
NASM-CPT播客:运动技术与培训教学 - 第二部分bob官方app

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瑞克里奇是一个nasm-cpt.CES.PES, 和主教练。



大家好,欢迎来到NASM CPT播客。bob足球彩票我叫里克·里奇。今天我们继续关注CPT 7的测试领域,我们在领域5。我们之前的播客是第一部分,我们介绍了锻炼技巧。但我们也讲了一些锻炼技巧。我们讲了柔韧性训练的概念,我们讲了心肺训练的概念,我们讲bob官方app了综合训练,第13章1415节。今天,这是第二部分,注意,5204%的考试都来自这个特定的领域。所以它比任何其他单独的领域,一种锻炼技巧,都更重要,今天我们要集中在石油和锻炼的概念上。所以今天我们将更多地关注其他领域。我们会谈到核心训练,我们会谈到平衡训练,我们会谈到增强式训练和bob官方app作文训练或者速度,敏捷,快速训练,我们也会谈到阻力训练的概念。 And that will close out our topics for today. So that's talking about what we're going to talk about. So now let's actually talk about it. Let's get into a core talking about core, we've got several different things about the core that we want to focus on, we want to focus on core stability, core endurance, and core strength, and the individual's ability to maintain a given position, adequately stabilizing the spine with the extremities moving that's good, since our core stabilization, core endurance the ability to control the motion of the spine over a given and longer period of time. And then core strength, the ability to control motion through the spine. So let's look at some of the musculature and talk about muscles of the spine there are some what we refer to as a local muscles and global muscles. Now, local muscles we think of primarily as stabilizers and global muscles primarily as mobilizers. So some of the local muscles would be muscles like the rotator ease, the multifidus muscle, the transverse abdominus, or the weight belt, the internal weight belt, the diaphragm, the diaphragm, speak from your diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, so the muscles that close off the exits, and then the quadratus lumborum, which is a stabilizing muscle, a local muscle in the core, we can move on into the global muscles global muscles like the rectus abdominus, the ABS that we commonly think of that's rectus abdominus, external abdominal obliques, internal abdominal obliques, the erector spinae, and the latissimus dorsi. Our global muscles of the spine also included in that are the iliacus. And the so as sometimes they smoosh them together and they call it the ilio.




好吧,让我们移动它。让我们进入几个概念。腹部绘画和腹部支撑。所以在机动和支撑上有一个绘画,我在VS支撑上做了一集。一段时间后,你可以看起来在剧集上,我还为纠正练习教科书写了一篇重要的部分。因此,如果你搬进去,并从中拍摄了纠正运动,我希望你能做的,我认为这是CPT后的巨大进展,纠正运动专家,在我投入的绘画和腹部地支撑有一个很好的写作在那里,但让我们作为简要介绍它。绘画在绘图中是当你吸入你的腹部按钮时,你将在肚脐下方的地区拉到脊柱,朝着脊柱吮吸,并将颈椎保持在中立的位置,以实际上所有的脊椎都试图保持中性位置,保持中性脊柱,核心训练期间脊柱的正常曲线有助于您提高姿势有助于提高肌肉平衡,提高稳定。bob官方app如此吮吸肚脐以创造稳定。 At the core. Again, this is done through the activation of what we refer to as the body's internal weight belt. And there's a lot of information about it. There is a lot of scientific study that's gone on about it. And drawing in is great for stabilizing the spine. But so is abdominal bracing. abdominal bracing is contracting the global abdominals. And making it tight just or making the muscle tight. And try not to move. If somebody pushes you push, you're trying not to move, you're bracing your core making all the muscles around your abs tight. I used to give this as an example, I used to be like pretend like somebody got punched in the stomach and you make your muscles and your abs really tight. And then I realized not everybody grew up maybe with siblings like me, and they had no idea what to do if somebody were to punch them in the stomach. So I stopped using that when in general and now I only use it to say I don't use it, which is weird. So tightening the core of the abdominals like the rectus abdominus, the obliques making all of these muscles an isometric contraction, just like you would do with your biceps you do with the muscles of your core that is abdominal bracing. So what are the benefits of both of those stabilizing the core. So drawing in and abdominal bracing, both supportive in that process, and it's not pick and choose one or the other, it's progressive started focusing generally with the drawing in because that helps with some of the smaller local muscles, and then adding in the the bracing, which focuses more on the global muscles being tight. Alright, core training progressions, you can start with stabilization. So stabilizing the spine with no movement of your trunk, you do things like floor marching and floor bridges. And then you can move on to dynamic e centric and concentric movements of the spine through a full range of motion like floor crunches, or you can do back extensions, and then move into dynamically stabilizing and generating force at explosive speeds. So now you're doing a medicine ball, rotational chest pass or a medicine ball soccer throw, you're using your abdominal muscles, but you're using it to help produce speed. So that's a progression, stabilization of the core, no movement of the spine, and then working through concentrate e centric movements of the spine, and then working through those movements at explosive speeds.


你就像嘿,停止移动。我试图拿起点在地板上的焦点,对不对?因为它允许我们我们的愿景,以支持我们的平衡。前庭焦点,前庭焦点。所以,你知道,从侧面把你的头一边挑战你的前庭重点展望未来,同时转动躯干,左,右可以挑战你的平衡的前庭机制。再有就是体感的感觉,这是你的实际的机械感受器在你的身体。如此具有挑战性平衡表面。所以,你可以从一个稳定的表面移动到不稳定的表面。这挑战你的平衡机制,可能会对与裸脚的鞋子。而改变平衡的机制。 But all three of these intersect, and they work together, and a three point Venn diagram to help you focus on balance.

那么平衡训练的理由是什么?bob官方app一个是性能,右,从而提高你的更好的性能,并且更好的性能可能从卧室走到浴室到客厅到厨房。因此,日常生活活动,预防伤害,平衡,它支持我们防止受伤的能力,并有助于在单个腿上创造一些动态稳定,然后还帮助我们支持康复过程。我以前讲过这个故事。但是我爸爸一次,他开始失去平衡,他正在垃圾出来。他们有这些整典提供的垃圾桶在滚筒上。然后我们有一个小山,或者他有一个小山丘,我没有在20多年生活过。但他把垃圾罐头出去了,他把它放在街边。然后他转过身去山上。他说他说,瑞克,我的平衡已经变得如此糟糕,我不觉得在没有垃圾桶的情况下散步下山。 So he took the garbage can. And he walked back down the hill with the garbage can just to feel comfortable that he can make it back down that hill. All right, no, that is a challenge. A lot of times we don't focus or we don't work on our balance until we lose our balance. And sometimes when we lose our balance, we don't work on it. Because we think oh, well, we've already lost it. So there's no reason trying to gain it back. I say, start working it now and start focusing on it. Now it can help support performance, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and longevity.


会有扰动或扰动吗?有人拿着你的手吗?你要去演露丝吗?有人会在你抓着管子的时候摇晃它吗?下半身的进展是什么,我会给你介绍一些在一个稳定的环境下做两腿运动可能是你的开始。如果那太有挑战性,坐着,对,你可能需要成为山姆,可能会看到坐着可能是最安全,最不稳定的环境对一些人来说。但先在一个稳定的表面上站立两腿,然后在一个稳定的表面上练习单腿。然后你可以在不稳定的表面用两条腿行走。就像某种软软的垫子,一个伸展的垫子,一个充满空气的圆盘,两条腿不稳定,然后是单腿不稳定,你能承受额外的挑战或扰动,那些对平衡的干扰吗你能保持平衡和良好的对齐吗。所以这不仅仅是关于我是否摔倒了,而是关于你是否能够在单腿站立时保持良好的位置。 So let's address the five kinetic chain checkpoints and that good position that we're talking about one first the feet should be pointed straight ahead to the knees should be in line with a second and third toe. Three hips should be level and in a neutral position for shoulders in a neutral position. Five head should also be in a neutral position.

致力于稳定,专注于保持一致。而平衡。很好。好了,这是平衡的一个很好的概述让我们进入增强式或反应式训练第18章概述。bob官方app什么是增强式训练?bob官方app增强式训练是关于增加力bob官方app量产生的速度。这就是所谓的拉伸缩短周期。NSM有一种他们称之为综合表现范式的东西,就像伸展缩短周期,但表达了过程稳定和神经肌肉稳定的价值。拉伸缩短周期。举个例子,当我们跳的时候,我们下降得很快,不一定很深,但这是一个快速而短暂的下降,就在我们跳回去之前。 So I drop and then I jump, that is a stretch shortening cycle. So what we do is that we, when we drop into the squat, we stretch muscles really quickly. Well, what happens when we stretch muscles quickly? Well, our reflexive response is to tighten those muscles. Well, if I get a reflex of muscle tightening, and then I use conscious jump to also tighten those muscles, we can get higher. But the integrated performance paradigm says Yes, that is true, it is the stretch shortening cycle. But if you have poor core stabilization, or neuromuscular stabilization, balance, it's controlling your body upon landing or dropping. If you have poor control there, then you're not going to be able to reduce force or produce force very well. So that is a central. Those are some central themes. For plyometric training, there are three phases of the plyometric exercise. There's the E centric phase, the amateur isation phase and the concentrate phase. The East centric phase is the stored elastic energy. That's the one we dropped down into that squat and the muscle stretch and we store elastic energy. If there's muscle spindle stimulation, we've stretched the muscle spindle, the muscle spindles get stretched quickly and it goes oh, I'm going to contract the muscle and the stretch of the agonist muscle. So now those muscles are stretched, the muscle spindle is stimulated, we've stored elastic energy. And the reason why we have to jump immediately after we drop down is because if we drop down and then we hold 2345 and then try to jump, you're not going to get nearly as high. Why because that stored elastic energy dissipates, you no longer have stored elastic energy, that energy is dissipated as heat, it was not immediately used, we want to convert that stored elastic energy into kinetic energy. So we want to focus on the ad motorisation phase, the amateur is ation phases, the time between the E centric and the con centric phases, the time between the drop and the jump. So the E centric phase where storing that elastic energy muscle spindle activation, agonist, muscle stretch, and then minimizing the amortization phase, the time between that drop down into the squat and the concentric jump. What is the concentric phase, the concentrate phase is the jumping phase. It's the elastic energy being released. It enhances force production. It is the shortening of the agonist muscles, forcing us into that jump e centric amortization. And con centric e centric is the dropping down into the squat. concentric is the jumping up out of that squat jump. The amortization phase is the phase that we spend in between those two, the higher the jump, usually the shorter the amortization phase. Very good. Let's go into chapter 19. Overview speed, agility and quickness training as a cue, speed the ability of the body


那是什么敏捷?敏捷是在保持姿势控制的同时启动,停止和改变方向的能力。它从加速到减速,你可以快速开始,停止和改变方向,即敏捷性,什么是速度?Quick度是能够在最大力的生产中反应和改变身体位置。Quickness涉及评估不同类型的刺激。这是对环境中视觉,听觉和动力学线索的回应。所以我总是考虑拳击手是他们特别优秀的防守战士,那个买了他们的人扔了一拳,当有人抛出一拳,真正善良的拳击手可以移动他们的头,避免拳打,但是扔掉的人扔了冲头不能改变他们的冲头的方向。因此,Quickness允许一个非常好的拳击手,具有非常好的头部运动来最小化它们被击中。这是快速的,即,这是非常了解视觉听觉动力学线索和环境以及对那些在最大力的身体位置变化的人的反应的能力。 Alright, Chapter 20. So the last one we focused on today, this is going to be resistance training concepts. And we're going to focus our attention right now on the principle of adaptation, which is a function of the general adaptation syndrome. And the principle of specificity, sometimes referred to as the said principle specific adaptations to impose demands. But first, let's talk about general adaptation syndrome. It's the method in which the body responds and adapts to stress. There are three stages and the general adaptation syndrome or a gas model. First is the alarm reaction, the alarm reaction might be something like the first time somebody exercises and their body is set.

如此疼痛,这是一个警报反应。但通常情况下,发生了什么是,下次锻炼同样的运动量相同的数量,下次他们这样做,一旦他们痊愈,而且没有太长,因为他们持续遇到它,抵抗力发展。因此,他们的报警反应,第一阶段,下一阶段是抗性的,到开始抵抗警报反应,他们开始对运动更舒服。然后,最后一个是移动到疲惫的点。所以三次,用肌肉耗尽,一般适应综合征是在其报警反应中获得这三个不同的组件,耐受抗性发展和疲惫。然后,上述原则的特定适应施加要求,这意味着您的身体将特别适应您强加的要求。因此,有趣的是,我们拥有OP T模型,它非常清楚地为我们正在寻找的改编,因为OP T模型的每个级别和每个阶段都告诉您,如果您这样做,则为您是你将获得稳定培训的适应,以这种方式,这种方式,这种方式,这种方式的力量训练。bob官方app所以你被给予变量来训练,产生那些结果。因此,在上述原则下的特异性类型中,有三件事有金属,机械,神经肌肉和代谢。 Mechanical would be the weight and movement placed on the body. So that's mechanical specificity. neuromuscular specificity is the speed of the contraction and the exercise selection. And then the last one, metabolic is the energy demand placed on the body. All of those have a specificity to them, that will focus more on any of those individual outcomes. And we can then go into it, we can focus on stabilization, the body's ability to provide optimal dynamic joint support and to maintain correct posture during movement.








但是它有很多内容,如果你在准备第七次CPT,它会对你很有帮助。所以我希望你们觉得这对那些已经获得认证的人来说很有价值。我也希望你觉得它很有价值。我希望你听了之后会想,哦,是的,我今天应该考虑一下我的客户。我应该和我的客户集中精力。说到这里,非常感谢。如果你有问题想问我请联系Instagram上的Dr. Rick Richey给我发信息或者发邮件给我。太感谢了。这是Zasm CPT播客。



