
NASM-CPT播客:CPT 7设置和考试准备

bob apple
NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey通过CPT 7产品结束了他的旅程,这集中了解了解成功所需的要求。




嘿你们,欢迎来到“NASM CPT播客”。bob足球彩票我的名字是rickichey。我们一直在一起旅行。在过去的几周内,我们已经通过了CPT七种产品,经过认证的私人教练学习课程,我们已经完成了它的概述,我们基本上创建了一个研究指南的Podcast版本,以帮助您通过您的学习过程。我们已经击中了很多事情,但现在我们需要确保我们非常清楚地了解某些要求是什么。所以这是CPT七的CPT考试准备。那意味着什么。我们谈到的许多其他事情是您对NSM CPT七进行的,如果您已经是经过认证的私人教练,那么您受益于听取该学习和重新认证并重新欣赏自己内容,获取关于您在CPT课程上时,您研究的一些事情很少的提醒。 But this one, if you're already certified, you really don't need to listen to this episode, because this is about the setup and preparation for those of you who are trying to take your exam. I know doing setups and preps for exams, getting an idea of what it's like to register what you need for registration, all of that kind of stuff, what to expect on the exam. Reading that can sometimes just be really challenging, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. Listening to a, I don't know, 2030 minute podcast is my guess. But as you know, if you listen to me, I could talk a lot. So that may be longer. It's easier sometimes just to listen to somebody talk it through. So let's get into it. Let's start talking it through. Let's talk about the agenda. And by agenda, what it mean is, what your expectations are and your agenda from signing up for the test. And then going into the test taking process. We'll get into actually the exam development, how it started, how it develops, what are some of the testing domains that are included in this? What are you going to be tested on which we've reviewed already, but we're going to go through that exam information, what's going to be some things about the exam, you need to know and what are some things that kind of key areas to maybe hone in on in person and remote proctoring as these are proctored exams, especially in the time of the pandemic, then they are not in person exams, in many places so that it will be a live Proctor, which means you can take it online, but somebody is online watching you take that exam. There's domain crossover examples. So domain five crosses over to domain six. What are the heavier weighted domains are the areas of study within this course? What are some key things to study some questions you may have, and then exam taking tips and tricks. So let's talk about what we're going to talk about. And that is exam development, testing domain or topics determine exam blueprint. So you have a list of the testing domains. And that is going to basically plan out what the exam looks like. The domains are decided by third party experts nationwide. So it's not just it's not at all the NSM people sitting back coming up with the test. It's actually a third party that comes up with what's going to be tested on the exams, not NSM. And so that way it is it's a bit more objective. So as you study through it, then other experts will weigh what it is that they believe you need to be familiar with. They're going to be 120 multiple choice questions on your exam.


顺便说一下,你不知道这是一个测试,还是这是一个研究问题。但它正在测试,以确保这是一个很好的测试问题。因此,甚至还研究了经过测试的问题,他们将成为关键思维问题。答案不会直接在教科书中找到,但他们将根据您学到的信息。当您正在开发这个学习过程时,您应该感到有点舒适。然后最后,将在外界行业知识,而不是来自ASM的信息,它将成为在行业中发现的信息。这是什么,它允许我们追踪行业新培训师关于与NSM内容有关并没有真正有关的行业的一些信息。当我们谈到第三方问卷时,这是发生的事情。这非常有趣。他们他们带来了很多人进入NSM过程。 And they will say, Okay, I want you to come to this testing center, and you're a personal trainer, you have more than 10 years of experience, which is the case, and they are going to teach you how to ask questions. And they teach you about test taking, and about test writing. And then those personal trainers that have had 10 plus years of experience, along with third party experts, people who are good at sight, psychometrics. And it's their job, to write questions and to validate them. And so they it's all part of a process. And this changed a lot years ago when NSM started doing this and working with a company to make sure the questions were done based on science, as opposed to just somebody who wrote the chapter and then threw some questions out there for people to answer. So there's a lot of science even just behind the testing process here for NASM. Let's do a brief review on the domains and domain one basic and applied sciences and nutritional concepts to be 15% of your total examination chapters 56789 and 10. So 15% of the exam will be on those chapters are in domain one, domain two client relations and behavioral coaching another 15% taken from chapters three and four, that's domain to domain three, assessment, chapters 11 and 12 16% of your exam will be weighted on the assessments. Then there's domain for program design 20% of the weight of your exam on program design, chapters 21, 22 and 23. Domain five exercise technique and training instruction 24% of the weight of the exam will be on domain five, chapters 13 through 20.

然后最后,聊天,开始域六专业发展和责任考试的权重的10%,第一章和第二章。我们已经对所有这些领域做了一个高水平的概述。我们已经在NSM CPT播客上对它们进行了回顾。现在让我们来讨论更多关于考试的信息。对于那些没参加过考试的人,你们可能会说,对,对,快去考试吧。好了。考试信息,以获得您的认证私人教练认证,唯一的要求是通过NSM考试,考试期限为180天,从您购买的日期到购买的程序,当您参加考试。所以你有180天的时间从你购买这本书的日期算起,而不是这本书出现的那天。所以要注意这点。准备在考试时提供有效的CPR广告认证证明。 This is important, you will need to have that and a photo ID if you do not have it you will be turned away you need to be CPR, ad certified and the name on the card the CPR card should match what you registered with NSM or you cannot take the test. So if your name is john on your NASM account, but your ID says Jonathan, you may run into some issues on your exam.


但是,无论哪种方式,它都将被标准,有人会在那里看着你参加考试,最终考试信息。最终考试信息,在这里我们去过得分,你需要拥有一个70或更好,你需要拥有一个70或更好的分数70或更好。格式,它是基于计算机的,您将被拍摄在计算机上。有120个多项选择题。正如我们谈到的那样,其中20个是行业审查。问题和其他100个问题是在考试中进行的实际可数问题,您有两个小时,如果从购买之日起完成180天的两小时限制,您必须获得CPR ED认证,它是必需的,当您展示在Pers Proctoration的NSM CPT七次考试时,它必须在您的手中。因此,如果您必须去车站,您必须通过点击课程中的链接来注册考试。它位于欢迎七,您的课程。所以转到那个开场页面,你会发现它或者你可以打电话给PSI测试,这个数字是1-833-537-1330。 If you're in the US or Canada, again, that's 833-537-1330 or internationally, it's one or plus 1-702-939-6797 plus 170293967974. International note, if the country in which you are looking to schedule your exam is unavailable for registration online or over the phone through psi, contact the NHSN Member Services at 1-800-460-6276 to start your registration process. And please allow four to six weeks for scheduling which means you can't just wait till the 170 a day and try to schedule for the following week, it may take four to six weeks for scheduling for that. Alright, let's talk about live remote proctoring a little bit more register for your exam by logging into the testing platform with your established login credentials. And that's going to be your HTTPS NSM. Why is a SRY as a slash login note you're going to be required to schedule your exam appointment at least 24 hours in advance, we recommend you reference the additional exam preparation resources in your course to ensure that you are the most prepared for your exam. So review those course support those core support and resources sections that are there. All right, make sure you check the network for reliable network speeds. If you're taking the test online ensure that there's no technical problems on your end. And standards for taking the exam online can different from taking an in person. So make sure that you review any and all the guidelines prior to your exam date.


只需了解您可以回答大多数这些类型的问题的位置,让我们说出你的选择,就是左派是多莎。左派是orissa门侧B凝乳股骨C gastrocnemius d肌肉腹部。我们还在谈论脚在架空蹲下弯曲?嗯,你可以通过简单地知道D'Orsay直肠股骨僵局的身体上的位置基本上消除了B和D.腹部不太可能成为肌肉,而不是腓肠肌。所以熟悉肌肉,不只是记住它们。这是另一个例子,同时执行升级,您的客户端头向前迁移,他们的低返回开始曲折。你应该在这个本质上做些什么,你需要了解动力链检查点。基本和应用的科学域需要了解评估领域期间发现的潜在的过度活跃和不足的肌肉。然后在运动技术和培训教学中找到的提示技巧和进展和回归。bob官方app So these are domain crossovers.

好吧,你需要知道的一些关键事情是我打算给你一些页码,我会给你一些表来看看。所以如果你现在驾驶你的车,就准备自己。而且你就像,我真的想确保我知道要解决哪些表格。然后记下你的位置。然后回到本节,以便您可以在此处查看我们。要知道的关键事情应该熟悉肌肉的同心功能,他们同心尤其是肌肉,从表12.5开始,和392。您应该熟悉运动评估的解决方案,所有列,表中的所有行,12.5 12 712,九个和1211.在第391到399页上发现了那些。熟悉这些表格。

练习如何进步和回归练习第13章到第20章。是的,我知道这比一些表格要宽泛得多。所以要确保你熟悉运动修正。这就是你作为一个健身专业人士需要知道的。然后OP t模型阶段特定的急性变量,这个阶段的集合代表休息范围节奏?什么是基于NSM op t模型的,可以在第21章找到。关于肌肉动作谱的问题肌肉动作谱包括同心、等距和偏心的肌肉动作。所以要熟悉肌肉运动和伴随肌肉运动的关节运动。也要确定肌肉是否为一种特定运动的激动剂和拮抗剂、增效剂或稳定剂。你们也应该熟悉什么是臀大肌的同心圆运动,我让他们投资他们喜欢的肌肉,让我们选一块你们应该真正了解的肌肉。 The gluteus maximus. So that particular muscle what exercises would would use this muscle as a primary mover or an agonist so what muscles would be used as sorry, what movements would this muscle be utilized in? Alright, questions about movement assessments, moving on. Again, still things that you need to be familiar with some of the things that you need to know how to set up and perform an assessment. Primarily the overhead squat assessment, we go over it ad nauseum within the text, make sure that you're familiar with the setup process for that, but also for other assessments as well.


在高空下蹲评估中,这是刚才问的一个非常具体的问题。这可能是你们需要熟悉的东西。另外,如果在上蹲评估中双脚伸展,你会静态拉伸哪些肌肉?再次强调,这是一个非常具体的问题,你们需要熟悉。其他关于运动调整的问题可能是关于运动选择和执行的问题,理解运动回归,我如何让人们更容易?然后理解运动的进展?我如何使它更有挑战性或更困难,可以在528页找到,核心训练554和555平衡训练,578 579增强式训练,以及636 3638页阻力训练。bob官方app

现在,关于OPT模型和急性变量的问题。你怎么能更容易地记住急性变量?那些是你想要熟悉的东西,并试图弄清楚你能更好地感受到更舒适和能力的方式与急性变量和NSM哦,PT模型,为什么某些急性变量施加在哪里?所以了解为什么它完成了它所完成的方式?然后,您将在第四阶段最大强度中执行多少套,但是您希望在OPG模型的任何阶段熟悉可能看起来像的那样,因为您试图记住并理解急性变量。好的。有时你只想知道在测试中我需要知道什么。我得到了这个问题很多。并且很难回答这个问题。 It's hard to answer it when I get a message saying, and I get them You guys are awesome. You reach out on Instagram, sometimes they get an email from you, but it mostly DNS, and you let me know you have an upcoming test. And I love that. And then you ask questions like, what do I need to be aware of that are on the exam, and I'm gonna say, on August 920 21, I did a podcast on it. So and then for about two months before that, far more in depth. And I could actually provide in a response dm, where usually it's a pep talk, where I'm going, you're doing great, you did a lot of studying, do your practice exams, make sure that you're familiar with the domains, and you feel comfortable and competent, and that you'll do well on the test. So here's just a lot more information that I can provide than a DM on Instagram. All right, let me review some test taking tips for you. And we will close out this particular session. So here we go with test taking tips. You've probably heard it before, but go with your first instinct on questions. Try not to overthink those answers, right? Go with the gut instinct, and look at other answers to help you verify that you've done the correct one. Now, I've done this in test many times where I get later on in the test. And I'm like, oh, my goodness, that just answered the question. For for a number 13. I got to go back to number 13. and fix the answer on that. So be aware of the test as you're going through it because it may answer some questions for you. Alright, focus on selecting the best possible answer, because some of the questions you'll look at, and you'll say, these are two answers. And I can make these make sense that both of these are correct, maybe, but choose the best answer, choose the best possible answer. And if you're not sure, make sure you flag the question so that you can return to it later if you either have no idea. If you've guessed, or if you're like I'm a little unsure. I feel I feel okay about it. But just in case, I'm going to flag that and then answer the questions, you know, first and return back to those flagged questions after you've gone through everything else, and then select the best answer.


一定要查看您的学习指南的快速评论。因此,请务必查看这些快速评论,并在您的学习指南中进行审查。在这里,我们走了,我会给你10个外卖。10个关键点,然后我们将把它涂上10个关键点第一,计划参加考试。二号,在参加考试前获得CPR广告。三,使用研究指南从未位于课程中,他们会帮助您准备考试,使用这些研究指南。四,了解问题如何使用多个域来派生我们已审核的答案。五年级,了解过度活跃和不足的肌肉,他们是以中心的行动。六人,了解如何进步和回归练习。七号,了解如何分类和提示练习。 Number eight, know the acute variables for each phase in the NSM op t model. Number nine, trust your instincts on the exam and don't overthink the questions. And number 10. answer all the questions you know first and use the remaining time to review any of the questions that you flagged. Alright, with that being said, I wish you the best of luck, not just on your exam, but in your study process. And don't be upset if you end up not passing the exam. It's okay. It's not a character flaw. It is something that you've made a task you made a run at. And again, when we talk about learning from failures, then you've taken the test, you feel more comfortable, you know what the test is, you know, the questions that it asks it won't be the same test when you go back into it. But at least you're familiar with the process and how it works. And maybe some of the domains that you need to brush up on.

所以不要担心失败,但非常专注于学习,而不仅仅是通过测试。据说,祝你在学习中祝你好运。我希望这有助于进一步发展你。如果没有比开始发展你作为终身学习者的过程并意识到学习是一种快乐,特别是如果它在它背后的目的。我喜欢你选择健身作为你的目的。非常感谢。我很感激你在这里。如果您对我有疑问,请随时在Dot博士的Instagram上伸出援手。Rick Ritchie上我G然后你可以在Instagram Rick Ritchey@nasn.org上打我,这是“NASM CBT播客”。



