
It’s Always Sunny-Ish: A Deep Dive Into Toxic Positivity

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall
|Stay Updated with NASM!

当当然要充满挑战时,我们想以韧性和乐观的态度做出回应,但有时我们会感到不知所措,悲伤或痛苦。当事情变得艰难时,我们会努力前进时会发生什么,我们告诉自己我们应该能够“发光”?朋友中有任何伤害说:“看着光明的一面”或健康从业者that pushes clients to have an “abundance mindset”?

What is Toxic Positivity?

Toxic positivity is using the tools, tactics, and techniques of positivity to deny, reject, or mask the challenging parts of the human experience. This can be done to yourself, like through positive affirmations that feel ingenuine, or between people, like struggling with mental health and your friends telling you to “just be positive”.


Toxic Positivity Examples

It’s not uncommon for those working in the健康,健康或心理健康空间,要遇到或无意间产生有毒的积极性。当我们这样做时,它会给我们自己和他人造成一些重大问题:

• Invalidates the experiences, interpretation, or emotional reaction of the person struggling.

• Undermines autonomy, making that person feel less in control of themselves.

• Creates doubt in that person’s intuition and emotional interpretation.

• Teaches that person to suppress their emotional reactions, therefore, minimizing processing, learning, and healthy coping strategies.

• Ignores real problems, sometimes worsening them.

•这可能导致的感觉羞耻,内疚,和emotional manipulation.


通常,这些类型的练习都会像重复重复一样最终使它们成为真实,从而最大程度地减少了自我知识和成长的真实工作。Perhaps you’ve had a parent, elder, or mentor who you’ve gone to with a problem, and they’ve responded that “it’s not so bad”, “you should be grateful for all you have”, or “suck it up and you’ll be fine”. If you’ve felt minimized or not validated, that’s one of the hallmarks of toxic positivity.

Toxic Positivity also shows up in fitness and wellness. Prevalent examples that have become self-help clichés are sentiments like “if I can do it, so can you”, “think positive”, “no bad days”, and “failure is not an option.” Each of these subtly diminishes an individual’s process of struggling, learning, and growing.

They undermine exploring the nuances of our emotional experiences and the information we learn from our feelings as well as the unique needs of different people on their wellness journey.

On the business side of fitness and wellness, we may encounter toxic positivity through the “rise and grind” entrepreneurial mindset. Messaging that says you can retire early if you just put out the right kind of motivating content or create the perfect passive-income programming. This culture ignores the diverse needs and circumstances within the industry and the real challenges that come with being a solopreneur.



Avoiding toxic positivity starts with accepting that human beings sometimes suffer and struggle. We all experience loss, rejection, fear, and uncertainty. Sometimes life events will cause overwhelm, sadness, grief, and the full spectrum of human emotions. Instead of pushing away challenging emotions accept them, and allow yourself to feel, process, and integrate them. If someone is struggling to do so they can seek professional guidance and support, instead of rejecting these emotions or suppressing them with overly positive thinking.



为了避免有毒阳性健康coach, start by validating your client’s struggles and challenges. When they share that something is difficult or overwhelming reflect on their experience in a way that helps them explore their emotions, examine any associated beliefs, and guide them to recognize the reality of the circumstances, beliefs, or limitations they may be experiencing.




Alarcon, G. M., Bowling, N. A., & Khazon, S. (2013). Great expectations: A meta-analytic examination of optimism and hope. Personality and individual differences, 54(7), 821-827.

Ehrenreich, B. (2009). Bright-sided: How positive thinking is undermined America. Metropolitan Books.


Sokal, L., Eblie Trudel, L., & Babb, J. (2020). It’s okay to be okay too. Why calling out teachers’“toxic positivity” may backfire.

The Author

Darlene Marshall

Darlene Marshall

Darlene is a Holistic Wellness Coach who's been working in the fitness and wellness space since 2012. She's an expert at the intersection of fitness, wellness, and well-being. In 2021 Darlene was named America's Favorite Trainer in 2021 by BurnAlong and she hosts the Better Than Fine podcast on the NASM Podcasting Network. She's certified with NASM in Wellness Coaching and Personal Training and has a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She has additional certifications in Nutrition Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming, and 200hr YTT in Alignment Yoga and training in sleep coaching, motivational interviewing, meditation, and mindfulness. You can find her on Instagram