
Intuitive Eating Explained: 10 Principles for Building a Better Relationship With Food




This concept is an important perspective to consider when beginning or continuing your nutrition journey.If you are coaching clients,理解概念a must.

世界卫生大会t is Intuitive Eating?

The term was first coined in 1995 and its purpose was to help health officials teach individuals struggling with weight management, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating patterns a way to build a better relationship with food.

The fundamental principle behind intuitive eating is that the body knows exactly how much food it needs daily to properly nourish itself and maintain an appropriate weight. However, because of certain societal cues we learn growing up (i.e., clearing your plate to have dessert) we become numb to these intrinsic signals.

Therefore, intuitive eating is the practice of listening or becoming re-aware of our intrinsic hunger cues. With intuitive eating, no restrictions are placed on the amount or type of food one can consume — unless dictated by certain medical conditions or allergies. The philosophy behind no restrictions comes from the belief the body will naturally crave a variety of nutrients.

The Difference Between Intuitive and Non-Intuitive Eating


  • Intuitive eating is not a fad diet (or any kind of diet)
  • 直观的饮食不是减肥或体重管理的一种手段。这根本无关。
  • Intuitive eating is not anti-health, anti-nutrition, anti-exercise, etc.
  • 直观的饮食虽然涵盖了正念饮食的一部分,但不仅是正念的饮食。
  • 直观的饮食并不总是适合所有人。实际上,如果您患有饮食失调症,饮食失调或节食悠久的历史,则很容易将直观的饮食和操纵为某种东西。*

Diets just do not work. Dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch realization of just that inspired them to research what did and write the bookIntuitive Eating,随着第一版于1995年出版。从那时起,他们发布了两个较新版本和一个以同名的工作簿。

So how does one begin to practice intuitive eating? By following these 10 principles, you can start your journey on building a better relationship with food.

The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

  1. Reject the diet mentality
  2. 尊重你的饥饿
  3. Make peace with food
  4. Challenge the 'food police'
  5. 感觉你的饱满
  6. 发现满意因素
  7. Cope with your emotions
  8. 尊重你的身体
  9. Exercise
  10. 尊重你的健康


饮食意味着一些短期或有限。世界卫生大会t is one to do after the diet is over? Research has repeatedly demonstrated that individuals on any extreme weight loss program do not maintain the weight loss for significant periods.


#2 Honor your hunger


#3 Make peace with food




#5 Feel your fullness



This principle is all about being in the moment and creating an inviting, enjoyable environment when eating. By increasing mindfulness, it can help increase satisfaction and satiation.


Learn how to eat for your physical well-being and not an emotional one. The focus of this principle is to learn how to deal with emotions and not use food as a coping mechanism. Very often individuals turn to food to cope with stress and/or anxiety. Most of these food choices are often concentrated in fats and sugars which can stimulate releases in dopamine, the "pleasure" hormone.

#8 Respect your body

Respecting your body is all about acceptance of your genetic blueprint. Learn to appreciate your features and size without coming up with unrealistic goals. For example, an individual that is 5'5" can't diet or train to become 6'0". Accept your body and learn to work with it, not against it.

#9 Exercise





Well according to the research, many studies have shown intuitive eating is positively associated with healthier eating behaviors, various psychological health indicators, and can aid in some weight loss. However, one study claimed intuitive eating does not promote increases in physical activity or is a successful tool in aiding in significant weight loss. It had more success in maintaining weight over a long period.


To reduce body weight, more energy must be expended compared to the energy consumed. Therefore, purposeful calorie restriction to lose weight would be more beneficial than following the intuitive eating paradigm.


Therefore, it was concluded in this review that intuitive eating had no effects on markers of health status when it came to food choices. This review, however, was conducted in a small college-aged population and may not serve as a useful study to compare to larger populations.

When we look at current diet culture, there is an extensive amount of misinformation and diet fads that only promise short-term success. They do not provide long-term and sustainable tips to tackle the true issues of body image dissatisfaction and poor relationships with food. In that sense, intuitive eating is a great tool to heal the psychological aspects of "diet culture".


Overall, intuitive eating seems to foster positive changes in body image satisfaction and promote healthier relationships with food. While intuitive eating practices may not be the most viable solution for weight loss, it does seem to be an important tool in creating long-term success in any weight loss journey. Research has shown that intuitive eating is correlated with lower BMI's, more positive attitudes towards food, and better health outcomes since intuitive eating targets behavior and psychological change.



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Jackie Kaminski is a registered dietitian/ nutritionist with a Master's degree in Exercise Physiology & Sports Nutrition from Florida State University. Her first introduction to working with professional athletes was back in 2017 when she worked at the UFC performance institute in Las Vegas, Nevada. Since then, Jackie has worked with various professional fighters and other clientele and now operates under her company she started back in March, The Fight Nutritionist LLC. The Fight Nutritionist is dedicated to providing the most effective nutrition plans to ensure her athletes are performance at their absolute best. All of her plans are individualized to the athlete and are backed by the latest research to ensure complete safety and efficacy. Jackie is also a member of the international society of sports nutrition, where she often participates in different research projects and data collection with other ISSN members from Nova University. When Jackie isn’t working, you can find her at Combat Club where she trains kickboxing and Muy Thai. As a sports dietitian, Jackie’s aim is to provide her athletes with the necessary fuel to excel in training and provide the proper education to ensure her athletes are engaging in the safest health practices (as they relate to combat sports).