.

一个积极的说法是,如果你晚上觉得饿了,吃一小份可以在晚上吃的东西。因为晚上吃得太晚可能不是问题。可能是他们吃的东西。所以吃一片奶酪,一把坚果。试试那杯水。也许它在晚上工作。事实上,我经常跟人们说的一件事就是因为饥饿也在这张幻灯片上我现在要提到的就是不要害怕饥饿。我们假装饥饿就是我饿了。我活不下去了。我需要一些东西来应付。 How am I going to deal with this hunger? What am I going to eat? And the fact is is hungers normal? Doesn't mean you need to go feast right now doesn't mean you're going to starve. It means you can eat a reasonable balanced mill. When you get to it like you're going to be okay. And so I always say that if you want to be hungry, if you want to deal with hunger anytime the best time is a night, you're just going to sleep it off. So what's wrong with going to bed a little bit hungry? It's not bad. I mean, if you've had three healthy meals, and you're feeling fine, it's just hunger. sleep it off, right? Okay, so I'm going to move on from this slide. How did your assessment of your five tips go? Were you able to reward some things or were they already really good? Okay, so we're going to get into why we love food. That's my next slide. Okay. So why do we love food? Food is where do I start, right? We love food because we're designed to eat food. And food is not bad food is fuel. It's fuel for our body. It's fuel for movement for energy. For living, it's totally fine. And it's normal to like food. It's normal even to cherish food. And to make it part of celebrations birthdays, that is not bad. It's totally fine. The issue we have in our society is that we have way too much food at our fingertips. Too much variety, right? And it's so convenient. Like I could eat a day's worth of calories at a traffic light. I could, I've probably done it before I can have a big huge cheeseburger and some of these food joints that might be 1500 calories. You know a few friends and I'm like, that's all I needed. for the day, so we have too much food. So it's a really delicate balance, what this topic that I'm talking about trying to talk about food in a positive way, and helping people recognize that we can use positive words when it comes to our nutrition, but also realizing that there is a problem in this society around us in the culture around us, and that there's too much. And just because there's too much doesn't mean it's bad to say there's too much, right? And here's, here's where I'm going with this. So forgive me if I if everybody wants to have chocolate chip cookies after this, forgive me. But I want to show you this. It looks okay. But this is a little like sideplate. Right? This is a this is a really big cookie. It's a really thick cookie. How, how much do you think this cookie weighs? How many portions of cookie Do you think this is? Because we live in a society now where this is normal. And some people think that this is a serving of a cookie. And the fact is, is that our culture is so oversized, right? That this is actually eight ounces. That's half a pound. It's about five servings of regular chocolate chip cookies. And it's just too big, right? But let's say My kids love like, it's my family loves these cookies, it's fine. But they also know that we eat Oh, I'm gonna make a mess. we afford to have a cookie. And it's fine. So making that a positive thing, right? So it's not that I can't have the gigantic cookie, it's, I can have a piece of a cookie, I can have it. And there are some things we can do that I'll get into later to even slow that down and create healthy behaviors around that. But on the other hand, here, I have a bowl of spinach is a gorgeous when you look at the spin edge, what do you think when you saw this?

当你看到这块饼干的时候,你觉得是好还是坏?你以为我会不相信她现在给我看饼干吗?对不起。你以为我想我是说,我太坏了。我不应该这样。我锻炼得还不够。如果我吃了那块饼干,我的卡路里就会超标。你是怎么想的你是怎么想的?你是怎么想的?你看到一碗菠菜了吗? are your thoughts? Boring? That's for rabbits. I'm gonna have to be on a diet if I want that. When I see a bowl of spinach, because I've worked with this for a long time. I'm like that would be super delicious with garden tomatoes. And crotons. That would be so good in my next movie that would give it so much color. That would be so good sauteed into my pen a pasta for dinner. What are all the possibilities? What are the things I might even think? Mmm, that's really good fiber, and I need some fiber right now. Or I might say, that's really good vitamin K. And I need that vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, whatever nutrients, you can just say that's a bowl of nutrients. The point is that as we talk about why we love food, it's totally okay to love food. It's okay to have the giant cookie and the treats. But I'm going to help you through this. help you help your clients and yourselves. Because when we fix ourselves, we use natural words that help our clients as well. To see the positive and see how I can do this and all the things this healthy food can do for me. So why do we love food. The bottom line is food is so palatable right now it is hyper palatable. And it is because our food is low in fiber. Most of the foods we eat are low in fiber, we're supposed to get like 30 grams of fiber a day, the average American is at 10 to 15. So it we're just not getting enough fiber, and then food. Most of the processed foods that we love that we have a hard time controlling are really interesting combos, like the perfect combo of salt, fat and sugar. Those three sometimes all three of those sometimes it's salt and fat. Sometimes it's fat and sugar. Sometimes it's so fat and sugar, but that combination is so easy to overeat. And it's also so easy, it goes down so easily. It's easy to mindlessly eat those combinations. So we have a bunch of food that honestly is so boring, that we eat too much of it, if that makes sense. So the other thing that really makes it so we Love and eat too much food is that there's too much variety. So there are some really interesting studies with nutrition. When we look at people and the amount of calories they consume, when they have too much variety in their diet, if you think about it, you go to a restaurant. And there's an appetizer and you eat a little bit of that, and you start to get fooled, and you start to go, Hmm, I don't know, if I'm going to be able to eat the entree, then the entree comes in at something new. And suddenly you have more room in your stomach. So you eat some entree. And then the dessert comes, you're like, I don't have room. But it's something new and you take a bite, and suddenly you have more stamina to eat more. So the if there are studies that show that as long as it's like the first few bites of something, are really, really good. And they taste better than the last few bites. So the more variety you have, the 10 tends to be, the more that we eat. Now, variety is not bad. But being aware of these things helps us to focus on the control aspect of it. So anyway, too much variety, then third on the list really good at this one. we're stressed, right? We're we're stressed out people. And a lot of us use food to calm our stress, we use food to reward coming off of a big stressful event. So we're stressed. And then the last one is we're tired. And there are lots of studies that show that lack of sleep, less than five hours of sleep is really messing with our hormones that tell us when we're hungry or when we're full, and even affects our ability to metabolize fat. So not getting enough sleep. too stressed too much variety, and foods too boring. There's more. But those are the basic ones, right? Okay, so let's move on and get to some good stuff.

所以我们走了这么远。这是非常非常重要的一点,我希望大家能深刻理解,也许大家已经理解了。但我说的这种行为改变不仅仅是关于你的客户。这不仅仅是关于你如何与你的客户交谈,我知道他们很尊敬你,想知道你是如何做到的,或者他们如何改善他们的营养。bob官方体育下载而是我们如何与客户沟通。我们是否使用了那些消极的词语这些词语会产生相反的效果,让人们渴望我们告诉他们不应该有的东西。所以行为,我们的行为来自于我们的自我对话,我们对自己说话的方式,驱动着我们的行为。自我对话开始变成大声的对话。我们就是这样跟客户说话的。关于自我对话,有一点是想想你会如何与孩子,配偶,祖父母或你非常非常爱的人交谈或对待他们。 So first of all, I have four kids college to first grade. And we don't always eat healthy and just get that out there. But one thing that has really helped me have positive self talk with myself and with my kids is if there was something that I don't want them to do as a parent, like let's say, they're like, I want Skittles for dinner. And I'm like, No, you're not gonna have Skittles for dinner, because I want you to be healthy. I want you to have vegetables, you feel good and have fiber. And you can have some Skittles after we eat something healthy. But I wouldn't. First of all, I wouldn't belittle them, I would sell it to him in a positive way. But also, I wouldn't let them do that to themselves. And so but then as a, as a parent, or a single person. If I'm stressed out, and I want a bag of Skittles for dinner, I'll do it. As adults, we do it. Or maybe it's ice cream, or maybe it's a bag of chips, or maybe it's a whole pizza, whatever. We do this. And sometimes if you've ever had that experience or client with that experience, stop and say, like, if you had a loved one a kid, spouse, grandparent, would you let them do that to themselves. Because you love them, most of us would try to intervene and like point out something positive. But we let we do that to ourselves. So there's that aspect of like treating yourself the way you would treat someone you really, really love. And there's also the aspect of talking to yourself, the way you would talk to someone you really, really love. Because I know that if I've really gone overboard with my diet in the past and I said something negative to myself, I would be like I'm such a pig, or I would just be like, I can't believe I picked out like that, like, I'm gonna be so fat. Would you ever say that to your kid or someone you love where you I mean, so give yourself that same respect. So when we talk about behaviors come from our self talk, stop yourself talk in its tracks if it's going that direction, and that's kind of where we're going to go with this lecture is trying to identify those areas where it starts to go down that path. So when we change our behavior and self talk, then our clients can be successful in changing theirs. So this is really important. Basically, what I'm telling you?

是的,我只是确保我覆盖所有笔记。所以这是这个主题的另一件事。我已经在健身房工作了多年的培训师。作为一个团体健身教练,所以我已经看到了它,我已经完成了它。我之前说过这一点,我有一个客户6am累了,我不会减肥。我是如此倦怠,我这不起作用。我走了,你在吃什么?你的饮食怎么样?而不是指出他们可以做得更好的东西?或标记任何他们所做的里程碑或任何事情? Good. I immediately went to Well, what are you eating, because that's obviously the problem. So sometimes we go over there in that direction, and it leads to people obsessing over their food, right? Or, as trainers and fitness week tend to obsess over our food, we get a little nutty, sometimes we're super healthy. And that's an obsession. We're obsessed with healthy food. But helping what we're trying to do is help clients recognize their own behavior. So as you go through this with yourself, you can help your clients stop those types of thoughts and recognize their own behaviors. So they can make the change. Because you know, have you ever had someone in your life where you're like, they have an addiction, they have an issue. And you really want to just change them, you really just want to, like turn on the off switch, or turn off the off switch and make that problem go away and just say, Stop, stop doing it. We can't do that for our clients with food. And they have, they have to realize the issue, they have to want to change it and see the value in it themselves. So we're going to talk about getting there. Okay. Um, okay, so let's talk about behavior classifications. So this is important to realize what we're doing when it comes to food, the words we're using when we talk about food, in our head and with our clients. So remember, when I showed you this, right? The cookie and this finish, the first thing on healthy nutrition behaviors. Everyone goes bad, good, bad, good, right? When the truth is, food has no moral value, doesn't matter. It's not bad or good. It's, I can eat a fourth of that. Or like 10 cups of that. But I can eat either one doesn't matter. It's about quantity and quality. But food, the first thing to realize is that food is has no moral value. So stop assigning it good or bad. And I know that's hard for some people, like we want to say, No, that's good, spend it just good smoothies are good. Those things are good. But giving it that good assignment, it's natural for people to go, Well, if spinach was good, and ice cream is bad. And I'm fine with saying things are good. But saying things are bad. As soon as someone eats something that in their head is bad, they're bad. And then they're guilty. And then they beat themselves up. And it's the cycle that we're trying to break. So, and again, I'm going to reinforce these concepts, it's really not about it being good or bad. It's about quantity and balance, and helping people find I can have that cookie, but it's only a fourth of it right? A lot of times with unhealthy behaviors, the first thing we say to ourselves is do I deserve it. And I hear this in group fitness classes across America and in the gyms that you earned something right? I just worked out for two hours, I totally earned pizza tonight, I totally earned that. I deserve this. So that kind of language, earn it deserve it, I have mixed feelings about I get that it's nice to balance your activity, and then say I can eat this because I burned it. But that whole like having to create checks and balances with every single thing we do is a little bit unhealthy. So these unhealthy nutrition behaviors. fixation is when people are not able to concentrate on anything else, and doesn't have to like last all day. But if they're trying to get through a task and they can't quit thinking about the ice cream, or the Ritz crackers, or whatever it is, that's a food fixation, right? And recognizing that it's not that it's bad. I mean, okay, it's unhealthy. But recognizing that I'm fixating is is that's the first step in behavior modification, right? classifying like, Oh, I'm not even able to get through this task because I'm so fixated on this. fact that I really want. So fixation, and I will talk about how to redirect these behaviors, but we're talking about recognizing them right now. Okay?

认识到固定限制限制就是,我每天只能摄入一定量的卡路里,我只能摄入1100卡路里。我一天只吃八个小时,我不吃早餐,或者我吃得太多。所以我明天会限制饮食,不吃那么多。这是有限制的,而且是经常有限制的。有些人每天都在节食,但却活了下来,他们没有摄入足够的卡路里。事实上,我们看到很多人在锻炼和试图保持健康的时候,他们很累。他们累了,因为他们没有得到足够的燃料来锻炼。补偿。补偿就是这样,我们在健身时经常这么做。我来帮大家把它转到健康的一面。 But compensation a lot of times is I ate a bag of Doritos. So now I'll go run on the treadmill. I did this. So now I have to do this, right, I have to make up for it. And that's fine. If it's like fluid and relax. But when it's a constant, like I Oh, I did this, I have to do this. I got to make up for it with this way. Um, punishment. Punishment might be saying that I don't get to eat tomorrow, because I had a bad day with my diet. punishment. eight week, people punish themselves in all kinds of ways if they feel like they didn't eat the right thing. obsession is obsession for a lot of people is like you're always planning your next meal. When's my next snack? One thing about obsession is that we shouldn't have to think about food all day. And I mean, we really shouldn't, we only need to eat two to three times a day. And maybe some people need snacks. But we don't need to think about food all day. There's no reason you eat breakfast. And after breakfast, we're thinking about snack. And then after snack, we're thinking about lunch. That's not a healthy behavior. So kind of just letting go. I mean, plan your meals for the week, maybe plan your dinners for a week, and eat the same type of lunch and breakfast. So there's not too much variety. You know, that's one way to work around that. unhealthy nutrition behaviors. All the things I've talked about so far, negative words and statements. Most of the things we say to ourselves every day, quit eating processed food, don't do that. You can't have any sugar, stop eating saturated fat, butters bad. Whatever it is, you know, we have all these opinions of things we should or shouldn't be doing.

好吧,继续。我们来谈谈健康的营养行为。bob官方体育下载所以健康的营养行为是赋bob官方体育下载权。我喜欢这个。我不能吃这个。我不能吃西兰花,我只能吃抱子甘蓝。我完全可以做胡萝卜当晚餐。我可以吃,我可以喝冰沙。早上起来我就会觉得势不可挡。因为我会感觉好些。 Getting people to just understand how their body feels and give them time to feel that like if you eat healthy food, fresh food, you feel better we do. And so don't focus on like telling them what they should do help them empower themselves to do it. And then they can enjoy the way they feel and learn and want to do it on their own. Helping nutrition behavior is flexibility, right? Too much structure can have create issues. And so life doesn't always go as planned. So we have to be flexible. Maybe you had the best, most healthy dinner planned, your car breaks down, you're stranded. And you go through the McDonald's drive thru. It's not the end of the world. Like fixating on it, feeling guilty about it, talking about it in front of your kids how bad it was. Those things don't help but like just doing it moving on and coming home. I've even had I mean, I like to slip in like personal stories, but I've had times where that happened. Like the day got away from me. Everyone's hungry at home, I went and got burgers, but I came home and made broccoli. And we do burgers and broccoli. I'm like at least there's like there's something that the kids like and I can throw a vegetable on the side and balance it whatever but that's flexibility right? Um, okay, so planning. So I said planning can be bad planning in general, but you have to know your plan can change but planning in general is a definitely a healthy nutrition behavior. It's just life is just too fast paced. So taking some time to have a basic plan for meals or basic plan for this is probably what I'm going to eat for lunch is a good idea because honestly a lot of the times When we end up in these unhealthy behaviors, it's because like, Well, the only thing in the cupboard was a bag of Lay's, so I ate chips. I'm letting go. Right. So letting go is a really healthy nutrition behavior. Let's say you did have a bag of Lay's, guess what stressing about it feeling guilty telling yourself your bad thinking about how you can compensate and make up for it. None of those things make those calories go away, they don't make the salt sodium go away, they don't make the chance that you missed out on getting other nutrients go away. And none of it's going to change it in the past. So like, let it go and keep moving forward. One of my most favorite quotes of all time when it comes to nutrition is that you can have a fresh start, at any moment you choose, right, you can have a fresh start after breakfast, if you like set out for the day to do really well. And breakfast didn't go well try again. Lunch didn't go well try again. And it's fine. Let it go. Don't focus on what you did in the past because it's in the past, right. Um, just association of body food and exercise. So this is really hard because we work in the fitness industry, and everybody wants to connect it, they are connected, but they aren't dependent on each other. So I mean, people can have a not ideal body in their mind. But they can eat really healthy and exercise, right. They can have an eye body shape that someone might look at them and go, they're really overweight. But we all know that on the inside, they can have a rockin cardio respiratory system, great blood pressure, really healthy cholesterol, they work out everyday, they feel good, like their weight, or the size of their hips doesn't really matter. So letting those things go and not always connecting like I did, I ate this. So I have to exercise here. And now my body will look this way, like always connecting those things can create a problem. So let him be separate.

当然,还有积极的话语和陈述,专注于你能做的事情。你可以再试一次。我知道这些事情看起来很简单,对吧?你可能会说这太简单了。但我们为什么不这样做呢?为什么我们不这样做呢?因为我们的社会以一种非常不同的方式训练我们。这需要大量的练习。相信我,当你开始思考或者听到健身房说的话,或者我们的客户对我们说的话,你就会说,是的,我们需要练习这个,这需要花些功夫。好了,我们已经讨论了如何对这些行为进行分类以及如何识别它们。中间还有很多。 and when it comes to just stepping back to the classification. Oh, actually, I have this in the next slide. Oh, hello, slide. This is what I wanted. Okay, so behavior modification, the first step in that right is classifying those behaviors. So we want to be mindful, and really set a goal to say, you know, I want to figure out why I think about food so much, or why I feel bad when I eat food, or why I can't quit eating sugar. Right? What is it that you feel you need to work on with your food? And so say, I'm going to be aware of whatever that thing. So let's say I'm trying to Why do I love sugar? So enjoying the day and be mindful? And every time you find yourself wanting to eat sugar, take some notes. Like, what time of day is it? What were you doing? Were you stressed, retired? Were you driving? Were you yelling at your kids? Just kidding, nobody does that. But classifying like looking back and if you're too busy, because I know a lot of us can't do that in the moment. If you're too busy, then set a goal at the end of the day, to stop and think about your day. Maybe write down what you ate. Not that it really matters what you ate, but you'll start to remember the way you felt or why you ate what you ate. Like one thing for me is eating in the car. And I pulled that face because that's when all my unhealthy behaviors come out, I am not paying attention. I can eat 9000 calories in the car and not notice and I don't even enjoy it. Like I'm usually actually talking and eating or food or whatever. Um, okay, so looking back or noticing your observations during the day. Okay, so then next is just day to day self awareness. So, I'm really as you're going forward, set a goal to maybe for three or four days, maybe a week to stop, write it down. When you have these thoughts. Stop, write down what your thought was like my thought was, I really need to stop eating sugar and write down what you thought. And what do you think that behavior is? Is it are you obsessing over sugar? Does your body really need some sugar? Did you try just having a spoonful of sugar Did you try giving your You wouldn't want it did that work? Okay. Um, some other ways you can classify like using our phones, is you can take pictures of what you eat. Now this might sound like it's leading down an obsessive path. But this is just like a setup. Like if you go to the doctor, they'll do an assessment, right, they'll do a health history, they'll review your current status. And doing this food journaling is like that. It's a food history. It's a food assessment, looking at your behaviors with food, so you could take pictures of everything you eat, every meal, every snack, whatever in the car for three days, at the end of those three days, look back at your pictures. And just kind of look at your behaviors. Do you have some behaviors there? Are you eating sugar every single night at 10? o'clock? What what kind of behaviors are you noticing? You can write? Of course, you can write things down. You can also does anyone use Marco Polo, you can Marco Polo a friend, and be like, you know what, you're my friend. And I'm trying to work through some stuff. And here's what I've been eating and my thoughts about when I eat that whatever. But helping you Oh, and one more Sorry, I have one more. record yourself. Like just make a video of yourself. And describe it to yourself, try to put it into words. Like I'm thinking about this food and it tends to come up when I get home from work. And then when you listen to yourself, you might, you might notice that it's really easy to classify these behaviors. Okay, so that's the first part, right? assessing yourself.

下一部分是重定向转向。所以你可以选择任何你想要的词。也许你有更好的词,我很喜欢重定向。假设你发现自己在说我真的不能在晚上吃奥利奥了。我感觉糟透了。我真是个失败者,因为我昨晚吃了奥利奥。所以你会说,哦,别说了。这不是健康的营养行为。bob官方体育下载我该怎么办?我怎么重定向? Right? So redirect to something, what can I do? So I could say, I could have a bowl of grapes. I could have a cup of ice water and an apple, I could have an Oreo cookie and not even freak out about it. But maybe it's just having one instead of 10. You know, like the fact that this comes down to the quantity controlling the quantity over a good or bad food. Not not worrying about that. Just saying Okay, fine. I can have an Oreo. I have one and I'm done. Right controlling the quantity. What do you get to do? So I get to eat broccoli, I get to exercise, I get to have a nap. I get to whatever, what can you do? Also, a good redirect is saying, you know, this is neither good nor bad. It's just a choice I'm making, and it's fine. Like I'm choosing to have Oreos, snap good or bad. Like you don't need to have that moral assignment. I'm a loser, or I'm a winner. And just saying this is normal, right? This is normal people eat junk food sometimes. And I mean, it's okay to acknowledge that it's junk food, it's fine. And it's okay to eat it. It's part of what we do in our society. Okay, so you've got redirecting and swerving, and think about ways that you can kind of change your thoughts from a lot of the things I've brought up so far, right? Okay. So then we have Step three, step three is you're going to practice, practice, practice, and you might practice for the rest of your life. But when you're practicing, you're really tending to make improvements on the way you talk to yourself, and the way you feel about yourself. And when you talk to your clients. So practice isn't bad. I don't think that healthy self talk and being kind and forgiving, and letting go and having fresh starts is something we ever really master, but it's something that we're always working on. And that's totally okay. It's like fitness, you're never done. It's not like you get to run on the treadmill for six weeks, and then you never have to do it again. With fitness. It's a constant thing. We know what makes us feel better. It gives us the energy we need, we feel better about ourselves. So why is using positive words and being aware of the way we talk to ourselves and our behaviors that are connected to that self talk? Why is that any different? It's never going to be done, but that's okay. That means you just get lots of practice time. So it's not a specific daily. It's not for a specific number of weeks where you say, hey, client, I'm gonna put you on this eight week program. You're gonna feel really positive about food. We're gonna get you eating healthy, and then you'll be done. Nope. It's You know what, just try to work on this tomorrow. Take it one day at a time, right? What can you do tomorrow? What can you do today, um, or, and, and I have in bold here until the behavior changes. So practice, practice, practice, there are going to be behaviors that change, where sometimes when you make the change, it's so it feels so good. It's like I'm sold. You know, maybe if someone's overcome an addiction, and once you come overcome that you're like, I'm never going back. And there are going to be behaviors that you notice about yourself, when you're aware of them. And then you redirect or swerve and you let go, and you never go back. But there are always going to be some behaviors in our life that creep in or new things that maybe a friend or a neighbor, or someone at the gym says something and you get that negative self talk that comes back in. So that's why I say it's like, it's always something we're working on, like our cardiovascular health. We're working on our mind, and our food connection, staying positive, right? So practice, practice, practice. don't attach emotions to relapses, you just redirect and move on. So just like any other thing, whether it's Fitness, Food, addiction, whatever, if we relapse, and I mean, relapses in negative self talk, using negative words, focusing on the things you can't do, you're supposed to not be doing.



让我们来谈谈一些现实世界中有效的策略。好吧。这些都是很基本的,但我希望我希望我给了你们一些想法,也许是你们自己的想法,在你的生活中,在你的健身房或你的客户。只是重新表达或重新思考我们通常对自己和客户说的话。这里有一些基本的东西,对吧?首先,最重要的是倾听你的身体。如果你想吃点什么,说我可以吃一口,我可以吃一小份,这没有错。所以没有食物会让我觉得你不能吃。别再想你不能吃那种食物了。你可以控制吃多少。 So listen to your body, if your body is saying I need and I'm really sorry, if everybody goes needs chocolate chip cookies after this is fine, right? It's about controlling the quantity. But if your body's saying I really want a chocolate chip cookie, here is the way to do it. One small amount, right? Because and small amount doesn't mean you're restricting or you're bad, you don't deserve it, it means we're human beings that don't need that much food. And society gives us too much. So saying I can have a small amount is a restrictive or punishment. It's fact of life like, we don't need as many calories as we think we need. But listening to your body, part of that is slowing down. Right. So you're going to eat the cookie, fine, eat the cookie, but sit down, slow down. Enjoy it. Like let your mind process that you're giving it what it was thinking about. And slow down. So one of the tips I often give to clients is to only eat when you're sitting down. And so if there's ever some if it's a meal or a snack, but try not to eat when you're on the phone, how rude, right? That's rude on the phone. But when you're driving, or snacking as you're like vacuuming or telling the kids to do their homework or you're like mindlessly eating it, food is good. That's fine, we'd love it. But Sit down. So listening to your body and saying that's fine, I can have that. But I'm going to slow down, and I'm going to enjoy it right? Um, real world strategies that work. This is probably the top one I should have put it first. But build your food brain. What does that mean? Your food brain. Your food brain isn't about the nutrients you give to have a better brain. It's about your food database that's in here. Because as soon as you are informed, then you can put foods in your body that make you feel good. And so building your food brain is about reading labels. It takes five seconds, weighing your food weighing food is so so eye opening that cookie when I weighed it and it weighed eight ounces, and I thought that's a half a pound in my brain. I was like yeah, that's just too much like it's fine. I can eat it, but it's too much too much food. But how would you know that if you do didn't weigh if you didn't look it up or if you didn't measure. So building your food brain when reading and measuring sounds obsessive. But if you just do a little bit at a time, you don't have to do like boot camp it and weigh everything you eat or measure it all the time. It's just like randomly, like, let's say you're looking at a new kind of popcorn. Okay, well maybe take this opportunity to add a good popcorn to your food database, right and read the labels grocery store and find the one with the most fiber and the least sodium done.

或者我自己买普通的爆米花和黄油。不管怎样,继续。称重,测量所有这些东西,随机进行,这是生活的一部分,你知道,也许每次你去杂货店,设定一个目标,只了解你吃的一种食物。称一下,量一下。当我说到体重时,这真的很有帮助,因为有很多碳水化合物食物,比如意大利面、米饭、饼干、松饼或面包,通常一盎司大约是100卡路里。这不是计算卡路里的问题,而是要意识到你能摄入什么,以及它们积累起来有多快。回到这个问题上,我并不像我想的那样需要那么多食物。所以当我说大约每盎司100卡路里的时候,对我来说8盎司的曲奇饼很容易称重,它大概有800卡路里。我不是着迷,我只是了解情况。当我被告知时,我会做出更好的选择,因为我被告知了。 Right? Okay, so next is to slow down, which I kind of mentioned with listen to your body, but slowing down in general when it comes to food. So slowing down for me is family dinners. I try so hard. And sometimes it's like at 10 o'clock at night, and I'm not proud of that. But to sit down with my family and slow down and catch up on the day and make food because we love it. It does bring families close together, it creates positive feelings, but slow down, right. So just setting a goal in general to when I eat, I'm going to slow down and not multitask. Just try that. Another time. Another strategy that really works is to all instead of talking about food, talk about fuel, always call it fuel. I'm eating broccoli because it's going to fuel my workout. I need some fuel this morning to get going. Is this Twinkie really fuel for my body, like just talking about food as fuel kind of changes the way you think about it and helps you approach it in a more like, matter of fact, logical way it's just, I just my body just needs fuel. It does. I'm detaching emotions right. So trying to really not connect. I'm sad totally this I'm happy swallow this. Or I'm sad because I ate that or I'm happy because I that it's just food. We need to stop like glorifying food so much. It's just food. We all eat it, we get to eat it several times a day. So I like to make food special. Sure, on special occasions, but not every meal needs to be like a super indulgence, right? Um, another thing too about detaching emotions and, and associating too much like specialness to food is that not every meal has to be incredible. Like it's okay to just have peanut butter and jelly. Or maybe oatmeal for dinner or whatever. Sometimes when we try too hard to make our food beautiful, full of variety and super healthy, it becomes so overwhelming that I'm like, forget it. I'm going to the drive thru. So it can be simple, right? Just to detach all the emotion. And yes, I've said this a few times. But it's true, right? We need less than we think. As a trainer, dietician, instructor. I've seen it many hundreds of times over the years, where people tend to overestimate what they burn in their workouts and underestimate their caloric intake. So they're like, I'm only earning 1500 calories a day, and I'm burning 3000 and what the heck's the problem?

首先,不是那么非黑即白,但我们需要的食物并不像我们想象的那么多。所以这和计算卡路里无关。我们只需要关注那些让我们感觉良好的事情。当我说到我们不需要像我们认为的那么多饼干很简单,对吧?四分之一的饼干做好了。但如果你考虑到我们不需要那么多食物,因为我们认为这样可以省钱。它节省了准备食物的时间。它节省了我们家里的空间。它拯救我们的健康。所以当我说我们需要更少,我们需要足够,我们需要给身体补充能量。 And there are calculations right, where people can calculate how many calories they need, based on their height, their gender, and their weight, their activity level. And that's good. Those those numbers are good to know, that's part of being informed. But those numbers are typically way lower than what a lot of us tend to eat every day. Because there's just too much food. There's just too much around. Um, okay. I think we're at you just, this is some practice time, okay. And this is a good exercise, if you take some highlights of what I said, and you try running it by one of your clients or someone that you're working with, and you want to try and incorporate some of these strategies. This is really good practice. So I feel like I've said some meaningful things. And maybe you had moments where you're like, Yeah, that's true. I should really try and think about it that way. And maybe we've made really good progress, but now less than an hour into this experiment. We are let's do some practice time. Okay, so let's say you just pretend you just did this. ate an entire bag of Doritos.


你对自己说了什么?或者如果有人对你说这样的话,你会想说什么?你知道吗,当我说要走的时候,先走一步并不重要。我也不在乎假设你跳过了晨练。你醒来就像我睡过头一样。我错过了我的锻炼。你对自己说什么?你感觉怎么样?你在自责吗? What's a positive thing you can say? Words shape, the way we behave? The way we eat? The way we move? skipped a morning workout. Do I have time now? Can I do jumping jacks for 2020 minutes? You might as well go workout? Can I do jumping jacks for two minutes and feel a little energy boost? I probably can. Let's say you just caved. I don't know what that means. But we say it right? I Kate? You just caved? What are you saying to yourself? Or clients? What's something you can say? I can tell you the thing, the universal thing that always works, let it go. Let it go. Let's say you just weighed yourself. Or your client just got on the scale. What are they saying? It's a bad week. I need to do better. Why can't I lose weight? Right? What's something you can say? I can go for a walk. I can invite a friend and we can go to the gym and go try a new fitness class. I can go find a new recipe like just move on. Right? What can you do? You get to do? You just felt hungry? Huh? Okay, I only have three minutes to chop. You just felt hungry. Well, what's your thought? I'm hungry. There's your thought I better go find something to eat. Maybe my thought would be Do I need to eat right now? did have I had enough? Yeah, I'm probably not really hungry. I'll just move on. Or I'm going to eat like two hours, I'll be fine. I'm an adult, I can do this. Let's say you just finished a long, stressful day at work right? practice time. You come home super tired, super stressed. What do you do? What do you want to do? I'll tell you, I mean, again with you can say you can walk in and just say I'm going to slow down. Right? Then a long day at work. I can slow down. I can listen to my body. Maybe my body says I want that treat. That's fine. That's what your body says. But with that type of behavior, it's like just slow down. Okay. Did we cover everything up? Last thing. Last thing is and I sincerely mean this, I have three email addresses on here. Because I have a lot of connections in the fitness industry and a lot of ideas. And so if it comes to fitness and nutrition apps and technology, you can reach me with my little ofit connection. If you are interested in music for group fitness or for your gym, or for a new format you're inventing, you can reach out to me Yes, fitness music. Or if you just want to talk about other stuff, nutrition or other projects that I've done, or that I could help you with, just reach out to me on my Gmail. So I hope you took some positive things away from his session. And then I've given you some things to think about in a positive new way. And thank you for joining me for this session. Have an awesome day.



