客户保留高度依赖客户忠诚度,而客户忠诚度又与成员的整体高度相关emotional rating as a “net promoter,” or advocate of the studio. When clients become net promoters, it reflects the emotional attachment they have made with the people, programs and services of the studio (e.g., memorable experiences).


在几乎每种情况下,那些收到的客户都有最高评分这些区域的客户(例如,五分尺度上的五个或10分)是那些收到的客户great member service, and have fond memories of their studio experience.

超出了客户忠诚度的问题the simple, but universal truths that clients share in various health/fitness industry studies when they’re asked about those moments of truth (e.g., interactions between the client and the studio) that have the greatest influence on their perception of value, and ultimately on whether they become loyal clients and advocates. In nearly every instance, a number of universal truths inherent to the “membership” experience are detailed, with the primary focuses on staff friendliness, knowledge, and availability.

Other important components include feeling valued by management and staff, feeling cared for, responsiveness of management, socially inviting ambiance, establishing relationships with other clients as well as staff, and finally, having pride in their involvement as a client and/or member of the studio.


Create a theme and then develop the proper stage, props, and script to bring it to life.

Walt Disney understood this concept better than anyone. Over the past several decades, Disney has honed the experience model by establishing a distinct and unique theme for each of its parks, and then making sure each has the right stage (facilities), right props (rides and people), and script (the experiences it wants to generate and how each staff person fills a role).


Not surprisingly, Disney and Vegas both profit considerably from the repeat business they generate.Identify an experience that will be unique.

It does not have to be elaborate; it just has to be different (in a positive way). Just as important, it has to be deliverable. Your differentiation should be obvious to prospects and clients.

How you differentiate the experience is up to you, but examples of how you can do this include the look of your facility, the types of programs you offer or the approach you take in caring for the client and/or member. The cycling experience at Soul Cycle is so unique that it attracts a passionate client base prepared to spend on the experience. CrossFit affiliates, no matter what you may think of their program, offer a unique experience that attracts fanatical and loyal clients.

Once a theme is selected, determine what facilities and props you willneed.



A script refers to the policies, programs, standards and services a studio offers. These elements must support the theme. For example, standards can serve as the framework for how your brand’s theme is delivered across each touch point of the client’s experience.您的程序应创建和交付,以便它们与您的品牌主题无缝保持一致.

Make sure the team can deliver on the theme.


This ingredient also necessitates that the studio provides the proper education and training for its staff so that everyone can successfully deliver on the studios brand promise and theme. The Disney Institute, for example, hires cast members and then provides the appropriate education and training so that the cast members can deliver on the Disney script.

Does your studio have traditions?

If not, get started. One of the defining elements of any great culture is its traditions. Traditions serve as “glue” that seals people to the culture. Exceptional companies understand that long-held traditions are important contributors to outstanding customer loyalty.

A few of the actions a studio could consider in starting its own traditions include:

  1. Identify one or two events or activities that would have the greatest value to your local community, as well as the members of your studio. Determine what the members find appealing and then develop a program or event around it.
  2. Once you have identified the right event or activity, make it permanent. Traditions tend to be based on several factors, such as consistency over time, predictability (think cultural traditions, such as Halloween or Valentine’s Day), and predictability concerning what can be expected. At O2 Max Fitness they have created an event called MAX Event Ready which assists young adults get physically prepared for that one special event (e.g., prom, wedding).
  3. Make sure the tradition has perceived value and provides positive memories. These are the memories that lead to the desire to repeat the experience. All factors considered, a studio’s traditions need to create the opportunity for clients to generate such favorable memories.

Remember, at the end of the day and in this very competitive environment which is the fitness studio and gym space, it’s essential to establish a unique and differentiated theme for your studio and将您的工作室与背包分开.
