
NASM-CPT播客:CPT 7专业发展和责任 - 第二部分

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在这个由两部分组成的系列的第二个情节,里克·里奇继续通过第六和CPT 7讨论的最终域集中在找工作,每天在私人教练的生活,必要的销售和营销技巧,以及更多。

里克·里奇是一个nasm-cpt.CES.PES., 和掌握教练。



“欢迎来到NASM CPT播客。bob足球彩票我叫里克·里奇。今天我们关注的是最后一个领域,CPT第七章的第六部分。对于正在准备CPT 7考试的同学,这是一个辅助播客来帮助你们。在这个过程中。我希望这对你有帮助。我知道你们很多人都是,因为我经常收到DMS和Instagram,偶尔也会收到邮件,感谢你们做了这些。我收到的其中一封邮件说这是Instagram上的一个DM,说我真的很喜欢你的播客。但有时你说得太快了。所以我是非常慎重的。 And trying to slow down what I'm saying. And it probably doesn't mean much to you now, because we're in one of the last sections of the podcast for a CPT seven review. But I tried it on the last one, which was professional development part one, this is professional development and responsibility. Our second portion of it and this particular portion of your domain domains of study, there are six domains of study. This is the final one, the sixth one, and it percent, your final exam, chapters one and chapters two, I do want to point out that I am not strictly going through this for the purposes of your exam, but I am throwing in stories and content and experience. So it's not just about the exam, but it is also about you, and what it means for you and your professional development and how that applies. So today, we're going to be talking about briefly re writing job search a day in the life of personal trainer, and then we're gonna get into the sales and marketing process as we wrap it up. So let's talk right now about resume writing. This is an opportunity for you to showcase what you have done in the past and give a little information about you. Now, it needs to be interesting enough and clickable enough so that a potential employer can look at it and say, Yeah, I'd like to learn more about this person. So resume should be one to two pages long. No longer than that. I don't care how much experience you have. It is a resume, not a curriculum of attai. So we are not writing out multiple pages of what you've done in your life. But a resume one to two pages. And it should be creative, right? Give a little bit about yourself. Don't make stuff up. I don't mean creative. Don't be creative by making stuff up. I mean, be creative about what you do. I think one of the really important things, in addition to being creative, is being organized. And I have seen some really sloppy resumes in the past. Now I don't see him very much because I don't hire people so much anymore. But as a fitness manager, when I was looking at resumes, it would be amazing that some of the stuff that people put together, so just be very organized. As you put that together. You can be conventional but also a note to be a touch unconventional. Be a touch unconventional, and your approach and night that might be you know, a little segment about you. So again, just a few sentences about you and your experience, but about your life. Something that's interesting enough where I go, look, this person doesn't have much fitness experience or any. But it's pretty interesting that they were a seven time national Karate Champ I think that's kind of cool, or that they like skydiving, or that they travel and these are some of the things that they experienced on their by fitness. Well, I don't know something unconventional, also adding in some vulnerability, some vulnerability.

作为一名健身专业人士,我知道我并非无所不知。所以,如果我有一个公关培训师来,它肯定会认为他们什么都知道。这是第一件让我知道可能是他们干的事。因此,允许暴露您的漏洞。当然向他们展示并让他们知道。所以我不是说,你知道,小狗的书让我哭泣,而是说你的经历和一些生活经历让我感到脆弱,而不仅仅是你的健身经历。所以简历写一到两页会造成有组织的、非常规的、易受攻击的。现在在求职过程中,你去哪里找工作?在上一集中,我们讨论了不同类型的健身房,有中低价位的健身房,或者社区中心,你可以看看。也有很多独立的工作室,你可以在那里空间或精品健身,你可以在wellness Corporation工作,所以组织健康,并进入行业在那里工作健身。所以这取决于你是做什么样的私人教练的。你想成为更多的团体健身教练还是团体锻炼教练?你更想成为一名教练吗?在你即将结束CPT 7的时候,你想转换你的职业生涯吗?你会说,我真的很想成为一名营养教练。对吗?所以这可能会给你一个鼓励,我知道在我完成CPT第七阶段后我下一步要做什么,我将参加NHSN认证营养指导计划。对吗?你想做什么?然后专注于这个?另外,求职面试的问题是我很累,我应该穿什么,我知道你要去健身房工作,但不要只穿着运动服。我给你们的建议是穿着职业装进来,对吧,所以穿职业装一点。但是进来时,穿着职业装,好像你要去一个不合适的地方面试。因为健康取决于你。我们希望你进来的时候不要像刚完成训练一样进来。这是一次求职面试,无论是哪个行业,合适的着装都是如此。所以把它打扮一点。告诉我面试过程和面试过程有几件事会问你一件,他们会问你的优点和缺点。进去准备讨论你的长处和短处。这里还将涉及许多其他的事情。但是他们没有涉及到的一件事,你需要提前考虑,你想问他们什么问题。所以,在你自己没有准备好问他们的情况下,不要只是去那里找工作,准备回答他们的任何问题。当我看到那些我可能已经回答了他们所有问题的人时,这就更美好了。但是当他们往下看,他们说,看,我有四个问题想问,我问你,你是否回答了第123和第四个问题,你是这样回答的,我觉得很舒服。我希望你和我在一起感到舒服,我期待着这个过程和面试的结束。还有很多其他事情要讨论。但这是过程的一部分。这个过程的另一部分是如何跟进。对于一些培训师来说,这是一个症结所在,而这只是一个很难跟进的问题。你不知道你要说什么。你觉得如果他们想要我他们会打电话给我的。它并不总是这样工作。如果我们需要的话,那么是的,我们会打电话找人,我们会尽快找人来。如果我们不一定需要。发生的事情是,很多事情都朝着我们的方向发展,因为运营设施的人都是管理设施的人,所以我们没有优先考虑这些事情,至少在您可能希望看到其中一些事情被优先考虑的几周内。那你是做什么的?跟进。bob官方体育下载

很高兴跟进电子邮件,这可能是后续最舒适的版本。所以跟进电子邮件,让他们知道你很欣赏你在一起享受时间的时间。你确实认为这是一个很好的合适,而且你想知道你是否会听到你是一个你欣赏的积极或消极。回复电子邮件或电话。所以学习跟进所以求职,寻找工作,在哪里寻找工作,戴上采访过程和后续过程。好吧,让我们现在在生活中的一天谈谈一个CPT。所以这里是生活中的一天作为认证的私人教练。而且你可能会听到你可以让自己设定自己的时间。这并不是必然,即使你自己的业务也是如此,因为当你可以设置特定的工作时间。但是时间真的取决于你的设施需要你的设施。 And it's going to depend on when your clients train. So you may only want to work from 4pm to 10pm. But so many people train early in the morning, what you'll probably see is that you'll eventually be splitting your time, early mornings, and half later afternoon. So before people go to work when people are done with work, and you'll have a few people kind of speckled throughout the day that you might be able to train. So working on setting up your hours. So now I've gotten to the point where I don't train as much. And when I do train, I train only in the morning times up to early afternoons. And then when it's time for me to go and pick up my kids from school and things like that, that my my focus is 100% on that, after a certain time of the day, that's something that you got to work your way up to also be aware that you may have to work weekends if you're going to take this job, right. So if you work and your religious focus is stymied by that right, then you have to figure out how you can do this. So you you recognize Shabbat, so you don't want to work on Saturdays or religious Sunday. Things that you don't want to work on Sundays, and a lot of places won't hire it unless you work the weekends. So figuring out what that looks like and adding value to what we do on the weekdays. So that we have limiting on how many times we go in, if you'd like working on the weekends, then this is a home run for you. So you'll be able to set that up. And a lot of times, people aren't going to tell you why. But if you say I can't train on these days, that might be the why. And that might be something that you ask as a question on follow up, if you're curious to know what it was. Alright. So that's a working hours, you'll have facility duties, you have to clean up, everybody's going to have usually sections or responsibilities. So your section are free weights and leg room and your section to wipe down the cardio equipment. And when I worked on floor hours as a personal trainer, many moons ago, I my fellow trainers loved it when I worked because I hated being bored. And when I was new to training, and I wasn't working with that many people, I just cleaned everybody else's sections, it drove me nuts, the place might be filthy, I would go I clean up the other sections. And I will say this, I picked up a whole lot more clients than the majority of trainers did at that gym. Because the people who saw me doing my job diligently versus the trainers who didn't do much. They were more more interested in working with me, because I seemed like the type of person that they would like to work with. So do your facility duties. I'm not telling you necessarily to do other people's duties, which is what I did. But I don't like being bored. I liked working and I worked and that work paid off.

好的,所以我们谈到了设定具体的工作时间设施职责,我们还要看看安全程序。所以你将需要了解很多关于安全程序。其中一些将是疏散程序。有些人将是CPR AD程序,急救程序。有人意识到有人生病了,当有人不舒服,并与你训练一样与人们合作,他们是安全的训练模式,我看到了这样,所以这样做和这样的游戏。bob官方app而且我认为这将是一件非常伟大的事情。但你的客户从来没有真正锻炼过。所以这不是一件好事。一切都基于该评估。然后你关注你的时间,他们能做什么,你如何支持它们,你如何发现它们。 And those are very important components when it comes to the day in the life as a CPT. So check out that section in your text, in addition to the intro to sales, and I'm going to start this process off by when when I first started teaching. It wasn't NSM, I worked for a corporate gym in New York City. And they would hire a lot of new people, there were a lot of gyms there. And I would teach them some exercise science and program design and things like that. But the last day was a business course. And I remember talking about sales. And that's what we're talking about. Now, the intro to sales process, if we talk about sales, and I remember having a person sitting in the back, and they raised up their hand, and they just said, I didn't get into this job for sales. And it's funny, when I mentioned this to other educators, and people have been in the business for a long time, they all kind of laugh at that, because you can't really separate the two, you got into it for a reason. But you'd be a really good trainer. And if nobody buys it, then it don't matter. So what we're talking about here is the intro to the sales process, the person raised their hand, they said, I'm just not good at sales, I can't sell, I don't feel confident at selling. It's just not something I can do. It's not what I got in here for lunch, it goes on and on about it. And then after they were done, I was about to speak to it. And I'm glad I did it one person in the front, raise their hand and they said, Man speak to this. And I said yes. And that person turns back and looks at the person and goes, I think you're really great at selling, because you just sold me on how not good you are at it. And I couldn't do anything with smile, because it was the confidence that they had, but they weren't good at selling. It was the conviction that they had, but they weren't good at selling. It was this like gut investment that they had that they weren't good at selling and it's sold everybody on it. About we replaced that with that gut conviction that personal training is important. And that fitness is important. What if I can talk with confidence that based on what you're trying to do, it's something that I can help you accomplish? You got to believe in yourself confidence, relays competence. And when a sales process is performed correctly, as we identify a customer's need, first of all, what do they need number two, communicating solutions. And then number three, making the sale that's that's the process the 123 that might be something you need to be familiar with 123 identifying the customer's needs number one, number two, communicating solutions. Number three, making the sale when the sales process is performed correctly, there is no pressure placed on the customer. to force a decision. A sales professional guides the conversation by asking customers, several open ended questions these questions help the sales professional learn about a customer's wants, what they need, what they fear, what they desire, what they're comfortable and uncomfortable with a salesperson can then accurately communicate potential solutions back to the customer. Like sales isn't anything but communicating. I want to find out what you want. I want to see if I develop a solution and communicate that back to you. And then we market we we focus on making that sale. Now, one of the things that you may think because this is what I thought when I was new, let's say 100 bucks is how much a single training session is and I would go 100 bucks, I wouldn't pay 100 bucks for me. I don't think I'm worth that. So I have a hard time asking for 100 bucks from somebody else.

听着,停止对投影自己的问题,其他的人,对吗?你做你的工作,你发现他们想要的东西。您提供的解决方案,你问他们的销售。如果你的健身房锻炼,而这100块钱,这是多少那是多少他们负责,那么这是多少你告诉他们。你不必花钱,我给你一个侧面的自由会话。右只是为了一点点。哦,你做的是你提供价值,你所提供的值是值得还是不值得。这不是你来决定值是否是值得他们。所以,你要问什么?你问,如果它是值得的,如果是,他们会让选购。 And then what provide the value and try to figure out how to identify those customers needs and support those needs. But they tell you almost everything. So talk with them, communicate with them. Be in communication and be open about it. And the same thing I think goes for what we talked about in the resume process like you can be a little Little unconventional and you can be a little vulnerable and you can open up about yourself. I don't think anybody wants to think that, oh, my trainer is perfect and they never even have snacks that that aren't you know, chicken and broccoli and rice thing I think just to be open and honest with people and and allow some vulnerability to come through. Now what about these, it's kind of nice work in a gym because the gym, they do a really good job of bringing membership in or we hope that right. But now we need to prospect there are a group of people that that fitness facility. And for those of you who don't work in fitness facilities, you're independent, you have to do this without a pool of potential clients just waiting there for you. Right? So prospecting and lead generation, prospects are potential sales leads that can be converted into paying clients, they're not just a random people off the street, they are instead individuals that the fitness professional is already identified as being potentially interested in fitness services. That's the great thing about working at a corporate gym. Everybody there is already kind of interested in fitness services right there in the gym. prospects can be identified in a few different ways. Here they are, these are the four things that I want you to think about asking for referrals. That is the most powerful way that I think it's possible people that you already work with people that you already train, ask them for referrals, working the floor, the other one is working the floor. Now, I know some of you think that floor hours are mandated, I have to work the floor. If you don't put on the I get to work the floor hat, then you look like you have to work the floor. And nobody wants to train with somebody that looks like they have to be there. So work the floor, talk to people offer towels, maybe or water or Hey, you want to do a five minute abdominal or core workout. Do you want to you know I see you working this and maybe I can take you through you know no pressure, I just want to hang out I'm I'm you can even say hey, I'm pretty bored right now. And I can't think of anything more fun than working with people can I work with you for five minutes and think you through take you through an arm training program, which is a workout some arms or let's do some shoulder stability or whatever I saw you get up after a benchpress and you circle that shoulder a few times we take you through a shoulder stability workout. Alright, working the floor, warm leads people you already know or kind of No, working those warm leads. It's not cold. It's not people you've never met. But the problem is, if you don't meet people, then those leads won't be warm. So go out and meet people Introduce yourself. Just say Hey, what's up? y'all do it. Hey, what's up, man? My name is Rick. And I'm one of the trainers here. Look, I'm not trying to hit you up for training. I just said if I can help you with anything, you got questions for me. Holler me happy to help out. Pardon me, miss. Hi there. So you're doing a lot of cardio. I think it's great. I hope you're hitting your goals. My name is Rick, if there's anything I can help you with, whether it's goal setting, or maybe doing some resistance training, anything, just let me know I doesn't matter. Just talk to people, but don't talk to people as if you're trying to sell them on something. Talk to them as if you're trying to help them.

因为如果他们认为他们买它,没有人会买任何东西,因为这就是你想要的。他们会买东西,因为他们觉得这就是他们想要的东西。他们需要,这对他们有帮助。此外,您可以从社交媒体进行询问。当您在社交媒体上时,这是另一件事,如果他们想和您培训,请在社交媒体上询问人们,特别是在您开始发布事物的评论部分,并且人们正在评论您的锻炼或者这一点,或者那么跟进直接留言并说,嘿,你跟进了这个评论吗?听着,我做虚拟培训,如果有一些你想做的事情bob官方app,或者我有一个八周的计划,如果这是你想做的事情,那么随时可以自由。让我们来谈谈它。好的,所以来自社交媒体的询问。那么我们已经获得了我们的销售和营销,我们将在我的最终销售和营销中换三个幻灯片,是什么销售? All right, getting people to buy things that they want, because it's a service that you can provide. Right? So there's an introduction to the sales process that we've looked at. There's prospect and lead generation, building rapport forecasting, and asking for the sale, Introduction to the sales process, prospecting and lead generation, building rapport forecasting, and asking for the sale. Well, what about marketing then? marketing is getting that stuff out there like how do I do that? How do I build value and a brand? Do you ever hear people say Like a shark tank or something, and they come and they, they, they say this is what I have. And they say, well, you have a device, not a brand. And and for a long time, I was like, I don't even know what that means. The brand is the device. The brand is the story around the device. The brand is what color things are, what's the story about it, not just who it supports, but how it began and what it means and who is my demographic? And then there is a SWOT analysis to build a brand. What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? What are the four P's of marketing so we'll talk about those two things, SWOT analysis and the four P's of marketing, SWOT analysis and the four P's of marketing. I just want to say that one more time, for those of you who may be interested in the examination, SWOT analysis, and the four Ps of Marketing. There's also social media when it comes to marketing, and industry events and networking, their email campaigns. But let's move into the SWOT analysis. s strengths. What are some of your strengths? Well, you you're an SMC PT, certified personal trainer now, right are you about to be? So that is a strength? What are the weaknesses? I'm not confident and asking clients for money, which we talked about. Right? So strengths. I'm a certified fitness professional through National Academy of sports, medicine, weakness, I'm not confident asking clients for money. Well, that tends to lead into opportunities. What are some opportunities, I can take a workshop to learn more about sales and marketing for fitness professionals? There are a lot of things out there. So you find your weakness and how do you turn that weakness into an opportunity, an opportunity for your next steps? And then what are the threats, competitions from other health clubs and touring studios? in the immediate area? Some of you may consider other fitness professionals that work at the facility you work at as a threat? If you do, and I don't think that's a healthy way to look at it. But if you do, what are your opportunities? working more floor hours? being busy finding those complimentary introductory sessions and how do I work with those people and building your business by identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats? Then there are the four P's of marketing, the four P's of marketing, the first p product, the specific product or service offered to the customers, what are you offering? Personal Training? Right? So find out what it is you're marketing, but can you narrow that down? I like working with people that are right, and then you add in about to get married, working with overweight or and obese individuals where I like working with people that focus on cardio respiratory training, or max strength training. Alright, what do you what services do you offer, and then prioritize some of the things that you're focused on Pilates, all right, certified personal trainer with a focus on Pilates integration.

其他P的营销,所以让我只是通过产品,价格,地点和推广。如此价格,为产品或服务收取的金额,包括卷折扣意味着如果您购买包裹,您是否减少了少,他们在夏天的季节性定价很多人。所以你下降你的价格,然后在秋季和学校赛季开始捆绑包裹时抬起它们。所以如果你这样做,那么我能为你做什么,如果你买你知道一个12包,还扔了一些虚拟教练?价格,正确的地方渠道产品或服务将通过何处到达客户?我们将如何去获得那位客户?我们经历的机会是什么?哪个专栏我们将到达客户,然后促销促销的内容是什么,以及有关产品或服务的信息的沟通,以获得积极的客户响应的目标?我们如何推广我们不卖它,我们只是促进它,我们正在谈论它。我们让兴趣对对美国对对我们利基感兴趣的健康感兴趣的人感兴趣。 So as we do that, we promote what we're most connected to, then we're going to make contact with people that are most connected to that. Alright, we're wrapping this up right now continuing education. For those of you who are finishing up your NSM CPT here are the requirements. It's a total of two continuing education units or C E, CS c that would be credits continuing education unit see us every two years 1.9 c us from continuing education and then point one c e us from your CPR ad certification or recertification for each hour that those two CPUs, one contact hour of study is point one. So you need about 20 hours is what it turns into over the course of two years. What opportunities are there to get the CES trade shows their workshops, online CES, CS and specializations that you can do. For instance, some of the the trade shows that are out there, like the Optima conference is a great conference that NSM puts up there all sorts of workshops that you might have attached with some of the products that you buy through NSM. Online CEC, so you can do them online, many people are, they have to be affiliated with NSM. So make sure that they're affiliated with NSM. And they offer na SM see us. And there are many education that you can go through out there. And there are other specializations that you can do. And they can get you a lot of continuing education units. So like there's NSM, certified nutrition coaching, there's the corrective exercise specialist, performance enhancement specialist, many products that NASM has, if you go through that, that puts you into a specialization, and it renews your certification. There are college courses. So if you are taking college courses, you can apply some of those college courses or industry contributions. So sometimes writing things.



我希望您发现这一特别有利于帮助建立您的业务,建立您的品牌专业发展以及与客户的关系。My name is Rick Richey, if you got questions for me, you can hit me up on Instagram at Dr. dot Rick Richey or you can email me at Rick dot Richey ri ch e y at This has been the NASM CPT podcast."


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