
Importance of a Fitness Routine for Emotional Wellbeing

Dana Bender
Dana Bender

个人致力于定期锻炼的原因有很多原因。进行常规的锻炼程序不仅是用于改善物理维度的工具wellnessbut also its emotional one. Often the choice to engage in a lifestyle that includes regular physical activity conforms to an individual’s personal goals and motivational factors.


这些压力源与工作ing from home, navigating busy or demanding schedules, balancing work and personal commitments, and even responding to what is happening in the world around them.

According to The American Institute of Stress, stress levels among Americans are twenty percentage points higher than the global stress average. Of the ones surveyed, fifty-five percent of Americans report being stressed during the day. According to this same organization, sixty-three percent of United States workers are ready to quit their job to avoid work-related stress.

Similarly, the American Psychological Association reports that rates of anxiety and depression were four times higher between April 2020 and August 2021 than they were in 2019 due to the global pandemic. Since the pandemic is still an ongoing factor in today’s daily life, individuals are still experiencing higher levels of anxiety and depression than they did before the pandemic.



有规律的运动可以显著证明help individuals manage higher levels of stress and anxiety enhancing their emotional well-being consequently. Having high levels of emotional wellness relates to an individual’s ability to be aware of and manage one’s feelings and related behaviors, cope effectively with stress and challenges in life and adaptively express emotions. When someone is thriving in the emotional dimension of wellness, they might feel positive and excited about aspects of their life.

They also recognize and accept feelings as they come up in daily situations. Individuals with a strong degree of emotional wellbeing are more comfortable making decisions utilizing this awareness of feelings and thoughts which allows for more positive decision making, better interpersonal relationships, and enhanced self-efficacy. Due to these reasons, there are significant mental health benefits from engaging in regular physical activity as it can impact various aspects of daily life including sleep, mindset, decision-making, and social relationships.

Fitness Between the Ears


建议resistance training is also incorporated into this routine。Adults should engage in musculoskeletal strengthening exercises of at least moderate intensity at least 2 times a week. Although these are general adult guidelines, there is a benefit to starting small as well and incorporating some degree of regular physical activity. If someone is currently not engaging in any exercise, starting even with one to two exercise sessions a week can make a profound impact on emotional wellbeing. To summarize, there is a mental health benefits from engaging in any amount of exercise.

Achieving the recommended quantity outlined above per week simply enhances this benefit. The most important factor is setting a regular fitness routine that fits one’s lifestyle and then being consistent with this routine.

What Fits to Stay Fit


Whether you choose to performHIIIT锻炼,注册在瑜伽工作室上课,或者每天早晨在外面走走,每个人都有与之相关的心理健康益处。从总体健康的角度来看,平衡的运动常规应包括心血管,肌肉骨骼和灵活性/流动性运动的结合。如果一个人还结合了瑜伽,普拉提,太极拳或气功等与思想体相关的运动形式,则可以获得其他心理健康益处。




While performing the exercise session, focus on enjoying how it feels to move the body in space. Pay attention to the positive feelings and sensations experienced both during and after an exercise session. Similarly, consider your exercise environment. One’s environment plays an important role in how an exercise session is experienced. Consider going outside to get fresh air, or exercise in nature or at a local park. Choosing to engage in calming or positive environments like these can only enhance the mental health and stress-reducing benefits of exercise.


接受运动的心理健康益处的另一个重要因素是随着时间的推移一致性。与运动一致的一种方法是找到您喜欢的常规和运动方式。选择参与您喜欢的运动格式,不仅可以帮助增强运动课程的心理健康益处,而且还可以帮助您保持与日常活动的一致。如果某人只是建立锻炼程序,请记住要开始小规模并设置可实现的锻炼数量,可以随着时间的流逝而实现和维持。使用SMART goal framework

Make the goal specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time specific. Research shows that goals set using this SMART goal framework led to more successful and effective outcomes. Once you establish the routine that works for you, utilize social support to sustain this consistency. Share your intentions with friends and family and lean on them as needed to stay connected to motivating factors and remind yourself of your commitment to your emotional health.




Dana Bender

Dana Bender

Dana Bender, MS, NBC-HWC, ACSM, E-RYT. Dana Bender works as a Wellness Strategy Manager with Vitality and has 15+ years experience in onsite fitness and wellness management. Dana is also a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, an Adjunct Professor with Rowan University, an E-RYT 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, AFAA Group Exercise Instructor, ACSM Exercise Physiologist, and ACE Personal Trainer. Learn more about Dana at www.danabenderwellness.com.