
Pre-Workout: What Does it Do & Do You Need It?

杰奎琳·卡明斯基(Jacqueline Kaminski)
杰奎琳·卡明斯基(Jacqueline Kaminski)



What does Pre-Workout Do?


If your goal is to lift more or build more muscle, a pre-workout supplement could most definitely help! Although, you need to ensure your pre-workout contains specific ingredients in the correct doses to truly obtain these benefits.


So, do you need a pre-workout? In short, the answer is no. You can obtain many of these ingredients naturally from foods. The caveat? To get the benefits of these ingredients, you need a high concentration to feel the true effects — something that may be difficult if choosing the "natural source" route. However, choosing single ingredients over a pre-workout is still an option if you need an extra boost!

pH buffers such as beta-alanine in doses of 3-6g will help increase the duration of high-intensity movements or heavy lifts. If your pre-workout only contains half the recommended dose, it may not be enough to allow you to push yourself just a little bit more. Similarly, creatine and amino acids can aid in muscle building. However, dosing is still a major factor in reaping this benefit.

有哪些关键因素寻找choo什么时候sing a pre-workout?


Look for the following ingredients (at the very least) when choosing a pre-workout:

  1. 咖啡因
  2. β-丙氨酸/碳酸氢钠
  3. 电解质
  4. 氨基综合体
  5. Creatine



That is why we often have increased energy, focus, and sometimes increased pain tolerance after caffeine ingestion. Caffeine also optimizes exercise metabolism and increases calcium availability in our muscles, which is what contributes to its ability to enhance exercise performance! Research has shown that doses of 3-6mg/kg body mass are optimal to enhance exercise performance, and doses greater than 9mg/kg lead to undesirable side effects (irritability, GI discomfort, insomnia, etc.) and have no increased benefit regarding performance.



Carnosine is a combination of the amino acids beta-alanine and L-histidine. It is extremely abundant in our muscles and is mainly responsible for buffering acidic environments. When we exercise at high intensities, our muscles accumulate H+ ions. Carnosine helps decrease or buffer this acidic build-up to allow our bodies to continue high-intensity exercise for greater durations.

然而,由于β-丙氨酸是限速氨基酸 - 已经表明,增加的β-丙氨酸储存也会增加骨骼肌中的carnosine储存。研究表明,使用4周后,剂量为4-6g/天可以使肌肉肉豆蔻浓度增加64%,在使用10周后80%。

A common side effect of increased beta-alanine ingestion is paranesthesia or tingling. Don't worry! This is completely normal and safe. So, if you're looking to truly get an extra "boost" of energy during your workout, beta-alanine is a must ingredient!


电解质是体内的矿物质,当溶解在水中时会产生电流,并负责维持液体平衡,平衡人体的pH值,在细胞中移动营养,将废物从细胞中推出,并维持我们所有神经和所有神经的正常功能肌肉 - 尤其是我们的心脏和大脑。

When we lose too many electrolytes through sweat, we can often experience headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and muscle cramping. Not ideal if we're in the middle of a workout! Choosing a pre-workout with a small concentration of electrolytes can help increase fluid availability in your body to keep you from fatiguing too early — especially if you sweat excessively.



#5 Creatine


Other ingredients to Look for in Pre-Workout


l-citrulline是L-精氨酸, which is an important substrate for Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS). Nitric oxide plays important role in improving blood flow and increasing mitochondrial respiration. There is growing interest in L-citrulline for its ability to increase vascular function during exercise.







Pre-Workout Recap





杰奎琳·卡明斯基(Jacqueline Kaminski)

杰奎琳·卡明斯基(Jacqueline Kaminski)

杰基·卡明斯基(Jackie Kaminski)是佛罗里达州立大学运动生理学和运动营养bob官方体育下载硕士学位的注册营养师/营养学家。她第一次与职业运动员合作的介绍是在2017年,当时她在内华达州拉斯维加斯的UFC表演学院工作。从那以后,杰基与各种专业战斗机和其他客户合作,现在在她的公司下工作,她于3月开始,Fight The Fight Buthritionist LLC。bob官方体育下载战斗营养学家致力于提bob官方体育下载供最有效的营养计划,以确保她的运动员表现最好。她的所有计划都对运动员进行了个性化,并得到了最新研究的支持,以确保完全安全和功效。杰基还是国际体育营养学会的成员,在那里她经常与Nova University的其他ISSN成员一起参加不同的研究项目和数据收集bob官方体育下载。当杰基不工作时,您可以在战斗俱乐部找到她,在那里她训练跆拳道和Muy泰语。作为一名运动营养师,杰基的目标是为运动员提供必要的燃料,使其在训练中表现出色,并提供适当的教育,以确保她的运动员从事最安全的健康实践(因为与战斗运动有关)。bob官方app