
主教练圆桌会议:所有关于肩膀 - 第一部分

bob apple

在这一集中,NASM大师教练Marty Miller和Wendy Batts审查了肩部综合体的解剖,以详细了解身体区域在整体人体运动中有多重要。
Marty Miller:
Wendy Batts:
Marty Miller:

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:
伟大的插头。我希望如此,对吧?通过解剖,我们会讲一遍,这样你们就能了解关节的复杂性。然而,我喜欢OP t模型,我喜欢蹲评估开销,现在在正确的与我们的新流动性评估你不必完全理解的解剖学细节,我们将进入它,因为我们有C这做这种类型的公式与OB t模型。再次强调,我们把这个带进来是为了让你们提高知识水平。但不要让它冻结了你每天都在做的事情,因为肩膀是他说的,它有些复杂。但是你有很多资源可以帮助你对运动障碍进行编程。但为什么我们就直接跳到这里来看看解剖结构,

Wendy Batts:
我想是的。正如的概述我们今天要讲的,我们将谈论我们刚才说,解剖的肩膀,我们将讨论一些骨骼和关节,我们会谈论一些肌腱和韧带和肌肉。我们还会讲到,集中的,肌肉的活动以及它对那些特定的关节的作用如果有补偿,你会注意到什么。当然,我们会讲到关节亚瑟运动学以及一些常见的运动损伤。是的。所以当我们讲到骨头的时候,我们只会讲到三种特定的骨头玛妮会讲到更多实际的关节,但是我们要讲的骨头是锁骨。这就是连接胸骨和肩膀的部分,通过关节软骨连接。然后我们会讲到肩胛骨。我们要讲的基本上是背部的扁平骨。不幸的是,我们经常看到这个翅膀,所以我们会讨论导致这个的原因,但它基本上是宽而平的骨头,位于胸壁上。 And, and then if we go to the next one, and we think about, you know, basically the humerus, so we're talking about the the main upper arm bone, if you will. So it's the long bone or the upper extremity. And that's what's going to form the glenohumeral joint. And so, you know, one thing, Marty, this is totally off topic, but you know, when you hit your elbow, yes, people you say, Oh, well, you know, I used to hit my funny bone, and I never got it. And I had been doing anatomy for a long time. I've been teaching this for a long time. And I think it was like five years ago, where people are like, you know what, I call that your funny bone? And I'm like, No, because it's your humerus. But I never put it together. Like I never thought about it. Because again, it's like, this is a humerus bone. This is like, you know, I'm always so like, cut and dry. This is what it is that I didn't really get it. So okay, well, that's a that is a horrible thing that I admitted.

Marty Miller:
Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:
是的。所以我会和我一样约会,我称之为eT脖子。所以,我再次回到80年代。所以你会看到你可以想象他可以,他可以。这是什么,就像我们刚老了,就是这样。所以你必须担心的四个主要关节。所以我们有三块骨头,当你刚刚经历过时,现在有四个关节。我相信这些非常熟悉你。所以再次,我们只是突​​出这些。所以你得到了Glenohumeral关节,这是当我们在扔棒球扔踢足球时看到他们的肩膀移动时,每个人都会看到的那个。 So this is formed where the humerus fits right into the glenoid cavity on the scapula. So it's that ball and socket, you heard things like it's a soccer ball and a plate or a golf ball on a tee. So with this massively mobile joint, you do give up stability, we'll talk about some of the things that try to create the stability there. We touched on the SI joint a little bit ago, we'll come back here, then we have the chromeo clavicular joint. So it's a synovial joint that's located on the outside or lateral end of the clavicle. And it articulates with the chromium that sits up here. And that's one of the joints when people fall that they separate is the AC joint, already talked about the SC joint where it's now where the clavicle and sternum meet. And it's the only bony connection of the scapula to the entire axial skeleton by the way of the clavicle. So you can see that there's a lot going on here. And then finally, I think the joint that's kind of most misunderstood when we look at shoulder issues is the scapula thoracic joint. So this is now it's not a true joint, but it's that articulation that is formed by the convex surface of the post your thoracic cage, and the concave surface of the anterior scapula. So as Wendy so eloquently said, the scapula is kind of floating on the rib cage. And there's not a lot of ligaments and things like that that connected. So there's going to be the 17 muscles that connect it between the rib cage and the scapula. And imagine if just one or two of those muscles are not firing properly, whether we have the forehead, whether we have the rounded shoulders, what happens to the position of the scapula, what happens to the length, tension relationships, then of the muscles, how we lose thoracic mobility, all of these things. So when you're dealing with shoulder biomechanics, let's definitely look at the scapula thoracic joint as well, it's plays a very important role. And a lot of our clientele would not think about that with shoulder work, because it's like way back there. And they don't understand how it really works. To help have a healthy shoulder.

Wendy Batts:
是的,非常,非常重要的领域。我告诉你,是的。所以当我们谈论胸椎时,你知道,我们谈论很多关于人们有肩膀问题的一件事,我们会说的第一件事是,不要忘记泡沫,因为你知道,它可以帮助你的肩膀前进。好吧,你也想想思考那个胸椎,如果你处于前进的圆形位置,请考虑在你的中间发生的事情发生了什么,它是一个漫长的,圆形的位置。那是某人的正常情况,你知道,正常的正常位置。所以你想喜欢的一件事就像提醒一样,我们想考虑颈椎和腰椎,他们不应该是移动的,但胸椎应该。所以我们有稳定的移动稳定。遗憾的是,我们注意到的是,因为我们的手机并不是那个领域,我们必须在颈椎和腰椎上获得更多的流动性。这就是当我们开始真正在内心内有一些问题时,你知道,内部肌肉或保护脊柱的小肌肉。 And so when we're talking about the thoracic spine and the shoulder, we're looking at the upper body, because we want it to have some high level of mobility. And as Marty said, when you're thinking about the ball and socket of the shoulder, it's very, very shallow. I mean, when you think about the hip, it's very deep. This is very shallow. So one small little muscle that's pulling it out of its actual capsule where it's supposed to lie can really inflict a lot of pain and dysfunction. And so when we're talking about optimal thoracic spine mobility, we're combining that with scapula and the scapula and the shoulder. So therefore we do get that what we call degrees of freedom meaning that we can move our arm in so many different areas in different ways to where we can't necessarily go up as high and everything with our pit because of the the depth of that ball and socket joint.

Marty Miller:


Wendy Batts:
我看现在的相机回到我如果我的胳膊在这里使用一个因为我有限的空间是一个锁骨这边我的身体是我的肩膀上,锁骨应该稍稍向上旋转。所以如果你看如果你把头向前,然后尝试移动你的手臂,然后保持你的头在后面的位置,移动你的手臂,你应该希望觉得锁骨在SC关节运动当你的头在更好的位置。但如果我把头向前伸,就会激活胸锁乳突肌,它就会锁住锁骨的那部分。所以当我把我的手臂磨碎的时候,它会。它会很尴尬,李或者被锁在一个不能完全旋转的位置。这就开始触发一些事情,然后想象一下在肌腱套发生了什么,想象一下所有这些事情都会发生。所以有时候很简单。我们都花了太多的时间把头朝前以至于我们忽视了软组织的工作或者我们忽视了运动的范围。我们进入了一些其他的大问题,但是我们想知道为什么我们仍然有一些挥之不去的问题。所以我花了很多时间在我的姿势上现在我花了很多时间来确保我做了胸锁乳突肌拉伸和其他一些颈部拉伸。正常情况下,我每天要多花六到八分钟来进行胸腔活动。 But it has made a tremendous difference in the issues that I was starting to show in my left shoulder.

Marty Miller:

Wendy Batts:
我们将在这里向前迈进,但你知道,即使是我的枕头,也是因为枕头可以让中间成为可能,因为我不希望我的头在那种类型的位置,我们总是可以回到脖子上。颈椎想要别人嘿,是的,前进。所以工作。胸部流动性。那是一个关键。是的。因此,当我们在这里看,胸椎,肩胛骨,现在这些都是肩胛骨的肌肉,这些肩胛骨不会过胶质环节。所以他们将包括你的Serratus前部,所以那就是用加密的肌肉或PEC轻微的,或斜坡或杠杆碎片升起或菱形。因此,这些集体五个肌肉都源于胸脊柱和纹虫,并在肩胛骨上插入并负责控制肩胛骨的运动。所以这些都是需要具有正确长度的张力关系的肌肉,也是正确的序列中发射的正确能力,或者不要像我们的PEC轻微和我们的脚套一样闪光,并重温你的肩胛骨,所以他们很善良 of playing tug of war, the serratus anterior and the rhomboids. So those are, you know, key muscles that you want to get the balance back to where it doesn't mean you can't train the pec minor or the trapezius. But we just need to make sure that there's the right sequencing of these muscles in the right proportion. So that way, there's not an over activity. I have yet to find someone that had rhomboids that were overactive walking in this, or the serratus anterior that's overactive. I'm not going to say never. But those middle three muscles tend to predominantly be the over dominant in this group of five.

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:

Wendy Batts:
是的。接下来我们要讲动态稳定。这是盂肱关节的主要韧带。所以当我们考虑这个问题时,我们要考虑的是运动系统本身在运动过程中控制最大限度地减少不必要的关节运动的能力。有些时候我们希望事情有所进展有些时候,我们绝对不希望。所以有我们太多依赖稳定剂,因为即使我们有原动力,我们想的肌肉要支持特定联合为了得到完整的可用范围的运动,我们试图做当我们锻炼。就是这样。这就是为什么我们花这么多时间在纠正练习中,以及在第一阶段我们关注更多的是确保稳定剂的稳定剂和原动力,玩好,我们没有一个肌肉的不同步是为了工作,你知道的,做别人的工作,如果你愿意。所以你知道,很重要的一点是,当我做按压胸肌的时候,想想你发生了什么,你肩膀前部的所有肌肉都要工作来做按压胸肌。然而,如果你没有真正地考虑到这一点,你,你我们正试图意识到某人的肩膀是圆的,我让他做了胸部按压,但我没有做正确的伸展,或试图让我的肩膀更好地对齐,或实际上没有帮助变得更强壮。 And my pecs, if anything, I'm causing more impingement issues, and an area that is shown to be in an in an area that's not seated correctly. So it's not firing the way that it's supposed to. And so when we go back, and we really look at all this, we're really trying to think that we're only as strong as we are stable. And I've said that so many different times. And so the static stabilizers, you know, includes the structures, you know, such as your late ROM, you'll hear people talk about that, and the glenohumeral joint capsule itself. And when you're thinking about these two areas, that's going to consist of two major ligaments. And so it's the middle and inferior glenohumeral ligaments itself. And as you can see on the chart, I know it's hard to visualize. So Marty actually pulled this picture, and I think it's actually a great one, you just see how everything has to play nicely together. And if you have your ball and socket and your humerus, and it's not seated, or meaning it's not sitting in that capsule correctly, you don't have the right amount of space for all the muscles that make up your rotator cuff, as well as everything else that's playing around it. Because something is shifting your humeral head into a different position that can cause impingement, when you tried to get that degrees of freedom, you know, that you should have. But because of that impingement or because it's you've got over activity and specific muscles, it's going to lead to serious injuries that could lead to tears that Marty was just talking about. So it's a postural thing.
Marty Miller:
是的,很好。你的稳定剂,有一件事我认为我们希望你们拿走希望的希望有多个是我们可能会在下一个人涵盖更多这一点。所以有我的无耻插头在第二部分是非常有选择的你选择的练习,我们在谈论肩膀,但有这么多常见的肩膀运动,看到人们正在迫使内部旋转,他们正在肩部抬起,他们让他们的头脑前进。而且我无法帮助它,作为一个运动训练师,你知道,人们,有人学习生物力学的人,我看,这就像,我听到他们的关节尖叫着帮助。我的意思是,你只是你真的强迫他们对他们没有大量血液供应的结构。一旦你在骨头上揉搓10骨头,在糟糕的事情之间会发生肌腱会发生。所以你知道,这就是当你看到我们在我们的书中选择的练习时,这是一个非常独特的目的。因此,非常小心练习你挑选形式和技术,了解更多的肩膀的生物力学,希望能帮助你理解好,这就是为什么这些练习与这些练习相比较高的风险。惊人的。所以。 Are you know me, I'm passionate about shoulders?

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:
所以我们与每个身体部位谈到这一点的关键词,但我们更集中在这里肩膀,我们谈到了你是如何得到的,你知道,不同的关节不同的骨头,还有很多,保持肩胛骨到位,对吗?所以我们真的需要那些17个肌肉,附着真正做他们的工作。当我们看看做工作时,他们可以在合适的力量的正确时间射击吗?在音乐会上与其他一切?这不是其中一个人的强烈,它是他们搬家吗?好吧,我一直认为这就像一个音乐会,那里可能有100或200,高技能的专业人才。如果他们都按顺序完成工作,它只是流畅。但如果你拿出其中一个音乐家,我知道,很难相信我不是一个合格的音乐家。我不在乎,你拿出100之一,我会后我的丑陋的头在某些时候,如果我允许演奏乐器,其他99个无法弥补我。他们得到他们会努力工作。 But at some point, you're gonna be like, something's off tonight. And so something's horribly wrong. And it was 1% change, right? So we look at for this is why Wendy and I are such sticklers for biomechanics, because it all it takes is one little thing. And then bad things can happen. So when we look at force coupled relationships, it's are the muscles in the right position, posture Really? And are they firing sequentially, at the right time, with the other muscles that are supposed to guide that motion. And when you do that, we have better joint Arthur committed maddix we have all kinds of other beneficial things happen. But when we have altered force, couple relationships, other muscles kick in their length, tension, relationships change. And then we know that there's altered joint arthro kinematics. So this is why we are absolutely sticklers and when you look at how the shoulder moves, and when we'll cover this in the next slide, there is a proper sequencing of how much motion you should get in comparison to the humerus to the scapula. And that is so critical to ensure that you're getting that if you want your client to progress with some really cool fitness progressions.

Wendy Batts:
是的。我们经常看到我的意思是,我总是指出的那个是翅膀,我知道我早些时候提到过。但是你知道,如果你在俯卧撑位置,你的意思是什么,你注意到你的肩胛骨即将到来,所以你可以靠着肩胛骨,肩胛上的肩胛骨。而且你知道,遗憾的是,正如我们所讨论的那样,你必须思考你的肩胛骨没有躺在肋骨上,发生了严重的功能障碍,因为显然,一切都保持平静的一切不起作用它应该的方式,它导致弹出。通常,正如Marty所说,那是一个受损的Serratus前部。当我们下周谈论推高加上的时候,我们越过一些程序设计概念,你们会看到这一点的重要性。但我们希望一切都在一起比赛。所以你需要完美的和谐,正如你所说的,使用你的管弦乐队的例子。所以但是想到这一点,如果你的PEC轻微的紧绷,并且思考单词插入物,那么它将限制直接内部的有效性向上旋转,并在早期掀起肩胛骨后倾斜。 So that's what I was just talking about, which I guess I should have just waited to this slide. And so this is going to alter your link tension relationship with the rotator cuff, and your traps and your rhomboids, which is going to decrease their ability to stabilize that actual glenohumeral joint that we've been talking about. And one thing that's out of alignment guys will affect you know, this one muscle that's not firing correctly can affect the entire kinetic chain. And so that's why we, when we do all of our assessments, we look at the feet and work our way up. Because it may be something that's happening at the foot and ankle that can be causing that dysfunction that's going on in the shoulder. But because everything has been like a domino effect, it's led to that, and that's where the pain is. And so that's why we try to look at everything as one complete unit. However, this is a big one. And this is one that you often can see. And it's it's a pretty easy fix, as long as you spend time, you know, working on the muscles that are overactive and really trying to get those underactive muscles to fire correctly, as well as always working on your posture to know that grammar is important. And posture, posture posture, right?
Marty Miller:
是的,是的。谁知道呢?他们总是比我们更清楚,对吧?是的,是的。这里有一些统计数据。再说一遍,很多内容,如果不是全部的话,都是从DSM的内容中提取出来的。这就是我们所做的我们走出去,做研究,我们带来最好的信息。所以你可以看到胸椎和肩膀运动的改变,自我报告的肩膀疼痛患病率估计在16到26%之间。这是2005年的数据。你知道,我只是观察别人你知道,我经常旅行。 I see people in airports, and I see people they just look like they're stuck in in pain when they have that. You know, thoracic hypo says the forward head, you see the shoulder elevation, that can't feel good, it just can't and then I start to think about what's going on if they had to lift something above their head or, you know, and then you start to look kind of inside the joints and watch what would be happening. And eventually they end up with some type of shoulder pain. And now that could make them not want to move even more. So then we have other issues with their health. But again, these are, you know, we can get ahead of this. And it's something that's correctable as long as a person is not in chronic pain and being treated for an injury is just again, working back, going back to our corrective exercise, going back to our postural techniques, back into stabilization, after you do their assessment, and just getting people to get back and kind of I call it like a posture reset, to get them as part of their programming just to understand what their best posture can be.

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:
是的。我的意思是,这些只是一些主要推动者家伙。所以当你在考虑时,你知道,这些不同的,你知道,肌肉做,以及如何影响肩部运动的关键肌肉。像Marty说,他只是把这种直接拉出了这本书。所以这些是当你在做的时候想到的好事,你知道,当你试图工作你的侧倾来时,你必须思考abda,或者,你知道,绑架。因此,如果您尝试专门工作肌肉,请查看此图表,它会帮助您,因为了解Prime Movers和您正在处理的内容是非常重要的,以便执行适当的运动模式。所以你不仅仅是过度活跃的肌肉,而不是一个不良肌肉。

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:
Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:
是的,如果我刚刚从这一点拿出一些头发是我个人的信仰制度。我在专业的棒球工作,我知道你什么时候用很多运动员扔球。所以绝对,我已经看到了我的旋转袖口问题的公平份额。记住,他们是小耐力肌肉。所以它很高的重复,缓慢控制的节奏,工作,暂停,工作中心,但每天我做上半身,我不在乎我在做什么阶段,它可以是一个动力锻炼,它可以bob官方app是一个力量耐力锻炼可能是最大的力量,我仍然瞄准姿势肌肉在姿势肌肉中,因为我的具体矫正运动热身,那就是我,这就是我的方式。但是,如果我要开始举重重量或做爆炸性的东西,那么我难以理解,现在,我不需要让那些小肌肉射击并准备好了。而且我现在看到了很多人,它已经被诱惑到了一个在健身房中的旋转器袖口,而且它是可怕的。因为他们没有完成纠正的四步过程,他们没有做泡沫滚动,他们还没有做过延长,他们不了解正确的生物力学,突然间,他们正在做额外的旋转,而且它也可能是胸转旋转,或者斜线延伸,我很欣赏努力,因为他们不是他们不知道我们所知道的。 But it's got to be executed with precision just to get those most of the fire within a range of motion that I have. You know, so I, it's awesome that I see more people trying to do it, but it's really probably one of the things that is I guess I could use the word butcher frequently with people that are novices not knowing what we know, with what they're going to try to do with some type of rotator cuff exercises.

Wendy Batts:

Marty Miller:

Wendy Batts:
当然。你知道,评估总是将成为你的关键。而且很棒的是,如果这似乎压倒了,你们正在听我们,就像我没有想到他们所说的话,我知道锁骨是什么,我知道肱骨是什么,你知道当他有一些疯狂的肘部时,你知道,有很多东西需要考虑。这四个主要关节这些是四个主要关节,你也想保留的家伙,你知道,在最佳的情况下,你知道定位,以便更好地执行肌肉,并确保安全,如果你愿意。因此,评估总是将成为关键,如果你已经前进了,肩膀向上,你会标记它,但是看看那个解决方案表NSM已经为你提供了,总是将成为你的去,特别是当您与某些解剖学的新建时,您知道,始终处理错误的运动模式。我们要说这一点,可能每周都会延长,你知道,做一些自我肌肉技术以及带着过度活跃的肌肉的延伸,然后提供某种激活肌肉不足。同样,可以在该解决方案表上找到。总是考虑回归,如果你开始看到某人,当你知道的时候,你知道,试图确定,你知道,究竟是后迪怀疑的例子。如果您注意到有很多赔偿,那么它不适合或确切的练习将使某人受益。 So you're going to always want to regress it, you know, think about the model. Think of its purpose. Phase One, ideally is working on the stabilizers, working on proper movement patterns and faulty movement patterns, trying to correct those. But you know, just to prepare you guys for part two, I think it's important to also think about scapula thoracic rhythm as Marty said, he, you know, that is really, really important. And if you want to have, you know, shoulders that are going to stay healthy, he got to have good rhythm. Everybody needs good rhythm, right? Yeah. So, so that is that is my key takeaway. Because if you can get yourself more custom and understand truly how everything works together, then you're going to this stuff will become second nature, without having to know specifically origin, insertion, and even really activation or, you know, function.

Marty Miller:

Wendy Batts:
是的,真棒。一如既往,如果你们想联系我们,你可以在wendy dot bats@nasm.org找到我,或者你可以在Wendy Dot Bats 13上找到我的Instagram。

Marty Miller:
然后你会在NDSM DOT O RG的Marty Miller下面看到我的信息,然后我的Instagram是Marty Miller七二。所以温迪一如既往的工作,我期待下周的第二部分。是的,希望看到你们那里。



