
Avocado Nutrition Facts & Benefits: 5 Reasons to Eat The Fruit!

Dr. Allison Brager
Dr. Allison Brager

Avocados are not just for Millennials. Avocados, much like coffee, are one of the most exported goods across Central America, and there's a reason for it.Avocados are a healthy source of fats and essential nutrients sufficient and necessary to perform at your best.



  1. 他们提供最佳的能量基材
  2. They are a good dose of healthy fats
  3. 他们有助于满足和减肥
  4. 他们正在为运动员增强表现
  5. 他们好吃






Most of us know there are several categories of fats. Some are healthy and promote optimal cardiovascular function such as monounsaturated and others such as saturated and trans-fat are unhealthy.

Avocados are indeed heart healthy. Anthropologic studies of cultures with the most centenarians (individuals who live past 100 years of age) around the world have unmasked that many of these sub-cultures have a diet rich in avocados. This is not to say that avocados will help anyone live well into their 90s, but avocados are indeed part of the pillars of optimal health due to their healthy dose of fats.

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#3 Avocados provide satiety

One of the auxiliary benefits of monounsaturated fats is that they contribute to overall biological signals of satiety. Avocados through their wealth of performance-enhancing calories that they provide catalyze a physiological cascade of satiety.

因此,鳄梨是一种最佳的夜间小吃for those who intermittently fast and/or are athletes. One reason is that avocados prevent a spike in blood glucose which can disrupt and prevent restorative nighttime sleep.



For athletes, avocados are an ideal source of energy particularly when individuals need to rely on a quick yet quality source of fuel for energy utilization during competition. Avocados are easy to digest and therefore serve as an ideal fuel source in the middle of training or competition when an athlete needs a quick dose of energy to sustain power, stamina, and overall performance.

If you are a运动营养教练bob官方体育下载, consider coaching clients on the benefits of avocado.

#5 Avocados are tasty

There is ultimately a pleasure principle with select types of foods that we eat. Avocados indeed stimulate the pleasure center of our brain. Avocados provide a healthy dose of fats and activate the "savory" (also known as umami) receptors in our brain linked to the release of dopamine: the neurochemical of pleasure.

Ultimately, a diet enriched in avocados is far healthier than a diet enriched in high (unhealthy) fats and sugars that activate the same pleasure receptors. Thus, utilize avocados as a means of reward replacement - also known as a hedonic substitution - over doughnuts & ice cream for overall health and wellness.

ways to integrate avocados into your everyday nutritional profile:

a.Add a few slices of avocado to your morning eggs。我在奖学金时期开始了这个。我知道有时候我很忙,以至于我在税收工作日的身体和认知上都没有时间吃饭。当我开始在早晨的鸡蛋中添加几片鳄梨片时,我发现健康的卡路里,脂肪和蛋白质的结合在整个工作日中都可以在身体和认知上维持我。

b。Splurge with avocado toast。Ever since avocado toast became popular, I've recognized a few things. First, I feel completely satiated by avocado toast. This is likely due to the optimal amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and subsequent physiological signals of satiety that avocados provide. Second, I lose a craving for sweets when I eat avocado toast.


C。Supplement your protein shake with an avocado。我认为,众多营养趋势是近年bob官方体育下载来对整体健康和表现最有益的。由于鳄梨在促进饱腹感的同时提供了健康和最佳燃料利用的立即来源,因此在您的早晨或下午的奶昔或碗中添加鳄梨,可以有助于限制一天中的整体卡路里摄入量。另外,鳄梨为这种富含绿色的奶昔提供了独特的风味,从而使整体健康的手段积累了每天的维生素和矿物质。

Avocados are not just a trend in pop culture, but a vital means to acquiring essential sources of fuel and sustenance for overall physiological function throughout the day.

The Author

Dr. Allison Brager

Dr. Allison Brager

Brager博士是行为遗传学,睡眠和生物节律研究的主题专家。她热衷于发现在极端环境中促进弹性的新因素。她还担任NCAA心理健康和睡眠工作组,为NCAA学生运动员心理健康手册的第一版做出了贡献。她是Meathead的作者:揭开运动大脑的作者,它揭露了“哑巴乔克”的神话,并为功能运动员提供了表演手册。在实验室之外,艾莉森(Allison)是两次参加CrossFit比赛(团队)运动员,两次获得CrossFit区域(个人)运动员,以及四年的NCAA NCAA I师I运动员田径运动员。Brager博士有SC.B.布朗大学心理学博士学位和博士学位肯特州立大学的生理学博士学位。