
How to Lose Weight Fast: Top 10 Steps for Success

金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)
金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)

人们可能想迅速减肥的原因有很多,包括(但不限于):即将进行的手术,医生的建议,甚至是即将举行的活动或假期。作为一个私人教练and健康教练, I’ve been asked some variation of the following questions: “What can I do to boost my weight loss?” or “It seems like it’s taking forever to lose weight. What can I do to speed it up?”.

Losing weight often feels slow, and that can be frustrating! Is there anything that you can do to speed it up without sacrificing your health? Yes! Thankfully, there are healthy ways to help you boost weight loss without crash-dieting.


  1. Intermittent fasting
  2. 整洁的
  3. Getting rid of water weight
  4. 跟踪你吃的东西
  5. Exercising
  6. 吃大量蛋白质
  7. 增加摄入量
  8. Practicing mindful eating
  9. 减少糖和碳水化合物的摄入量
  10. 足够的睡眠


Intermittent fasting creates a calorie deficit without having to count calories. Here are a few of the most popular types of间歇性禁食

Alternate Day Fasting.顾名思义,您将每隔一天避免进食(或保持卡路里至<500卡路里)。在非狂热的日子里,您可以吃任何想要的东西。






Intentionally add movement to your day by increasing the amount of time you spend standing, walking, and fidgeting to add up to 2,000 kcals of expenditure per day (Villablanca, et. al. 2015).

整洁的for Weight Lossfor more info!

#3 Getting Rid of Water Weight

减少多余的水量可以帮助您在短短几天内减轻3-5磅。Check out this article for strategies


Food tracking does two things initially:

1. Builds awareness so you can instantly see where you can adjust your nutrition to see results.

2. Increases mindfulness. When you must write down everything you eat, you might think twice before grabbing that additional snack or treat!

You can track calories, body fat percentage, and BMI with NASM's free tools. Find them below:


目前如果你不锻炼,刚刚开始an exercise routine will help you increase the number of calories that you burn per day to help you lose weight. If you already exercise, you can adjust the intensity of your exercise or the number of days that you exercise/week (while still giving yourself at least one rest day). Here are the exercise recommendations for adults (USDHHS 2021):

• At least 150 minutes/week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity (or a combo of both).

• Resistance training at least 2 days per week.


Protein is satiating, helps you maintain lean muscle mass, and can help you maintain a healthy calorie intake. Adults should aim to consume 0.54 to 0.7 grams/pound of body weight for the average person, or 0.7 to 1.0 grams/pound for athletes or individuals looking to build muscle mass.

减肥多少蛋白to learn more.

#7 Increase water intake


推荐的女性每日摄入量为11.5杯/天,男性为15.5杯(IOM 2005)。

阅读更多:Hydration: Through the Lens of Fitness

#8 Practice mindful eating

Turn off distractions (like TV shows or social media), eat slowly, chew each bite thoroughly, and set the fork down between bites to give your brain enough time to recognize full signals during meals.

#9 Reduce sugar and refined carb intake

Packaged foods that don’t contain whole ingredients often contain excessive amounts of calories, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars. By sticking to whole-food items, you’ll reduce your overall calorie intake and boost your nutrient intake to aid weight loss.

#10 Get sufficient sleep


Should You Lose Weight Fast? Is it Healthy?

Healthy weight loss typically occurs at 1-2 pounds per week (maximum). Adults with a BMI of 25 kg/m2 or higher, or whose body fat percentage is in the obese category, are encouraged to begin a weight loss program by losing 5-10% of their initial body weight over a 3 to the 6-month period (ACSM 2014). In this case, it might be appropriate to lose weight at a faster rate since the individual will have more weight to lose.

Someone who does not fall into the obese category would likely have to use extreme, and potentially unhealthy, measures to lose more than 2 pounds per week. One example of unhealthy weight loss is if someone wants to lose weight for an upcoming event by not eating for a few days to meet their weight loss goal. This can lead to weight re-gain (likely with some additional pounds) once the person resumes their normal eating patterns.

Are There Foods to Help with Weight Loss?

While there isn’t one magical food item that will spark your weight loss, there are specific nutritional strategies that one can employ to aid weight loss. Here are some simple strategies:

低热量食品增加体积。Non-starchy vegetables can add volume to your plate without adding excess calories.

消耗大量蛋白质和适量的健康脂肪(like avocado, olives, nuts/seeds, olive oil, etc.) to help you feel fuller for longer.

Eat whole foods and minimize processed/fast food.不喜欢做饭吗?没问题!如今,您甚至可以找到由瘦蛋白,蔬菜,全谷物碳水化合物和健康脂肪等全食品制成的预包装餐。

也可以看看:Foods for Weight Loss


While there are certain types of exercise that burn more calories per minute than others, the absolute best type of exercise that you can do to lose weight is…the type of exercise that you’ll do consistently! Here are some simple strategies to ramp up activities that you already enjoy:

尝试间隔:Whether you enjoy walking or using cardio equipment, try changing up your speed every now and again to increase your heart rate and increase your calorie burn. Example: Walk fast for one minute, then return to your normal pace for 2 minutes.

小组练习:If you’ve been doing the same class for years, try switching to a different class (maybe even a more challenging one if you’re ready), or ask your instructor how you can challenge yourself more during your current class!

举重:Try circuit training。Pick 5-6 multi-joint exercises to do consecutively, with little to no rest between exercises. This can help you increase your calorie burn.



Research has shown time and time again that using crash dieting puts individuals at risk of diminished health and gaining back more weight than they lost. Just say no to crash dieting!

A Word on Cleanses






Institute of Medicine (2005). Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. https://doiorg/10.17226/10925.

US Department of Health and Human Services (2021). Physical activity guidelines for Americans. Retrieved from:https://health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/physical-activity-guidelines



金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)

金西·马哈菲(Kinsey Mahaffey)

金赛Mahaffey,英里,位于休斯顿的健身educator, personal trainer and health coach who developed her commitment to lifelong fitness while playing Division I volleyball. She’s passionate about helping others cultivate a healthy lifestyle and enjoys educating other fitness professionals who share this vision. She’s a Master Instructor and Master Trainer for NASM.