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大家好。欢迎来到随机适合的另一集。我是Wendy Batts,我和我的朋友和同事,Ken Miller先生,你今天好吗?






我想站起来,我想大喊大叫,我想我想成为那样的家长。但你知道,规定说你不能。但你知道,我脑海中浮现的是,这是我的儿子和女儿现在需要从我这里听到的吗?你知道,据你所知,我怎么才能最好地支持他们而不让他们的父亲知道呢?你明白吗?你知道吗,我一直这么说?我不敢相信,他们还没说过。但是你知道,你可以看到他们在看台上看着你。但我不想成为那样的人。我的意思是,这就是我们今天在这里要谈论的是,你知道,我们如何,你知道,为我们的孩子做最好的事情,支持他们,并看到他们从体育中得到他们需要的东西。 And again, from that Grant Hill interview made me It made me think and reflect a lot and which is why I'm really glad we're talking about that today. Yes. And I know one big one that he kept saying is I have to be mindful. And I'm like, Oh, you know that mindful work keeps coming back to haunt me because I'm like, yeah, suppose he had mindful, mindful, yeah, I got a hop, skip and a jump from being meditative, so.

在我去练习之前,我需要和自己成为一个人,但是你知道,当你看看研究时,你知道,你知道,所以当我看到所有信息时,我真的很震惊朝向父母执导的教练,这是针对甚至甚至是甚至是历史悠久的兄弟姐妹,这些兄弟姐妹发挥了特定的运动,你知道,弟弟或妹妹正在玩同样的运动。他们对它非常竞争,我发现它令人着迷。因为当你想到这一点时,它会完全感觉。然而,这是写的,你正在读它,有时你需要一个人能够向你指出,父母和教练们正在推动太难,它会真正消灭孩子的动力。然后你必须考虑它,如果这是授予的话也是说的,也是我倾向于这样做的东西,嘿,你想去外面,你知道,击中了TEE吗?或者我可以为你或嘿,哥们做一个柔软的投掷,你想像跑​​基地一样,你知道,而且我正在推动他的练习。他不要求你想去自己做。当你正在阅读并浏览一些内容时,这是烧坏的一种方式。然后当他们被烧毁时,他们一遍又一遍地做同样的事情,然后他们不想玩。 So then they lose the love of the game that they would have probably liked, if you would have just backed off and let them be. Yeah. And that was really, I mean, I needed to read that. Because like I said, I think this was more for me, like you said, Maybe this is a podcast just for me, that I need to listen to you back, you know, over and over again. But I was like, you know what I need to back off. And it's hard. You know, and I'll say that, I mean, it winds up being, it takes a village, right takes a village to raise a child, and part of that village winds up being sport and activity in your community. And, you know, I was lucky enough, you know, with, with my son and daughter, they have the same swim coach. But what really comes front of mind right now is, you know, since we just finished baseball season, my son he, you know, he finished his, you know, play t ball. And then he's, he's doing his his first year of farm ball. But you know, the thing about that really stuck, it stuck out my mind is that he would, he would have an hour and a half practice, which holding an eight year old attention for an hour and a half. It takes a very special team of coaches, right. But you know, when all is said and done, what does he want to do? He wants to play catch, right? He wants to play catch, whether with his teammate, or when we're walking away, hey, we got it, we got to go have dinner now. It's like, Well, can we play catch first? And then he'll, you know, the bargaining starts, right? How about How about 20? throws? Well, how about 10?
好吧,我们坐10号。但他还是想打球,他还是想和我一起接球。所以我觉得部分原因是,他只是想和爸爸在一起。但另一方面,你知道,他有很好的教练,他们给他正确的指导。他们让它变得有趣。他们让它互动,他们进行棒球训练,但你要让它持续8年。是的,对运动的热爱,尽量避免精疲力竭,因为这是一种享受。它是关于玩耍的。我希望这是我真正开始打棒球的第一年,你知道,作为一个跳板,在以后的岁月里,我不仅仅是一个棒球运动员,伟大的运动。但只要积极行动,找到正确的教练,就能帮助你。 And then me as a parent, you know, being supportive of that. And like, like you're mentioning Yeah. Oh, come on, Keith, let's go out early. And, you know, work on some grounders? Yeah, that's not fun. So I got to really meet him where he needs to be met, when it comes to his involvement or his interest in the sport. And, yeah, I want him to do a lot of different things on to swim, I wanted to play water polo wanted to play baseball and play basketball on the golf and all that stuff. But if that's me, kind of transferring to him, because I know that I want to do everything. Right. Right. So the bigger one is, making sure they're interested.
是的。我想你们知道,这是一件我为自己感到自豪的事,当我读到这篇文章时,我试图揭露我的儿子,我儿子的五岁。你知道,很明显,非常非常年轻。但我想让他们接触很多不同的东西。所以你知道,我让他参加各种各样的运动,因为我想让他真正找到他所热爱的东西。当我读到这些的时候,我很高兴。但你知道,有一件事是当你有一个孩子在多个运动,他们会做得更好以后当你选择,你知道,他们的专业运动,如果他们要选择一个运动,因为他们学习不同的旋转方式,不同的速度,你知道,手眼协调,你知道,能够判断某些球的深度,或者,你知道,以特定的方式跳跃,做不同的练习。所以,你知道,我想,好吧,那很好,但当你读得更深,这也是情感上的,这对你的孩子在情感上更好,因为他们会遇到不同的人。不同的刺激,他们接触到不同的东西。 So it's fun, the variation and variety of what they're doing every single day. And then Ken with what you and I do we know that repetitive movements can lead to injuries with they're constantly just playing the same thing over and over again for multiple years. Yes, they may get better at their craft, however, they're burnout, they're injured, they're sore, and they didn't really get exposed to something that maybe they might have liked better. So when you're looking at like when you're looking at research you're looking at when is the the ideal time for a kid to choose like what you know, to be in that one specialty sport. They're saying late puberty to early adolescence, you know, so like when you're thinking or I'm sorry, late adolescence, so you're thinking about that is around 15 to 16 years old. Yeah. And then at that point, they're going to really choose a sport that's best for them and where they find their fun.

当他们建立自己的,你知道,他们的团队和他们的爱情真正的游戏,然后就可以,因为他们已经接触过其他体育项目只是好玩尽自己其他的东西,你知道吗?对?确切地。而你正在收听的是温迪·巴茨我肯·米勒在这里随机拟合。该议题也对游戏有爱,只要是的,你知道,不是一个爱出风头的父母尽我们所能来支持,你知道的,我们的,我们的孩子或孩子在一般情况下,当涉及到他们的活动他们,他们可能会参与,因为他们去,因为他们成长的生活。而且,你知道,你不知道你带了很多好点的存在。至于是在运动和活动多样,很多很多的信息在那里的,只要你知道,推广,你知道,在不同的活动不同的背景。由于整体你想,你知道,这是,你知道,那种延长关闭你在说什么,你要创建一个创建你想你想的人成长为一名优秀的运动员,对了,他们可以做了很多不同的东西,有很多不同的方式与早期专业化。 And one of the things is, of course, from from, from an academic standpoint, I'll just kind of branch out there. Yes, your grades grades statistically, are higher in kids that do two or more sports, right? So if you're somebody that, you know, like me, tell him like a, you have to get good grades. You know, it's about discipline and studying and being able to learn and learn different ways. But for my, for my children to do multiple sports. And again, we're not going like two, three sports a day, right? We'll just toggle between a couple activities, you know, through the week. But, you know, my hope is that as they grow up, and as they participate in different activities, this will reflect not just in them physically, but also from a scholastic standpoint, I mean, if we're going off of that research that, you know, two, three sport athletes do better in school than single sport athletes. So as we're talking about, you know, the brains developing and, and you're learning different sporting, as you mentioned, you know, you're different sports, different activities, different movement patterns, the way I like to look at it is in and something that I've read also is like you're learning different strategies. So your brain has to process information in different ways. So if you're, for example, if you're playing baseball, one of the how I wake up my son, I go, I say, Hey, buddy, in he you know, he's still sleeping in his bed heads on his pillow and his eyes are closed, but he knows kind of awake and kind of listening. I say, okay, you're the shortstop, the batter hits a grounder between first and second. What do you do? Right? So I'll kind of Get him. Get him thinking that way. And of course, then his eyes are closed, because I cover second. Right? So you know, now he starts now he starts. And that's a very simple way of saying it right? Depends. Is there a set? Is there a batter? Is there a runner on second and third? Okay, right. So now he starts thinking in different ways. And of course, now, if you have somebody who's playing soccer at the same time now, how you manipulate the ball, where the ball supposed to go, or even waterpolo, things like that. And then that just for me is one of the more important things just getting their brains, especially when they're young, and the developing, getting those synapses to fire when it comes to learning sport and strategy on top of the physical stuff. Well, yeah, and you know, when we're talking about, you know, the single sports, one, one statistic that I pulled out, that was so alarming.
所以好像你们不知道,我的过去是,当我第一次开始这个行业时,我有机会与专业的棒球运动员一起工作,主要是托米约翰手术的棒球投手,这基本上是一个重建主人辅助韧带,所以基本上,你的UCL所以他们只是告诉我,约翰,​​那就是我认为这是他们如何获得这个名字的外科医生。因此,当您正在考虑与专业棒球投手的肘部重建时,这是有道理的,因为思考他们的努力,他们有多么努力,他们必须操纵他们的手,他们的手臂和只是强调肩膀到竞技场,肘部扔,你知道,每小时90多程,在整个游戏中多次。而且你知道,现在当你在那个年轻人看着年轻人的时候,而是了解这一点的教练,实际上有一个球数,你知道,马克斯,就像你不会超过这个数量的球被扔,你知道,在练习或游戏中或某种东西中,因为他们意识到他们的寿命或他们的长寿或肘部的长寿将明显更高,你知道,重复的业务。好吧,当我在美国看待一些东西时,迄今为止约有60%的汤米约翰手术,通常来自平均15至19岁的患者。是的。就像,好吧,它在职业棒球上有意义,但是你们必须了解当你经历这样的东西时,他们通常会拿来自你的阿基里斯肌腱的肌腱。所以基本上在你的脚踝中,或者他们可以带你知道,或者他们必须从其他地方拉出它。 Usually this right here, which you know, is the tendon. And if you put your thumb and your finger, your pinky together, you'll see this tendon pop out though either they'll cut it from there, too. That's usually the one they go to first, but not everyone has that. And then they'll take it and wrap it around, basically, and make a new tenant for their elbow. So it's definitely stronger once they get through that. But think about what happened mentally.
但是,但是,当你也在考虑这个问题的时候,我的意思是,当你开始强迫你的孩子超过一定的限度的时候,你就是那种希望他们的父母。我的意思是,每个人都希望他们的孩子成为优秀的人。这很重要,每个人都希望他们能出类拔萃。那么怎样才能在某方面做得更好呢?你练习吗?对吧?熟能生巧?所以,但是,别别做我。别那么强势,我得退一步了。所以我就当我在看所有的注意事项时。我的意思是,你知道的,这是这是压倒性的。 It's like, Oh, wow. Yeah. And you know, and it's funny, because it's not funny haha. But,
你知道,当我,你知道,我去芝加哥时不时地帮助我的朋友,马克。他在芝加哥郊外有一所棒球学院。你知道,我出去做评估。你知道,他是和小孩子一起工作的。专门做投手,你知道的,就像,就像你的经验所说的。但不幸的是,在15到19岁的年龄段,他会说,嘿,我需要你看看这个孩子,你能和他谈谈吗?你能吗?你能给这个孩子做个评估吗?你有个孩子,我是说,这是个八年级的年轻人,他的手肘伸不起来,因为他,你知道,也许他是少年棒球联盟中最好的投手。而且,你知道,你猜怎么着,如果你年轻,你是最好的孩子的时候,你知道,相比下降之间的一号和二号,你真的想再次获胜,嗯,猜猜是谁,你知道,猜你会骑哪一匹马,游戏。如果比赛之类的东西,所以,你知道,不幸的是,这是我的经验,看到,你知道,这些过度损伤的一个例子,你有一个孩子现在有汤米,约翰,也许康复顺利,正确的,因为,你知道,你知道,我都知道康复是一样重要, as having a good diagnosis, and having a good outcome with the surgery, right, rehab is gonna make or break whether or not someone gets to where they need to be. And, you know, you know, young kid who, you know, say, you know, it's like, I'm sorry, there's, there's not much I can do for you at this point in time, you know, you need to go to a physical therapist, or you need to see somebody else for this. And if we can do more to avoid those situations where the younger there are, they're doing more and more and more, and get them to be diverse and do other things. So if this kid was playing, let's say just cootie brought up water polo, or even playing soccer, just to give them some off time, you know, and that's, that's the other thing, early specialization is one issue, but having year round options for sport to where they they're doing one sport, and now even longer, winds up being a health issue in the in the long term, just because you're accelerating that overuse. situation, you know, putting somebody in at higher risk for, you know, these these overuse patterns?
嗯,我想,嗯,你知道,如果你们只是加入我们,我们正在谈论的爱情游戏,真的是不要咄咄逼人的父母,你知道,,,有时我们需要做现实检查自己,因为我们把很多压力和压力,你知道,我们的孩子,或者,你知道,即使我们是教练,他们不是我们的孩子,就个人而言,我们想赢,每个人都想赢,因为如果你不是第一个,你就是最后一个这是里奇·鲍比直接引用的话。所以,你知道,这是对的。我肯定会一直引用你的话。但是,你知道的,这很有趣。我是肯·米勒的温蒂·巴茨。所以,你们知道,我们现在还没弄清楚这一点。但是,你知道,但你知道,当我们看它,和我们要想一想,你知道,我们可以谈论的伤害,我们可以谈论倦怠,但当你看着自己作为一个家长,你知道的一件事,你要考虑的是如果你经常追捕你的孩子,你对他们的评判方式很挑剔,你在拿他们和其他队友做比较。再一次,我们讨论的是像t球和小联盟,和我们讨论的,你知道,只是,在初中甚至高中,你知道,我们给我们的孩子不现实的压力,孩子真的是不公平的,这让他们不喜欢它。 So later on, what kind of experience did they have they had you rounding them? I mean, I've seen parents, and this is this was not me to say, you know, but I've seen parents literally to out their children for missing a grounder or missing, you know, like a, you know, there's a goalie, and you know, they missed, they missed the ball. So, you know, the other team scored, and the dad just went, like, went nuts on their kid, like, how could you miss that? And you know, it's like, well, then they feel like pond scum, and you want them to play better for the second half after they just got scolded in front of their other teammates, and coaches and stuff like that. So I know that that's a big thing now to his coaches are actually having, you know, talks with the parents away from their children, like, let me coach and if you want to be the coach, then don't have your kid be a part of my team. And I think that is phenomenal. And, you know, that's how it's gonna have to be. And I, yeah, remember that?

我是说,有几次,我是说,就像我说的,我们说的是八岁的孩子和我儿子的球队,有几次,你知道的,父母,你知道的,你知道的,我不得不保持沉默。因为,你知道,我听教练说,告诉孩子们,听我说,对吧?别听外场发生了什么,听我说。同样的情况,你提到过,孩子,滚地球先生,这个孩子,你知道,在外场,接住了球,对的,或者说拿到了球。他不知道是投第二个球是投手还是空间,因为他他爸爸在外场告诉他投第二个球,教练,对吧?为什么不把球扔给投手来结束这场比赛呢?所以当跑步者跑的时候,他抓住了球,因为他从他爸爸那里听到了一件事。还有一件事来自他的教练。如果你让这个孩子自己决定,他可能会做出正确的决定,但因为,你知道,他脑子里有另一个声音有点分散了他们的注意力。你猜发生了什么? Right? Not not that much different than what you just said, from the standpoint that, you know, the, I saw that the parent, the dad, take him aside and not yell at them. But now he was scolded for something that he didn't do. But I can use his paralysis analysis. He knew the play, he knew who to listen to, but he was distracted. And he got he got, you know, you know, just talked to about it later on. So this kid, you know, I don't know, if we're gonna see him next year, just for other things that we saw. And unfortunately, you know, it's just sad, sad, sad thing, you know, because, you know, kids pretty good, loves the sport, but doesn't want to disappoint anybody. So, you know, that's what you got? Yeah, I think it's important to, you know, for, for parents to realize that, you know, our role is to be you know, is to positively shape our child, and help them with any kind of experiences. And if they come to us, and they want our help, or if they're asking for outside coaches, I know, you know, and I hear this often, like, how do you train, you know, you know, do you train your husband? Or do you train your kid not going and my kids only five? And my answer to that is no, neither one of them are going to listen to me. Neither one of them even listen to grant sometimes having someone on the outside come in, and, and actually Grant Hill, we're talking about that, but you know, coming out and, and, and having someone teach them, you know, to be better at something because it is, you know, if you notice that your child has a ton of compensations. Or you noticed that they're not executing like a really good pitch, and they could lead to injury, you know, you can be a parent that notices that and then be supportive of trying to find a solution. And I think that's one thing is we're supposed to be able to positively shape what excites them. Because, you know, you've seen back in the day, this might show my age, but back in the day, there was a Gatorade commercial, where it was like, I want to be like Mike, you know, and everyone, Jordan, and it was like, there was like this little song that went about it. And the thing is, is you're teaching a child to dream. You want them to have their own people that they look up to, you know, their own role models. And you know, for me, I had certain ones growing up, I still love to this day. And then as I've grown in different sports, I have those people that are my favorite and it's it's because they were good at their craft, but it was also because the time they put into it and then what they're doing outside of that as well. And so you just want to think about your child be very well rounded, be very supportive, be honest, help them when they need help, but then also to just guide them and understand that if you can get them in multiple multiple schools.


很多人不知道,他们知道他们从篮球中认识迈克尔·乔丹。但是记住,我们记得当他休息的时候,他去打棒球了。正确的。还有什么是迈克尔·乔丹以他的娱乐高尔夫而闻名的呢?正确的。所以你有一个对不同的事情有不同兴趣的人。我想现在把这个告诉NASCAR,对吧?他在纳斯卡赛车里。我不知道你们知不知道。但他不是开车的那个人。 Right? Now he's paying for the guy to get

完全跑题了。对不起。哦,是的。这就是播客的意义所在。正确的。但我想说的是,当涉及到一些伟大的运动员时,你知道,你的两个运动员,你知道,你有博·杰克逊。对吧?还有提姆·蒂博。棒球运动员,对吧橄榄球运动员,对吧?所以很多这些人正在招募从学院角度来看,更多的交谈很多这些人被招募,你知道,教练,你知道,如果他们被招募为足球,例如,你知道,教练现在已知的,尤其是,你知道,层顶部,足球教练, they'll go to schools and what they want to when they want to talk to the football coach, they don't just ask, you know, because they've seen the tape, they know what their capabilities are. But they'll also go talk to the baseball coach, right, and they'll go talk to the soccer coach. So this highly recruited athlete, you know, is being sought after by these big schools. A lot of times, the coach doesn't just talk to that football coach, they'll talk to the other sport coaches as well, you know, looking at, you know, you know, how is he as a, as a player, you know, soccer player, baseball player, how's he with the team? How's he in the locker room as far as his, his ability to, to work with, and, you know, build camaraderie with the team? So, being diverse in other sports? Also, you know, you can look at, okay, well, how well do you get along with your other teammates, and again, that's just a social thing. You know, it's it, because life is more than just sport, right? It's about how we interact with each other. And if you have a player that, you know, can be good at a sport, and be good for the team, you know, that that's also something that, you know, it's another feather in their cap as far as what it does to create a well rounded. Young person growing up, you know, having sport as part of their life. I think, you know, I mean, sports, it's, it's so much more than just a sport. I mean, you're, they're learning life skills, they're learning how to share, you know, like, my kid played soccer, and he loved the ball, he thought he was the best, and he thought he was the fastest. So he never wanted to kick the ball to anyone else, because it was all about him. And I remember when I played soccer growing up, I, when I was very young, I would want the ball. And if I didn't get it, I kick the player to get the ball and then make the score. That is not ideal, but that you know, but it was a it was learning. For me, it was it was something that, you know, I had to understand, I had teammates, and so it teaches you, you know how to be disciplined, it teaches you how to share, it teaches you life skills, of being able to manage, like you said, Your, your balance, so work, many schoolwork, as well as your sport as well as your family life. So I mean, these are things that can carry over.
现在你从那里带来了很多好点,你知道,当你知道,当你知道的时候,我知道,我知道我的孩子,你知道,非常年轻,但整个关于管理他们的时间,他们的时间表正在准备,你知道,因为,你知道,当它有点温暖时,你知道,如果我忘了把水瓶放在我的孩子,你知道,背包,猜猜谁必须回去和谁要回去获得一些水从我不会让他知道,对整个练习口渴。但这也是那些完全正确的东西之一,嘿,我们最后一次忘记了你的水瓶,我们现在需要确保在你的背包里,所以让他们对他们的东西负责?另一场我们玩的游戏是更好的事情,你知道,我们的时间检查是什么?如果我们三点钟必须在那里?什么时候?我们需要离开房子吗?你知道在哪?你的东西在哪里?他们是否需要在哪里? Did you get it set up the night before? So over time, like you saying, Wendy, it's just you got to be patient. And, you know, there's the way we think as adults, but kids, I mean, it's a great opportunity for kids to, to learn self responsibility for the activities that they're doing. Not just, you know, getting ready for their activity. But also, yeah, did you get your homework done? Hey, you got a busy day on Tuesday, what can we do on Monday or over the weekend, to kind of lay in the load from where for when we are, you know, out and about, we're at the park or we have two practices back to back. So those are the opportunities I'm seeking out and yeah, it's like, I can't you figure this out already. You know, it's you're racking for them too, because they're the one that's gonna suffer, you know, from not being prepared, but also, they're gonna suffer the wrath. Right?

你为什么一起得到那个?好吧,我认为这也很重要,你不知道这么多运动,他们都忙着,他们没有机会成为一个孩子。所以它有点像,你必须找到那个快乐的媒介。所以,你知道,我和家人一起认识,再次,这就是我个人,我有,你知道,我的孩子拿游泳课。每周一次,我们每周只做一次,但是,我们仍然去游泳池,我们仍然练习,我们仍然这样做,为了好玩,但我们仍然在他学习的一些东西上,因为显然,我需要他游泳。因此,只需出于安全原因,就是,你知道,我在他们正在做网球的营地里有他们,他们正在游泳,他们正在做艺术。所以它被称为抚摸营。所以他们,你知道,这是一个半天的时间,或者他们正在做不同的事情。而且,你知道,这是专门的笔画。 And then, you know, and then he's in T ball, he does that twice a week, and then he loves to go golf. And so like, last night, we went, we went to Top Golf, and he we just whack the balls, you know, and so, you know, but we're you know, we're trying to make things fun, we're doing a lot of family things together. Because again, you know, we only have one, so we're holding on to every moment because you know, as an elder, either he's never gonna be that small again. And so, um, you know, I think sometimes as a parent, we hold on too tight. We dream big. And we have big expectations for kids, because we want to be supportive and provide them with every opportunity. But sometimes it's also this is basically a podcast of all I want to say as a reminder for myself, anyone listening, you know, sometimes we have to let go and let them be kids, let them have fun and also to their be their biggest cheerleader. Be mindful. That's that's my takeaway. Be mindful. Right? And don't yell at your kids. Like, don't Don't be that parent. Unless they hurt someone or they do something that's not right, then yes, I mean, obviously, that's the time and place, if they have a crappy at bat, or they miss a goal. You know, they already feel bad enough, so they feel horrible. And then now they're getting yelled at, and then you want them to go and play play well, for the rest of the game. It just sometimes. It's a reality check. Like that really doesn't make sense. Right? Yeah. And those are, those are some great takeaways. And two things I asked my, my kids before, before they participate in any company, you know, practices one thing, and competition is another. But whether it's practice or competition, one of the things that I add are two things. I asked them one, you know, did you have fun? Right after that when I was in? Did you have fun? And then the second thing I'll ask is, did you learn something? Right, so fun being first, right? I'm gonna only ask that question for so long, right? Like, do you have fun? You know, you have four years of me asking this question, right? Did you have fun, you know, Did you enjoy it? Did you have fun where you know, were you in the moment Were you able to kind of stop and smell the roses and kind of realize where you are, who you're with and the enjoyment that is there to be had when it comes to playing sport? And did you learn something you know, I do want them to kind of take away learn the sport, get the skill, whether it's something related to the sport or something that they picked up from another teammate, which is kind of surprises me sometimes, when what they learned was not about baseball or swimming, but it was something that they got from another kid. That's like, Oh, that's, that's a great lesson, right? So, add to where I am today. And that's where again, holding on, let them enjoy. Let them be kids is the number one, number one thing and just remember that, hey, I'm just a parent, I'm here to support you. I'm not here to make you the next greatest athlete, you know, you're not going to be, you know, Joe Montana. I'm kidding. I'm gonna get hate mail. I'm not gonna be that parent.




